Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to extend trial trading hours for further 5 year period for roof deck between 12am (midnight) and 1am.
Section 4.55 (2) modification of current consent. Proposed amendment to Condition 9 relating to trial period imposed on the use of speakers on the existing roof deck between 10.00am – 12.00am midnight, Mondays to Sundays inclusive.
Section 96(2) modification to extend the trial period for use of speakers on the roof deck between 10.00am - 12.00 midnight, 7 days a week for a further 2 years.
Section 96(2) modification to the Aurora Hotel including alterations to the Elizabeth Street entry and Kippax Street facade and internal reconfiguration of ground, first and roof levels.
S96(2) modification of consent to continue the trial trading hours of the 'Aurora Hotel' from 10.00am to 1.00am the following day, Monday to Sunday inclusive. The hours of 10.00am to 12 midnight, Monday to Sunday inclusive are already approved on a permanent basis.
Additionally, the proposal seeks to modify condition 8 to allow for background music to be played on the roof deck.
External alterations and additions to the existing pub, including construction of a pergola with retractable awning at rooftop level, and painting of facade.
Demolish part of the existing facade to make way for a three large recessed louvered windows with landscaping along Kippax Street. Construct new internal partition walls and sliding door on the ground floor to create separate gaming room within the Aurora Hotel.
Sec 96 (1A) A to include entrie ground floor in POPE
area to comply with BCA & fire regulations
Section 96 To amend the size of the ground floor terrace and move the entry door
Provision of entertainment in the ground and first floors of the Aurora Hotel. Entertainment includes use of a DJ, bands and amplified music.
Modification to approved development plans to incorporate a number of amendments to the roof top level. Amendments include a new layout for toilets, bar and the lift and stair lobbies as well as a new balustrade around existing parpet.
Alterations to the existing roof area of the Aurora Hotel to accommodate an outdoor roof deck and terrace area. The proposed work includes the provision of a bar service and kitchen area, a bistro dining area, storerooms and toilets as well as provision of lift and stair access to this level. The new level is proposed to be used on a 24 hour basis of a 1 year trial period.
Installation of glass bi-fold doors and balustrade along the Kippax Street elevation to create an indoor/outdoor smoking area