Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Section 4.55 (1A) to amend Condition 22 (Supermarket Plan of Management).
S4.55 (1A) modification of Condition 1 to update the submitted drawings to modify shop 5 frontage.
Section 4.55 1(A) amendment to wording of conditions regarding public domain.
Section 4.55 (1A) modification to update supermarket management plan and increase loading/delivery hours. Approved supermarket delivery hours are 7.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Saturday,which are to be increased to 9.00pm Monday to Saturday and 8.00am to 12.00 midday on Sunday.
Installation of 3 building identification signs on Darlinghurst Road and Victoria Street frontages.
Five (5) business identification signs on the Darlinghurst Road and Victoria Street frontages.
S4.55 (1A) Minor internal alterations and alterations to facade arising from design development
stratum subdivision of 4 lots to 3 lots
Section 4.55 (1A) modification for various design amendments, amalgamate apartments 1702, 1703, and 1704 into two x 4 bedroom units and amend the detailed landscape.
Site-specific Signage Strategy in association with the mixed use development known as 'Omnia'.
Subdivision of the site into 3 stratum lots
Section 96(1a) to amalgamate unit 13.11 and 13.12 into one unit
Section 96(1A) modification of consent for additions and alterations to the former Crest Hotel for residential and retail uses and associated car parking. Proposed changes include 7 additional car parking bays, alterations to the ground level shopfronts and internal alterations to the lift shaft and plant room
Section 96(1A) modification of consent to amend condition 108 (Use of Intrusive Appliances - Not Approved) to permit the use of appliances during the refurbishment stage between January to September 2016. (Note: First S96 modification to Consent to be Approved)
Section 96(2) modification of consent for additions and alterations to the former Crest Hotel for residential and retail uses and associated car parking. Proposed changes include increase gross floor area (18m2); increase from 131 to 134 apartments (change to mix and layout); increase from 59 to 67 car parking bays; external and internal alterations to accommodate roof services, additional north facing windows, reconfiguration of communal open space, waste, plant and storage requirements. Changes are also proposed to relevant conditions of consent.
Section 96(1A) modification of consent to amend Condition 103 (Sydney Trains Requirements) for additions and alterations to the former Crest Hotel including conversion to residential and retail uses
Three temporary signs for a sales office
Stage 2 development application (detailed design) for alterations and additions to the existing building known as the former Crest Hotel comprising conversion from hotel accommodation to 139 residential apartments and retention of existing ground floor retail uses, a new supermarket and specialty retail at Level 1 and 58 basement car parking spaces accessed from existing entry point on Victoria Street.