Applications ordered newest to oldest.
S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent to amend Condition 4(d) relating to development sequence
PAN-24688 - S4.55 (1A) Modification of consent
S4.55(1) - Modification to amend a small error found in the Consent relating to the cost of development
subdivision of one into 5
Early works, including site works including demolition of the existing hardstand area site clearing establishment of site sheds and perimeter fencing excavation works to accommodate one basement level and construction of the base slab layer piles and anchors and shoring walls. The proposal is integrated development under the Water Management Act 2000.
To subdivide existing lot into 5 lots
Section 96(2) modification of Stage 1 consent to amend the approved building envelopes to accommodate the buildings proposed in separate concurrent Stage 2 application D/2017/681. Insertion of new condition 4A to facilitate staging of future construction certificates, rewording to conditions 6, 26, 32, 34, 35, 42, 50, and 54.
Construction of a 4 to 8 storey residential flat building (Block B) providing 157 dwellings; construction of a 4 to 8 storey mixed-use development (Block C) providing 171 dwellings, ground floor retail, and centre-based child care facility; construction of one shared basement level; landscaping; and public domain works.
Section 96(2) modification to illuminate two of the approved signs from sunset to 10.00pm and additional sign.
Fit-out and use of part of existing warehouse as a temporary display suite and associated signage (x10). Proposed works involve alterations to the shopfront, installation of a pergola, deck, and accessible ramp, and minor landscaping. The proposed hours of operation are 8am to 5pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 5pm Sunday.
D/2015/966 - Land dedication and developer's works to deliver Kooka Walk, McPherson Park, Macdonald St, Alpha St, Foundry St, Stovemaker Lane, Nassau Lane and a stromwater trunk drain.
Stage 1 Application for building envelopes for residential & commercial land uses & concept plans for public domain landscape flooding & stormwater
Creation of new offices and amenities within Unit 9 of an existing warehouse building and use as a warehouse for childrens clothing