Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Alterations to apartment 424 involving the removal of two concrete planter boxes from an external courtyard and installation of replacement decking.
Change of use to educational establishment and internal alterations to Tenancy 145 on Level 4. Operating hours would be 8am to 7pm Mondays to Sundays
Use 7.28 sqm of public footpath on Campbell Street for outdoor dining in association with 'Bite Coffee'.
New application for outdoor dining on footpaths and other public land.
PAN-28821 Alterations to residential development
Use public footway on Campbell Street for outdoor seating in association with the licensed Kura Thai (8 square meters). Proposed hours of use are 7.00am – 9.30pm, Monday to Sunday inclusive.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to continue the extended trial trading hours for 7-Eleven. The application proposes a further 5 year period of 24 hour trading, seven days a week.
Alterations and landscpaing to an existing rooftop terrace located at the top of a residential flat building.
Section 96(2) modification of approved use of ground floor as a convenience store to continue trial trading hours of 12 midnight to 6am Monday to Sunday. The hours of 6am to 12 midnight Monday to Sunday are already approved on a permanent basis.
S96 (2) Variation to condition 38 of consent D/2003/824/B to allow a further five years of 24 hour, 7 Day trading.
Section 96(2) modification of approved use of ground floor as a convenience store to continue extended hours of operation for 24 hours, 7 days aweek as permanent trading hours.
Footway seating (including 3 tables and 6 chairs) in association with licensed restaurant known as 'Chilli Cha Cha'. Proposed hours of operation are between 10.00am and 11.30pm Monday to Saturday and between 10.00am and 10.00pm Sunday.
Use part of the public footway adjacent to 'Chilli Cha Cha' restaurant as an outdoor seating area comprising 6 chairs and 3 tables for use between 10.00am and 10.00pm Mondays to Sundays inclusive.
Change of use for Lot 619 (Level 25, 317 Castlereagh Street) from serviced apartment to residential apartment. No physical works proposed.
Use of shop 462 as a Thai Restaurant. Proposal does not involve any building work. (Building also fronts Campbell Street).
Use of Shop 462 as a Thai restaurant. Proposal does not involve any building work .Approved hours of use are as follows: 7.00am to 11.30pm Monday to Saturday (inclusive) and 8.00am to 10.00pm Sundays. (Building also fronts Campbell Street).
Conversion of Lot 454 to common property.
One under awning sign and one glass door sign.
Change use of Unit 488 to a commercial office space. Create a standard size door opening to create access from Lot 650 to Lot 488. Installation of holes for laundry waste.
S96 (1A) modification to condition of consent 38 seeking to continue 24 hour trade on a permanent basis.
Unit 8- To continue to use the alteration already carried out to the existing unit.
To use part of the Campbell Street public footway for the provision of outdoor seating facilities in conjunction with the adjoining "Pi Cheng" cafe.
Section 96(1) to modify the property address to 414-418 Pitt St Haymarket.
Fitout of shop 309, on the ground floor (Castlereagh Street frontage) and use as a specialist asian grocery shop.
Section 96 (1A) to amend condition 38 for a further extension of the 24 hour trading trial period.