Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Alterations and additions to Apartment 2 on Level 10.
Alterations to residential apartment 401
The Astor is celebrating its Centenary, and it is proposed to fix a plaque to left side of the entry in Macquarie Street, similar to the existing plaque on the right side of the entry which commemorates the opening in 1923. The plaque will be made of bronze to ensure long life and prevention of corrosion.
Alterations to residential apartment 101 in the "The Astor".
Alterations to residential development in Unit 12
PAN-251373 - Internal alterations to residential apartment 1201 within heritage item 'The Astor'
Remove dumb waiter shaft, refurbish bathroom and kitchen
Heritage works for interior refurbishment of apartment.
PAN-54864 Alterations to residential development.
Alterations to Unit G04 of ‘The Astor’ to replace existing bathroom window in rear light well with a louvered window.
S 4.55 1(A) Conditions 5 Stage 1 works only relates to internal construction stage 2 will relate to Public Domain works. Condition 6 Public domain works in the footway Phillip Lane forms forms part of stage 2. Condition 7 not applicable Refer 6 and 7. Condition 16 Utility services will form of the process of stage 2 Public Domain Works
Change of use of part of the basement level of the existing building from residential to commercial. Proposed hours 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday; and, 9.00am to 3.00pm, Saturday.
Internal alterations to Unit 702 including fitout of kitchen, upgrade of bathroom with laundry, repair and refinish timber boards, replace light fittings & joinery.
Installation of accessible lift at Phillip Lane entrance to building, together with associated modifications to entry.
Revisions to previous request, HWC/2017/184. Minor like-for-like internal renovations. Renovation of bathroom, including new tub. Repairs to existing timber floors & refinishing. Painting of walls & woodwork.
Minor internal renovations of bathroom including new tub and repairs to existing timber floors with refinishing painting of walls and woodwork
remove existing kitchen bathrooms and toilet fitting floor and wall tiles and replace build a fixed timber screen in the main room
Alterations to 'The Astor' building including the removal of existing glazing and installation of new glazing system to roof light well.
Installation of telecommunications infrastructure including underground housing, underground conduit or cable, underground lead in cable, above ground housing.
Move an internal door that is currently set to the left side of the kitchen wall approx 350mm to the right.
Refurbishment of existing bathrooms kitchen and relocation of laundry. Installation of ducted air conditioning and refurbishment of electrics
Replacement of window to apartment 1.
Renovation of apartment 4 on level 7 within the 'Astor' building, including, new kitchen and bathroom and WC; relocation of internal kitchen door and new suspended ceilings in Kitchen to accommodate new exhaust, new bathroom and WC.
Apartment 4 on level 7 Internal alterations to kitchen and bathroom
Internal alterations including relocation of the kitchen and bathrooms within Apartment 1 on 1 in the 'The Astor' and new exhaust grills within the lightwell
Removal of six glass panes to part of glazed roof over the eastern light well of the building at roof level.
Internal alterations to existing apartment 71 of 'The Astor' apartments.
Alterations and additions to existing apartment including internal demolition works and reconfiguration of internal layout with associated works.
Refurbishment of kitchen and bathroom council approval to close one internal door opening (kitchen) is sought.
Internal refurbishment works to Unit 21 of The Astor apartments to create a larger bathroom, additional powder room, consolidated kitchen area, built-in wardrobes and other associated works.
1. Did not proceed with widening of opening between living and dining wall retained as is.
2. Did not proceed with approved master ensuite. In place, dressing room built.
Refurbishment of apartment 4 of Astor Building. Works include kitchen and bathroom alterations including demolition of walls.
Refurbishment of Unit 301 of The Astor including minor alterations to internal walls, the renovation of the kitchen and bathroom and the installation of a new ensuite bathroom.
Internal alterations to apartment 3, level 7, The Astor building. Works include removal of internal walls, doors and fixtures.
Fitout and use of the basement (Phillip Lane) as an artist's studio and gallery operating between 8.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday, 10.00am to 6.00pm Saturday and 10.00am to 5.00pm Sundays. The building is known as The Astor.
S96(1A) modification involving the relocation of the bath and ensuite in apartment 91.
Change of use of existing caretaker's flat within the basement of the heritage listed 'The Astor' to a personal retreat for the use of a resident/owner. Internal alterations include the demolition of walls, existing bathroom and kitchen; reinstatement of highlight windows between internal walls; new bathroom, kitchen and sauna.
Section 96(1A) modification of internal layout of apartment 82 resulting in the deletion of 1 bedroom and reconfiguration of bathroom to form a separate ensuite.
Internal alterations to apartments 81, 82 and 91 (Levels 8 and 9) and consolidation of apartments 81 and 82 (Level 8) including the demolition of non-load bearing walls, replacement of staircase, upgrade of air-conditioning system and new kitchen and bathroom fit outs.
To demolish two non-load bearing internal walls and enlarge the living area of Apartment 81 at Level 8 & 9 of "The Astor".