Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Erection of a new digital advertising billboard (wall sign).
Alterations and additions to a commercial building for refurbishment and remediation works to the clock tower
Alterations within light courts 1, 2 & 3 involving installation of kitchen exhausts, cladding of courtyard walls, installation of louvres, installation of bird proof mesh.
Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent
Alterations to Shop 13 restaurant including signage.
D/2021/1403 - Allocation of advertising time on sign for public information, community messages and promotion of council events and initiatives.
PAN-171961 - New signage and solar panels
Alterations and additions to commercial development
PAN-88280 - Construction of service walkways to roof level
PAN-67880 Section 4.55(1) Modification of consent for alterations to the Unilodge Building. Application seeks to Modify Condition 2 'Design modifications' to correct Council errors.
PAN-29624 Alterations to existing take away food and drink premises, including signage.
PAN-26027 - Alterations and additions to existing building including lighting strategy to the external facade.
4.55 (1) Error with contribution amount
Change of use to retail beverage shop including associated internal fitout and signage.
Painting the interior of shop 4 and installation of 4 security cameras
Use of Shop 4a (Lot 5) as a food and drink premises and associated fit out.
S4.55(2) modification of consent for fit-out and use of Shop 13 as a restaurant. The proposal seeks to amend the approved trading hours to 7am to 10pm, Monday to Sunday inclusive. Trading hours from 7am to 9pm are already approved on a permanent basis.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to relocate the kitchen exhaust point for shop 7 to the existing louvre above the awning on Broadway
Rectification works to existing internal timber column H15 and localised repairs to associated timber beams.
External alterations to existing facade for the use of premises as takeaway cafe including installation of new window.
Installation of telecommunications infrastructure including - underground housing, underground conduit or cable, underground lead-in cable, infrastructure in MDU basements.
Change of use to food and drink premises (cafe) and associated internal alterations
Alterations to the Unilodge Building including the replacement and refurbishment of the existing awning fronting Broadway and Bay Street and under-awning signage structures.
Divide existing lot into 2 lots
Removal and disposal of existing awning, fittings and signage. Installation of temporary hoarding.
Facade & window remedial & waterproofing works.
Strata subdivision of Lot 10 to create a new lot including erection of a partition wall and new glass door entry
Installation of telecommunications infrastructure including - underground housing, underground conduit or cable, underground lead-in cable, above ground housing.
Temporary removal of existing awning roof sheet for purposes of structural investigation, reporting & examination of suspension rod masonry anchoring points.
Use public footway on Bay Street for outdoor seating in association with the 'Oporto' restaurant (4 tables, 8 chairs). Proposed hours of use are 7.00am - 12.00 midnight Monday to Sunday, inclusive (renewal of previously approved application).
Internal alterations to shops 8 and 10 to create a wall opening between the two tenancies.
Use and fit out of Shop 13 as a restaurant known as ‘Hub House Diner’.
Strata subdivision of lot 611 into 3 new lots
Alterations to shop 9 to create a new separate shop and inclusion of a yoghurt shop within the existing convenience store.
Use of Lot 611 in Strata Plan SP73557, in the Ground Floor level commercial/retail arcade, as three separate tenancies and Strata subdivision into three new lots.
Use of shop 15 as massage shop
Strata Subdivision of Lot 597 in Strata Plan 54026 to create two new lots and Common Property.
S96 (1A) Modification of consent for the shop no. 5B.
Internal alterations to Shop No. 7 to be used as a real estate office and replacement of existing signage.
Section 96(1A) modification to change the use of Shop 5B (Lot 603) to a jewellery shop, associated fitout and signage.
Footway seating on Bay Street in association with 'Oporto' comprising 4 tables and 8 chairs. Proposed hours of operation are between 7.00am - 12.00 midnight, Monday to Sunday, inclusive.
S82A Review of the decision not to permit 24 hour trading of the existing convenience store. The applicant is now seeking to trade from 7.00am - 5.00am, the following day from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.
Change of use and fit-out of shops 4-5 as an unlicensed restaurant known as 'Papparich Malaysian Delights', with internal alterations, shopfront works and signage to Broadway; and a maximum capacity of 96 patrons with 22 staff. Proposed hours of operation are between 11.00am and 10.00pm, 7 days, with 30 minutes before and after trading for cleaning and preparation.
Use of shop 14 as a barber shop at ground and first floor with new entry and associated signage to the shopfront.
Extension of trading hours in association with the existing approved convenience store in Shop 9.
S96(1A) modification to delete condition 3, which prohibits the premises from seeing patients. Application also proposes a new partition wall and sink.
Fitout, use and signage for shop 13 as a new unlicensed food premises known as 'Soul Origin' on the ground level fronting Broadway.
S82A Application to review the previous determination. The proposed fit out and use of shop 13 on the ground floor as a takeaway food shop was refused 11 October 2012. The review seeks to overturn the decision.
Partial use of ground floor indoor pool for baby swimming classes.
Fit out and use of shop 13 as a non-licensed Soul Origin takeaway food shop including replacement of existing external signage.
Footway seating including 4 tables and 8 chairs in association with unlicensed premises known as 'Oporto'. Proposed outdoor trading hours are between 7.00am and 12 midnight Monday to Sunday.
Change of use of shop 7 on the ground floor to a dental laboratory which designs and constructs dental appliances.
Internal alterations to residential unit Unit 2103, to extend the existing mezzanine level to create an additional bedroom.
Shop 4 - internal re-fitout of existing travel agency.
Removal of existing stud walls in bedroom, removal of existing access ladder leading to existing mezzanine storage area. Installation of new flooring to a new mezzanine bedroom. Erection of new staircase, installation of split air conditioning system.
Internal alterations and additions to Unit 1010 within the 'Uni Lodge' building to reconfigure the unit and construct a mezzanine level within three rooms.
Use of Shop 7 (Lot 8) on the ground floor of the Unilodge Building as a massage centre.
Change of use from fashion shop to a real estate agent
Fitout and extend the existing Medical Centre within the unused waiting room area including restoration to the front entry and continue to use the premises as a Medical Centre.
Fitout to shop No. 5 on the ground floor to create two retail tenancies, for use as follows:
Lot 602 - Continue to use as a restaurant and coffee lounge.
Lot 603 - Use as a Hairdressing and Beauty Salon and to erect identification sign.
Section 96 (2) modification of the existing consent for student accommodation which is currently trading as UniLodge Sydney (formerly the Grace Brothers Homewares Building). The modifications sought include the ancillary use of 118 units as motel accommodation; modifying the Plan of Management with a revised maximum population of 972 occupants and modification of the car parking allocation including the provision of 4 public car parking and car pooling.
Fitout of shop No.611 on the ground floor and create two retail Tenancies for use as follows:
Tenancy 3 - Clothing shop
Tenancy 4 - Gift Shop
Change of use to a fashion outlet retialing in clothing, jewellery, cosmetics and gift items.
Ground Floor - Change of use from student lounge to business centre incorporating financial - accounting - real estate & development operations
Under awning business signage in the same style as signs already there
Use as a chinese health massage shop for suite 14