Applications ordered newest to oldest.
PAN-178384 - S4.55(2) Modification of consent to renew trial period for indoor operating hours between 2am to 4am Monday to Sunday, and outdoor operating hours between 10pm and 1am Monday to Sunday inclusive.
Section 96 modification of Condition 18 to defer timing for registration of the restrictive covenant (grocery and convenience retailing) to be satisfied prior to release of Phase 4 Occupation Certificate.
Section 96 modification to amend Conditions 2a and 3b to reflect changes to the facade on the southern side of the laneway at Castlereagh Street of the Westfield redevelopment.
Internal fitout of tenancies within the retail podium of the Westfield site, use for commercial premises within the retail podium of the Zu/Betts site except ground floor street front tenancies, and use for food premises (refreshment rooms) within the retail podium of the Westfield site.
Removal of existing AMP signage and installation of two building identification signs on the turret of Sydney Tower (Centrepoint) comprising the word 'Westfield'.
Section 96 modification to amend construction hours to allow internal works within the refurbished 100 Market Street building, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Installation of four commercial tower identification signs (3.0m high x 9.0m width) comprising the word 'Westfield' and one commercial tower entry sign comprising the word '100 Market'.
Section 96(1A) modifications to Condition 52 to reflect current energy rating system.
Section 96(2) modifications including reduction in height of Skylobby structure, alterations to the Skygarden facade, alterations to the laneway to Castlereagh Street, and alterations to Market/Castlereagh Street entry.
Replacement of two 2-level pedestrian bridges over Pitt Street Mall with a single 2-level bridge and internal reconfigurations to Westfield City Sydney and Sydney Central Plaza.
Section 96(2) application to modify consent and allow for the illumination of the two (2) advertising zones to be located on the hoarding surrounding the Westfield redevelopment site and to modify the content of the building information panels.
Section 96(1A) to modify the timing at which Section 61 contributions are required to be paid.
Section 96 1(A) modification to vary timing requirements for Conditions 4, 66, 67 and 68 to be satisfied from Construction Phase 3 or relevant Construction Phase to within 6 months from the issue of a Construction Certificate for Construction Phase 3..
Section 96(1A) to amend conditions in relation to masonry and awning elements.
Section 96(1A) modification to Market Street lobby entry and facade.
Section 96(1A) application to modfiy Condtions 12 and 13 to allow for these conditions to be satisfied prior to the issue of a construction certificate for the facade of the retail podium rather than the issue of construction certificate for Construction Phase 3.
Section 96 (1A) to modify Condition 1A to allow for the issue of a Construction Certificate for the demolition of the Imperial Arcade prior to the issue of a Phase 3 Construction Certificate.
Section 96(1A) to modify Conditions 66 and 68 to vary the timing requirements for the submission of public domain plans and alignment levels which relate to Market and Castlereagh Streets.
Installation of two (2) advertising zones and building information signs, all to be located temporarily on the hoardings surrounding the Westfield redevelopment site along Castlereagh, Market and Pitt Streets for up to three (3) years.
Section 96(1a) application to stage construction into 4 phases and amend conditions accordingly.
Section 96(2) application to modify internal layout and integrate the Westfield re-development site with the adjoining property known as 176-180 Pitt Street Sydney (concurrent DA being assessed D/2008/500). The application also includes the following modifications: reconfiguration of internal layout and circulation paths, inclusion of new void areas, new plant room above retail podium and extension of Level 7 restaurant area. The site adjoins Pitt Street Mall and Market Street.
Section 96(1A) application to modify Conditions 8A, 11(h) and 17 and allow for these conditions to be satisfied prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate for the substantive building.
Section 96(1a) application to insert a new condition to allow for a Construction Certificate for minor internal and temporary works to be issued to enable such works to be commenced prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate for the substantive building and satisfaction of remaining conditions.
S96(2) application to modify approved Stage 1 development consent including: (a) reducing the basement by two levels; (b) Expanding the footprint of the basement; (c) Reducing the area of plant in the basement and deletion of the previously indicated 'labyrinth' ESD feature; (d) Amending the tower envelope to extend east towards Castlereagh Street and slightly to west and south; (e) Increase in the height of the podium near the intersection of Market Street and Pitt Street; (f) Introduction of a new 'lane' from Castlereagh Street; (g) Delete deferred commencement conditions relating to Railcorp requirements and access via King Street and impose those requirements as general conditions; (h) Amend condition 10 in relation to the fire egress solution from the adjacent property at 182 Pitt Street; (i) Other consequential amendments to conditions. For a full description of the development refer to the application documentation.
Stage 2 development applications for: (a) Demolition of parts of the existing buildings on site including the whole of the Centrepoint convention centre and Imperial Arcade buildings; (b) The construction and use of a retail podium building on the site incorporating seven retail levels and three basement levels and including 54,377.3 sqm of retail and associated floor space and including: shops, commercial premises (such as banks), refreshment rooms and a pub (new roof bar in Skygarden to replace existing), pedestrian circulation areas and through site links, access to offices, parking for 188 cars and 70 service vehicles; (c) Alterations and additions to the ATO building to provide 30,776.4 sqm of commercial floor space; (d) Construction and use of a commercial office building above the northern/central part of the retail podium building comprising 25 levels and 36,810.6 sqm of commercial floor space; (e) Vehicle access via King Street over a right of way that burdens the Glasshouse site. For a full description of the development refer to the application documentation.
Centrepoint, Imperial Arcade, Skygarden:
Stage 1 development application for a mixed retail and commerical development including:
the construction of a retail podium building on the site incorporating seven retail levels and five basement levels;
alterations and additions to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) building;
a new commercial tower above the retail podium.