Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Stratum title subdivision
Subdivision of land in 3 lots.
PAN-145826 Section 4.55(2) modification to replace approved pay phones with double-sided digital signage structures in the Central Sydney area between Alfred Street in the north, Dixon Street in the west and south, and St James Road in the east.
S4.55(2) modification to 2 pay phone structures on George Street including provisions for an electronic advertising screen and new capping to improve waterproofing.
Section 96(2) modification of previous consent for the installation of structures for pay phones, emergency video phones and electronic kiosks, including attached 'rolling' illuminated advertising signage. Proposed changes are to allow for the replacement of 23 pay phone structures and 4 poster bollards including electronic advertising signage and new touch screen information panels.
Section 96(2) modification of consent. Proposed changes are the replacement and installation of 24 pay phone structures, including electronic advertising signage and touch screen information panels.
Use of land for the art instalation Taronga Wild Rhinos from Sunday 2 February 2014 to Monday 28 April 2014 and associated temporary structures.
Proposed outdoor seating in Martin Place for "Little Vienna", Shop 12 Martin Place Shopping Circle. Hours of operation are 6.30 am to 10.00 pm, Monday to Friday.
Use and fit out of shop 17 of the Martin Place Shopping Circle as a cafe and bakery.
Distribution of free newspapers currently known as NINE TO FIVE AND CITY WEEKLY by hand at 31 location in the City of Sydney on Monday and Thursday
Continued distribution of free newspaper currently published as MX by hand at 50 locations in the City of Sydney on Monday to Friday indefinately.
Internal refurbishment of the existing newsagency located within the Martin Place station concourse.
Fitout and use shop 7 located in the Martin Place shopping circle as a Hairdressing salon.
Use and fitout of Shop 14 located in the Martin Place Shopping Centre as a Dine-In and Take-Away Food (Pizza) shop.
Use and fit out of shop 13 as a mobile phone repair centre and retail outlet. Works include new ceiling, flooring, counter & bifold doors.
Use and fitout of Shop 18 located in the Martin Place Shopping Circle as a Florist Shop.
shop 5 fitout & use as retail tobacconist
Alterations to an existing McDonald outlet at Shop 9 at the Martin Place Shopping Circle.
Fit-out of shop 19-20 in the Martin Place Shopping Circle for use as a women's fashion store.
Fitout to shop No. 9A on the lower ground floor and use as a shop to carry out alterations to clothing.
Change of use of existing vacant shop into a sandwich and coffee shop including fit out, lighting and signage and operating between 7.00 am and 6.00 pm 7 days a week.
Internal fit-out and use of shop No. 8 at the Martin Place Shopping Circle as a beauty salon.
Development consent is sought to continue the distribution of 9 to 5 and City Weekly at 29 sites within the vicinity of St James, Museum, Town Hall, Wynyard, Central and Martin Place stations on Mondays and Thursdays.
Sec 96 (1) A delete conditions No 8 (C) (D) & (G)
To fitout and use Shop No. 3 at the Martin Place Shopping Circle as a "Easyway" iced tea outlet.
Use and fitout of Shop 12 located in the Martin Place Shopping Circle as a Sushi restaurant.
To fitout and use Shop No. 19 at the Martin Place Shopping Circle as a Convenience store, (Trading hours: 6:00am and 7:00pm on Monday to Friday inclusive and between 6:00am and 3:00pm on Saturday.)