Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Amend condition 1 to include additional cubicles on levels 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, including rationalisation of Condition 5.
Deletion of condition 6 of the development consent which limits the morning hours of operation (being 7am to 9:30am) of the World Square Car Park to a trial period, thereby making these hours permanant.
S96 1 (A) - Internal changes including kitchen relocation + change to outdoor dining design + additional food preperation area
New fit-out of shops 10.09 and 10.10 (Hugo Boss) in the World Square Shopping Centre; associated signage; and change to shopfront (south elevation) to replace existing door with glazing to match existing.
Renewal of Place of Public Entertainment (POPE) licence for 'Equilibrium' hotel and nightclub within World Square retail centre-continuation of authority for 450 persons on Level 10 ('Equilibrium Rest Bar') and 350 persons on Level 11 ('Trust Lounge'), under trial-approved trading hours of 8:00am-1:00am, Monday-Wednesday, 8:00am-3:00am Thursday-Saturday and 8:00am-2:00am Sundays and public holidays.
Fitout to part level 6 (within the existing car park) and use as a vehicle servicing area.
Boundary adjustment into 20 lots ( lots 903 & 904 DP 1074123
Fit-out and use as a DIN TAI FUNG restaurant of shop 11.04 within the World Square Shopping arcade.
Fitout and use Tenancy 9 K1 - as an internet cafe( within part of the world square retail arcade area located one level below street level).
S96 (1A) modification to the size of shopfront signage
Use and fitout of Tenancy 9.19 on the lower ground level of World Square as Nando's restaurant for 60 patrons. Hours of operation are from 11:00am to midnight, seven days a week.
To use a retail tenancy 9.33 as a licensed bar and lounge being an extension of the Equilibrium Hotel.
Stratum subdivision of Lots 903 and 904 in DP 1074123 into 2 lots for boundary adjustment purposes.
Change of hours of operation and pricing structure of public carpark within the World Square building complex
Use and fitout of Shop 9.07 as a Japanese restaurant for 106 patrons within the lower ground floor of World Square. Operating hours are between 9:00am and 10:00pm, 7 days a week.
Internal fit-out and use Shop No. 9.06 at the retail podium of the World Tower as a retail shop "Hot Dollar"
Use and fitout for shop 9.K as takeaway food shop known as 'Puffy Pastry'
Use shop 10.64within the world square asa homewares store known as (2 bed Homewares) and one illuminated hamper sign.
Fit out and use Tenancy 10.19 within the World Square restaurant "Sushi Roll" with associated signage located developmenty. Proposed hours of operation are 10:00am to midnight Monday to Saturday and 10:00am to 11:00pm on Sunday.
Fitout and use part of the existing carpark facility at basement levels 2,3,4,5 and 6 for storage cubicles and use level 9 Shop 61 as an office/shop associated with the storage activities.
Section 96(2) Modify Condition 12 to allow operation of Hotel from 08:00 - 01:00 Mon-Wed, 08:00 - 03:00 Thur - Sat, 08:00 - 02:00 Sunday & Public Holidays.
To use part of level 6 as a car wash and for car detailing purposes, in association with the use of the remainder of the floor as a public car park.
To use part of the Liverpool Street public footway for the provision of outdoor seating facilities in conjunction with the adjoining " Primavera Espresso Bar" (97 Liverpool Street).
Delete condition 3 part B due to ambiguity
S96(2) - modification including the construction of an awning on the eastern side of the level 11 terrace and the construction of a new perforated metal windshield above the entry to the piazza via George Lane
Signage within the upper shop front mullion area displaying the words "Sony Central"
Strata subdivision of the world Tower upper Residential stratum, bieng Lot 801 in DP 1057924, into 115 lots and Common Property.
Use Shop 10.12 and 11.21 on level 10 as a fashion shop.
Use Shop No 9.04 on level 9 as a beautician's shop
Fitout of shop no. 10.53 on level 10 and use as cafe.
Installation of signage to "cotton on" fashion store (shop 10.06) at the site.
Fit out of shop No 9.60 on level 9 and use as a sandwich shop
Fit out of shop No 9.08 on level 9 and use as a fruit and vegetable shop
Fit out of shop No K2 on level 9 and use as a confectionary kiosk.
Fit out and use of shop 10.65 on level 10 as a furniture shop.