Applications ordered newest to oldest.
S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent to amend Condition 4(d) relating to development sequence
S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent to amend the Design Excellence Strategy
Section 4.55(2) modification of the concept approval as follows:
Add an additional eighth storey to building A fronting Foundary Street and Stovemaker Lane, an additional fourth storey fronting Ashmore Street and increase the overall maximum building heights and street wall heights accordingly.
Increase the height of building D (located between Copper Smith Lane and Metters Street) by 2.9 metres.
Section 4.55 (1A) modification application seeking to amend lift overruns to Buildings B and C by 130mm.
Section 96(2) modification of Stage 1 consent to amend the approved building envelopes to accommodate the buildings proposed in separate concurrent Stage 2 application D/2017/681. Insertion of new condition 4A to facilitate staging of future construction certificates, rewording to conditions 6, 26, 32, 34, 35, 42, 50, and 54.
D/2015/966 - Land dedication and developer's works to deliver Kooka Walk, McPherson Park, Macdonald St, Alpha St, Foundry St, Stovemaker Lane, Nassau Lane and a stromwater trunk drain.
Stage 1 Application for building envelopes for residential & commercial land uses & concept plans for public domain landscape flooding & stormwater
Construction of a mezzanine level to warehouse, pedestrian entry and awning to Mitchell Road elevation of the Corporate Store, increase in parking and internal works.
Fitout and use of part of existing warehouse and office buildings for a 24 hour commercial use.
Final Occ Cert issued 13/8/2007 - Use of 'Building B' for an assembly, storage and office facility for medical products, including extension of operating hours.
Internal fitout and upgrade of an existing 2-storey commercial building for use as an office and store, including partial demolition of and new gyprock partitions, brickwork bunker within building, emergency diesel generator, chiller units, fencing and gates to carpark, new access doors, and signage. Hours of operation are security montoring 24 hours 7 days a week, and office and store activities 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday with occasional access on weekends.