Applications ordered newest to oldest.
S4.55 (1A) Modification of consent
PAN-182909 - Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent
CFT 83548 - 2 lot subdivision
PAN-41008 - Alterations to use Shop 4 as a food and drinks premises.
PAN-33253 S4.55 (1) Modification of consent
Subdivision of the site to create 2 lots numbered 50 and 51. Subsequent subdivision of Lot 51 to create 5 stratum lots numbered 100, 101, 102, 103 and 104. Strata subdivision of Lot 101 to create 143 strata lots.
Provision of outdoor seating zones and installation of public artwork at The Ribbon development in Darling Harbour
Erection of temporary signage on east core of The Ribbon building
Section 96(2) modification of consent for signage. Proposed change is to the approved signage location, wording and timing.
Installation of 10 inflatable signs around Darling Harbour for a period of twelve months
Fit out and use of a vacant tenancy within the IMAX Theatre building as a licensed restaurant between the hours of 9am to 12 midnight daily.
Extension of hours of operation of an approved licensed restaurant known as The Meat and Wine Company to between 10am and 2am the following day 7 days a week for a 1 year trial.
Amendments to the Starbucks signage, including a new balde sign and lengthening the approved sign from 4700mm wide to 5740mm wide.
S96(1a) extension of entry stairs introduction of stainless steel stairs and rails to the norhtern frontage extension to doors on western frontage and deletion of angled vertical columns
Fitout to the ground and mezzanine floors for use as a Starbucks Cafe.
Use and internal fitout of tenancy 3 of the Imax building as a restaurant known as the Meat and Wine Company. The internal fitout includes new kitchen and bars, new dining areas and a lounge area and new toilets.
Extension of construction hours of the approved second storey plus mezzanine levels to the existing Meat and Wine and Starbucks tenancies at the IMAX building to between 5am and 7pm Mondays to Sundays and no work on public holidays.
S96(1A) - size of signage condition 1(a), time limited consent extension condition 5.
Use and fitout as a grilled food kiosk and associated signage
Construction of second storey plus mezzanine level to the existing 1 storey Meat and Wine and Starbucks premises at the Imax building. The construction is to include a new sloping roof with stainless steel fascia, metal columns. Associated signage and an ATM.
upgrade of exisitng signage
Renewal for outdoor seating consisting of 6 tables and 24 seats associated with Starbucks.
Fitout to the existing restaurant on the ground level including extension of the Mezzanine floor and to replace the existing above awning sign displaying the word The Meat and Wine Co