Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Use 45.4 sqm of public footpath on Barrack Street for outdoor dining in association with 'Employees Only'. Proposed hours of use are between 12.00 midday and 5.00pm for area A and between 5.00pm and 12.00 midnight for area B, Monday to Sunday. This is an amendment to a previous approval.
Use 45.4 sqm of public footpath on Barrack Street for outdoor dining in association with 'Employees Only'. Proposed hours of use are between 5.00pm and 12.00 midnight, Monday to Sunday. This is a new application.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to continue extended hours of operation under a 5-year trial period for the restaurant known as ‘Employees Only’ between 7.00am – 3.00am (the following day), Monday to Saturday inclusive.
Use 26.5 sqm of public land on Barrack street for outdoor dining in association with 'AP Place'. The proposed hours will be 7:00am - 5:00pm Monday to Sunday. This is an amendment to a previously approved application.
Use of 19.9sqm of the footpath for outdoor dining in association with 'AP Place'. Hours of operation are between 7.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Section 4.55(1) modification of consent to correct an error on the notice of determination
PAN-272112 S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent to remove condition 4F to allow for queuing on the public footway and an updated Plan of Management
Use public land for outdoor dining. Proposed hours - 5.00pm to 12.00 am Mondays to Saturdays.
Use public land for outdoor dining. Proposed hours are 7.00am - 4.00pm, Mondays to Fridays inclusive.
Use of 11 square metres of the pedestrian area of Barrack Street for outdoor dining (including 2 umbrellas) in association with the "Little Vienna" cafe at 14-16 York Street. Proposed hours of use are 7.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday inclusive.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to continue the trial trading hours of the licensed restaurant and bar known as ‘Employees Only’ from 1.00am the following day to 3.00am the following day, Monday to Saturday nights inclusive. The hours of 7.00am – 1.00am the following day, Mondays to Saturdays inclusive and 7.00am – 12.00 midnight Sundays are already approved on a permanent basis. The premises have a capacity for 125 patrons.
Internal fitout and external alterations including signage and a new entrance door to an existing licensed restaurant located at basement level (Barrack Street entrance).
Installation of new ATM to existing banking branch on the York Street frontage and relocation of existing branch signages to the main entry glass door at the corner of York and Barrack Street. The application is Integrated Development requiring the approval of the Heritage Office under the Heritage Act 1977.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to continue the extended trading hours of the licensed restaurant located in the basement and known as La Bora Pizzeria Ristorante. Current approved base hours are 7:00am to 1:00am Monday to Saturday and 7:00am to 12 :00 midnight Sunday and extended hours 1:00am to 3:00am Monday to Saturday.
Installation of telecommunications infrastructure including underground housing, underground conduit or cable, underground lead in cable, above ground housing.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to continue the trial trading hours of the licensed restaurant known as 'La Bora Pizzeria Ristorante' from 12.00 midnight to 3.00am the following day Monday to Saturday, inclusive. The hours of 7.00am to 12.00 midnight Monday to Sunday are already approved on a permanent basis.
Change of use of the ground floor to a bank and associated alterations and signage.
Use of public footway on Barrack Street for seating in association with the "Little Vienna" (5 tables, 10 chairs, 4 heaters, 2 bins and 2 umbrellas). Proposed hours of use are 7.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday inclusive (renewal of previously approved application).
Section 96(2) modification of consent to continue the trial trading hours of the '7-Eleven' Convenience Store for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The hours of 6.00am to 12 midnight, Mondays to Sundays inclusive are already approved on a permanent basis.
Use of public footway in association with 'Little Vienna' (10 Chairs, 5 Tables, 3 heaters, 2 bins and barriers). Proposed hours are 6.30am - 7.00pm Mondays to Sundays inclusive and 6.30am - 9.00pm on Thursdays only. (Renewal of previously approved application).
Part demolition of level 5, 3 internal partitions and installation of new partitions to enclose 4 offices 2 meeting rooms and 1 training room
s96 1(a) Schedule 1a (2) Footway seating (g) - add the words "with pavement fixings" after "umbrellas"
Use part of Barrack Street for outdoor seating in association with Little Vienna Cafe including five (5)tables, ten (10) chairs, two (2) umbrellas with permanent fixings into the pavement, two (2) bins, three (3) gas heaters. The hours of use are 7.00Am to 5.00PM Monday to Friday.
Section 96AB application to review section 96 application for outdoor seating. Application proposes five (5) tables, ten (10) chairs, four (4) gas heaters, four (4) barriers, and two (2) waste bins in association with Little Vienna cafe. Hours of operation are proposed between 7.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Section 96 application for outdoor seating seeking to modify number of tables from 3 to 5, to include 2 portable waste bins, and to include 4 gas heaters. Site is known as Little Vienna.
Application for outdoor seating facilities associated with LITTLE VIENNA requesting 10 chairs and 5 tables and screens plus 4 gas heaters. Hours of use 6.30am - 7.00pm Monday to Sunday and till 9.00pm on Thursdays only.
Section 96 (1A) application to change the opening time of the premises from 9.00am to 6.30am each day and to delete references to 'sushi sushi' within the development description.
Continuation of the use of a portion of Barrack St for the provision of outdoor dining in conjunction with Little Vienna Cafe. The hours of use are 6.30am to 5.30pm. Capacity 10 chairs, 5 tables, barriers, heaters & umbrellas.
Section 96 (2) application to allow the continuation of 24 hour trading at the 7 Eleven convenience store within the ground level tenancy.
Internal office fitout to Level 3.
Continuation of the use of a portion of Barrack St for the provision of outdoor dining in conjunction with Little Vienna Cafe at 9 Barrack St, Sydney. The hours of use are 7.00AM to 5.00PM Monday to Friday.
Section 96 (1A) A, modification of Condition No. 8 to amend the current approved hours of operation, being 6.00am - 12.00 midnight daily, to the current trial hours of operation being 24 hours.