Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent for design refinements to rooftop mechanical plant and equipment.
Alterations and additions to upgrade mechanical plant and equipment including cooling towers, air conditioning condensers and enclosures.
PAN-130119 - Alterations and additions to add a new mezzanine level within the Coles supermarket tenancy
PAN-37310 S4.55 (1A) Modification of consent
Alterations and additions to existing Harris Farm supermarket within Broadway Shopping Centre including expansion of floor area, relocation of loading bay, and associated internal and external changes.
s4.55 (2) modification to trading hours to allow 24 hour use Mondays to Sundays inclusive of the basement gym on a permanent basis. The hours of 7.00am to 1.00am the following day Monday to Sunday are already approved on a permanent basis.
Division 8.2(1A) review of determination in relation to the signage design amendments (Condition 2) in association with 'Fernwood Fitness'.
S4.55 (1A) Modify condition 2 (C) to extend timeframe in which to remove the existing window signage for a further 3 month period.
S4.55 1(A) - Minor modification to the nine approved under awning signage zones
Change of use to a Recreation Facility at Shop LG2 (continuation of existing Fernwood Fittness) and associated signage. Hours of operation are 6.00am - 1.00am the following day Mondays to Thursdays, 6.00am - 7.00pm Fridays, 9.00am - 2.00pm Saturdays and 9.00am - 1.00pm Sundays.
Application to increase the capacity of the licensed restaurant 'Burger Project' from 50 to 107 patrons on the lower ground level (Shop 2) of the Broadway Shopping Centre fronting Bay Street..
Section 96(2) modification for the continuation of 24 hour trial trading hours at Fernwood Fitness Broadway. Current approved hours of operation are 6.00am - 9.00pm Mondays to Thursdays; 6.00am - 7.00pm Fridays; 9.00am - 2.00pm Saturdays; and 9.00am - 1.00pm Sundays. Proposed hours of operation are 24 hour trading 7 days per week.
Modifications to Deferred Commencement conditions 2(a) and 2(a)(ii) to remedy minor errors in the descriptions to the total number of signs and acceptable future parapet sign locations
Continued use a restaurant known as “Nando’s” and increase patron capacity.
Change of use and associated fit-out of Shop S216 on Level 2 of Broadway Shopping Centre as a licensed restaurant known as “Nando’s”.
Change of use and associated fit out of Shop S08 on Level 2 of Broadway Shopping Centre as a licensed restaurant known as “Bondi Pizza”.
Section 96(2) modification to licenced premises to change trading hours from 7.00am - 10.00pm Mondays to Sundays to 6.00am - 12.00 midnight Mondays to Wednesdays, 6.00am - 1.00am the following day on Fridays, 5.00am - 1.00am the following day on Saturdays and 6.00am - 11.00pm on Sundays. New Charcoal Rotisserie and Wood fire Pizza Oven, new mechanical ventilation system, internal changes and new roller door.
S96(1) Error - Amend condition 34 to reflect the extended construction hours.
Installation of 10 internally illuminated LED business identification signs, 3 internally illuminated car and bicycle parking signs, 1 building identification sign, 2 totem and 1 wall wayfinding panel signs and 1 externally illuminated painted sign. Consent is also sought for a signage strategy for Broadway Shopping Centre.
Fitout and use as a food and drink premises (Eat Istanbul) within existing food tenancy space for Shop 223 in Broadway Shopping Centre.
Alterations and additions to existing 'Broadway Shopping Centre' including removal of existing shopfront, awning, entry canopy, ramp, steps and footway, and construction of new shopfront, awning, new paved footway design, external lighting and building identification signage
Section 96(2) modification of consent to amend approved trading hours of Fernwood Fitness located in Shop LG03 within the Broadway Shopping Centre. Current approved hours of operation are 6.00am - 9.00pm Mondays to Thursdays; 6.00am - 7.00pm Fridays; 9.00am - 2.00pm Saturdays; and 9.00am - 1.00pm Sundays. Proposed hours of operation are 24 hour trading/7 days per week.
Change of use to a licenced food and drink premises, associated internal fitout and exterior works including signage. Proposed trading hours are 7.00am - 10.00pm, Mondays to Sundays inclusive.
S96 (1) Removal of condition 12 - to permit skin penetration procedures with the premises
Internal refurbishment and signage to an existing beauty salon within tenancy MG3 of the Broadway Shopping Centre.
Change of use of existing car park on levels 2 and 2A of the Gross Street building (at 1-21 Bay Street) of the Broadway Shopping Centre to retail and associated demolition, construction and ancillary works to levels 2, 2A, 3 and roof level.
Internal alterations within the existing multi-level car park and shopping centre structure to create a new 204.15sqm pet store and deletion of 5 existing car parking spaces.
Erection of four signs to the Bay Street front elevation of the 'Broadway Shopping Centre' building.
Alterations and additions to existing 'Broadway Shopping Centre' including removal of existing glass awning & inclusion of new awning design, new paving along Bay Street, removal of existing ground floor windows along Bay Street & inclusion of new full height glazing, extension of two tenancies & extend typical construction hours from 7:30am to 10:00pm Mondays-Saturdays inclusive.
Business identification light-box sign 4000mm (w) x 1500mm (h) (associated with shop 207 - JB-HI-FI of 1-21 Bay Street, Glebe) to the Bay Street east external facade of building no. 23-35A Bay Street of the Broadway Shopping Centre.
Extend existing licensed hotel into retail tenancy G13 to create an open area for gaming.
Fit-out of shop No. 207 of Broadway Shopping Centre as a retail home entertainment store.
Section 96(1A) modification of approved storeroom within Broadway Shopping Centre Carpark to use as storeroom and break-out area for staff of tenancies 305-307.
Use of existing tenancies 305, 306 and 307 (and Part tenancies 303 and 304) as a retail premise, extend tenancy area into rear service corridor and construction of a minor roof projection over the consolidated new tenancy.
Removal of 10 car spaces to create a new storeroom for use by retail tenancies within Broadway Shopping Centre
Use of a car wash located with the existing basement carpark of Broadway shopping centre. Includes internal signage, rollerdoor and cladding.
Proposed installation of 3 illuminated business identification signs for Kmart Tyre and Auto Service. This includes the painting of graphics to selected walls.
Internal fitout and use of office on Level 9 of Broadway Shopping Centre.
Proposal for the fitout of a new retail tenancy kiosk on level 2 of Broadway Shopping Centre.
Enlarge existing Go-L retail tenancy e within the Broadway Shopping Centre.
Relocate the customer service desk from level 1 to level 2 of the shopping centre.
Construction of two storeooms and a workshop in association with retail uses of Broadway Shopping Centre.
Use & fitout of shop L225 as a Nando's takeaway shop within Broadway shopping Centre.
S96 (1a) Relocate the exit door along francis and reposition tenancy wall
Fitout and use of existing ground level supermarket and Shop T407 as Coles Supermarket and relocate fire passage.
Fitout and use of Shop K-09B -as a Crepe, Pancake, waffles and coffee shop.
S96(1A) delete condition two relating to signage
Internal fitout of kiosk KO9A on Level 2 of Broadway Shopping Centre for retail sale of pre-made coffee, cake and ice-cream. One internally illuminated light box menu board sign below kiosk canopy.
Fit out of lower ground floor tenancy LG02A for use as a TAB. New illuminated signage above (1800mm x 500mm), above sliding entrance doors at dual frontage to Bay street and Francis Street and illuminated ground level projecting TAB sign on Bay Street east elevation.
Increase tenancy size and fit out of Harris Farm Market at basement and ground levels including two new windows (600mm x 4825mm and 600mm x 5975mm), new auto sliding entrance doors internal disabled ramp and roller shutter and new office and staff room at ground level.
Divison of tenancy K9 into K9A & K9B, New kiosk (Z) with canopy, increase size of tenancy t225, divide tenancy T216 into T216A and T216B. All Works on level 2.
Restaurant fit out including new kitchen, partiiton walls, front desk, counters and signage and removal of toilets.
Fitout existing storage area at lower ground level for use as a food preparation area and new coolroom for existing cafe (cafe 11) RELISH at the ground floor.
Fitout and use of Kiosk K7B on level 1 for a Boost Juice Store.
Fitout and use of Kiosk No. K7C on Level 1 of the Broadway Shopping Centre as a Royal Copenhagen food outlet.
Divide existing food teancy shop K7 into 2 food related tenencies.
Shop K33 Level 3 Use of kiosk for food premises & fitout
Minor reconfiguration in the fresh produce section including new bin confiiguration, replacement of some refrigeration cases, vinyl floor covering modification & minor service adjustments
Change of use, fit out and signage for the Level 1 tenancy known as Shop K19 as "Everywhere Internet." New kiosk lease area on Level 2 tenancy known as Shop K20 to be used as a T-short printing business.
Fitout of Shop G02 in the Broadway Shopping Centre as a Bakers Delight bakery.
Fitout of Tenancy 219 inside the Broadway Shopping Centre for a Thai Food Shop.
Fitout and use of kiosk 1B on Level 2 of the Broadway Shopping Centre as a takeway shop also known as Sumo Salad Bar.
Sec 96 (1) A Incorrect shop no on consent approval
Fitout of existing Rebel Sport retail tenancy including replacement of under awning light box signs and internally mounted shopfront displays.
Internal alteration of fashion retail tenancy including new shopfront of shop 306/307 in Broadway Shopping Centre.
Use and fitout of Shop 323 of the Broadway Shopping Centre for massage therapy, massage accessories, hebal medicine, accupunture, aromatherapy and reflexology
Fitout and use of shop 311 in the Broadway shopping Centre as a clothing store.
Use shop 315 at the Broadway Shopping Centre for a retail shop.
Retail shop fitout for 324B in broadway shopping centre.
retail shop fitout for shop 3117 in broadway shopping centre.
Use of Shop G27 as A chicken shop/butcher