Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Local heritage exemption to involving maintenance works to Levels 7, 8 and 9 of the Plaza building located at 25 Martin Place, Sydney.
S4.55(2) - Modification of consent to renew the trial period for outdoor operating hours between 10.00pm and 12 midnight, Monday to Sunday, for a further five years.
Alterations to office premises on Level 65
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to continue the extended hours of operation of the 'Cabana Bar Sydney' between 11.00am and 2.00am (the following day), Mondays to Sundays for the internal area, and 11.00am - 12.00 midnight, Mondays to Sundays for the external areas.
The hours of operation between 11.00am and 12.00 midnight , Mondays to Sundays for the internal area, and between 11.00am and 10.00pm, Mondays to Sundays for the outdoor area are already approved on a permanent basis.
Alterations to office premises on Level 62
Alterations to office premises on Level 59
S4.55(2) modification of consent to extend trial outdoor dining trading hours.
New paving, ceiling and lighting. Install heaters and matre'd station.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to continue trial trading hours of tenancies 8.05. 9.01 and 10.01 on Levels 8, 9 and 10 of the retail podium east plaza building for a further period.
Internal alterations to suite 46.02 on level 46 for office use.
Establishment of work compounds, within the confines of the tenancies and their associated licenced seating areas. • New waterproof membrane, new screed as required. Installation of new paving.
Installation of a temporary screen and stage for the Melbourne Cup race day for a further five (5) years
Internal alterations to Level 27 office premises.
Alterations to office premises on level 23
Alterations to office premises on level 37
Alterations to office premises on Level 37
Alterations to office premises on level 20
The proposed works include only the replacement of the stage with new, similar to the existing. The new stage would be modular and partly removable.
Alterations to office premises on level 38
Alterations to office premises suite 01 on level 46
Alterations to existing fitout on Level 40 MLC Centre.
Alterations to office premises on Level 37 and 38 MLC Centre
Various maintenance and repair/make good works on Heritage Item building in Martin Place.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to increase outdoor seating area associated with Tenancy 8.03 (Cabana Bar).
Remove partition walls, joinery, internal doors and replace with new partition walls, joinery and doors.
Alterations to existing office fitout on Level 57
Change the wall finish of the lift core at level 17 to exposed concrete through the removal of smooth plaster.
Alterations to office premises on level 44
Alterations to office premises on level 10.
Alterations to office premises on level 31
S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent to relocate substation CO2 box and change ramp finish
Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent to amend signage strategy
Alterations to use tenancy 6.10 Level 6 as physiotherapy consulting rooms and pilates studio. Proposed trading hours are 7:00am - 8:00pm Mondays to Fridays and 7:00am - 1:00pm Saturdays
S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent to Levels 17 and 18.
Alterations and additions to office premises on Level 47.
Replacement of kitchen floor tiles, ceiling, joinery benches and cupboards.
Internal refurbishment and new interconnecting stair between level 17 and 18 as part of an internal commercial office refurbishment.
Broken door replacement and painting works
Acoustic treatments to perimeter plasterboard spandrel on level 58 & 59.
Installation of one temporary banner sign to the external glass facade of Theatre Royal Sydney.
Alterations to office premises Level 9, Suite 5
Alterations/additions to office premises on levels 32 and 33
Alterations to use Tenancy 6.02 as a massage premises.
Alterations to office premises on level 40
The proposed works are confined to the Level 7 lounge area to include new joinery buffet with shelves and integrated lighting and fridges
Alteraions and addiitions for office fit out on Level 60
Alterations to office premises Suite 14.03 on level 14
Alterations to use premises (Tenancy 6 on Level 6) as a pharmacy.
Fitout of tenancy 6.22 on Level 6 food court
Internal alterations to the supermarket located in the basement level 4.
Alterations to office premises on Level 19
S4.55 (2) - Modification of consent to continue the extended outdoor trading hours of the 'Aalia Sydney' licensed premises from 7.00am - 12.00am midnight, Mondays to Sundays inclusive for a futher trial period. The hours of 7.00am - 12.00am midnight (7 days) for the internal area and 7.00am - 10.00pm (7 days) for the outdoor area are already approved on a permanent basis.
Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent
S4.55 (2) - Modification of consent to continue the extended trading hours of the 'Theatre Royal' licensed premises for 24 hours, Mondays to Sundays inclusive for a further 2 year trial period. The hours of 6.00am - 2.00am (7 days) are already approved on a permanent basis.
Alterations to office premises on Level 55
Alterations to office premises on Level 42
Alterations to food and drink premises on Level 6
Alterations to Botswana Butchery premises to provide new unisex and disabled amenities
S4.55 (2) - Modification of consent to continue the extended internal trading hours of the 'Cabana Bar' licensed premises from 11.00am -2.00am, Mondays to Sundays inclusive for a further trial period; and continue the extended outdoor trading hours from 11.00am - 12.00 midnight, Mondays to Sundays inclusive for a further trial period. The hours of 11.00am - 12.00 midnight (7 days) for internal area and 11.00am - 10.00pm (7 days) for the outdoor area are already approved on a permanent basis.
S4.55 (2) - Modification of consent to continue the extended internal trading hours of the 'Cabana Bar' licensed premises from 11.00am -2.00am, Mondays to Sundays inclusive for a further trial period; and continue the extended outdoor trading hours from 11.00am - 12.00 midnight, Mondays to Sundays inclusive for a further trial period. The hours of 11.00am - 12.00 midnight (7 days) for internal area and 11.00am - 10.00pm (7 days) for the outdoor area are already approved on a permanent basis.
PAN-275077 - Signage strategy to facilitate a new illuminated top of building sign on the north elevation of 25 Martin Place with dimensions of 2.78m (h) x 11.13m (w).
Alterations to office premises on Level 63
Alterations to office premises on Level 42.
Alterations to office premises on level 42.
Alterations to commercial office at Level 45
Alterations to office premises on level 32
PAN-266591 S4.55(1) - Modification to correct a minor error relating to the assessment of the proposed Louvre on level 15 of the tower.
PAN-265667 S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent to relocate the condensers on Level 54
PAN-265383 Alterations to office premises on level 45
PAN-261499 Alterations to the existing office premises at level 14, tenancy 02 (14.02)
S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent for minor internal changes.
Installation of temporary screen and stage for the annual Melbourne Cup race day for 2022 and 2023.
Installation of a Christmas tree in the Plaza Martin Place from 1 November 2022 to 15 January 2023. Consent is sought for the installation, use and removal of the structure each year over a ten-year period from 2022 to 2032.
PAN-255012 - Alterations to office premises level 14 and 15
Local heritage exemption to pack out one wall to install urinal.
Alterations/additions to office premises on level 17.
S4.55 (1A) Modification of consent to modify the façade treatment on the north and south elevations facing Rowe Street.
PAN-239346 - Alterations to office premises Part of level 58
S4.55 (1A) Modification of consent to amend the Lees Court external facade treatment.
PAN-245859 - Alterations to use premises as a jewellery store tenancy 7.03
Additions and Alterations to commercial premises - Internal reconfiguration of L16 Suite 16.01 of the Tower building
Alterations and additions to commercial development including the installation of external retractable awnings on Level 7 (Plaza level).
Alterations and additions to commercial development -
Minor refurbishment works to an existing office.
S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent
Alterations to office premises on Level 48
Alterations and additions to existing commercial development
Alterations and Additions to commercial premises -
Removal of full internal tenancy Fitout partitions, furniture joinery
Additions and Alterations to commercial premises - Fit out, and use as a Gelato Bar with proposed internal operating hours from 11am to 11pm Sunday to Thursday and 11am to 11:30pm Friday and Saturday as well as external operating hours will be from 11am to 11pm Monday to Sunday
PAN-221704 - Section 4.55(1A) Modification of consent
PAN-217863 Top of building signage
PAN-214169 - Alterations to office premises on level 56
PAN-214662 - Fitout and use of tenancy 7.12 & 7.14 as a shop (Brunello Cucinelli). Proposed operating hours are between 10am and 6pm Mondays to Wednesdays and Fridays, 10am to 9pm on Thursdays, and 10am to 5pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
PAN-214876 - Fitout and use of tenancy 7.10 as a shop.
Alterations to office premises in Suite 3304 on Level 33
Internal alterations to office including partitioning works
Section 4.55 (1A) Modification of consent for alterations to office premises on levels 67 and 67M
PAN-208756 Alterations to existing office premises on level 13.
Alterations to office premises on level 34
Alterations to office premises on Level 10
PAN-204632 Alterations to office presmises on Level 16.
PAN-201248 Alterations to office premises at suite 10 on level 10.
Local heritage exemption to undertake removal and replacement of carpet, and replacement of internal teller window with partition.
PAN-192515 Alterations/additions to office premises on level 39
PAN-188540 Alterations/additions to commercial office located on Level 23
PAN-188593 Alterations to existing office premise on level 10.
Replace roof top membrane
PAN-178901 S4.55 (1) Modification to amend condition 1 to include the correct partitions plan in the stamped plans.
- Shopfitout & Signage.
- Shop fitout.
PAN-169896 Alterations/additions to commercial development located at Tenancy 6.03
PAN-159154 - Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent to amend the approved Signage Strategy.
PAN-161140 S4.55 (2) Modification of consent
S4.55(1A) - Other modification
PAN-154707 Alterations/additions to commercial development on Levels 65, 66, 67 & 67M
Heritage works for commercial premises - replacement of chillers serving mechanical ventilation systems and associated works on levels 26, 54 and 68.
Renotification - PAN-155694 Internal alterations to refurbish the foodcourt on Level 6 including new internal tenancy signage. The proposed construction hours are 6:00pm to 6:00am Monday to Fridays inclusive and 24 hours for Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
S4.55(2) - Modification of consent to install a solid fuel cooking unit to the Botswana Butchery restaurant and pub. The modification will amend Condition 1 and Condition 36 Mechanical Ventilation.
PAN-151061 Alterations to use premises as a shop. Proposed trading hours are 9am - 7pm Monday to Wednesday, 9am - 9pm Friday and Saturday, and 9am - 7pm Saturday and Sunday.
PAN-147948 - Alterations to office premises
PAN-148851 - Alterations to office premises
PAN-147159 - Alterations to food and drink premises.
PAN-142969 - Alterations to use premises as a cafe. Proposed trading hours are 5am to 3pm Monday to Friday, and 6am to 2pm Saturday and Sunday.
Heritage works for commercial premises - replacement of chillers serving mechanical ventilation systems and associated works on levels 26, 54 and 68.
PAN-141617 Alterations to office premises
PAN-139716 - Alterations to Shop 6.34 for use as phone repair and accessories retail shop known as ‘Phonetabulous’ including signage. Proposed trading hours are between 7.00am and 10.00pm Monday to Sunday, inclusive.
PAN-138377 S4.55 (1A) Modification of consent
S4.55(1A) - Modification
PAN-132477 Alterations to use premises as a shop.
Change of use for office space to store room
PAN-123662 Alterations to office premises
PAN-116786 - Alterations to use premises as a nail salon.
S4.55(1A) - Modification
Alterations and Additions to commercial premises
PAN-113257 Alterations/additions to commercial development
Alterations and Additions to commercial development
PAN-113628 Alterations and additions to commercial development.
S4.55(1A) - Modification
Alterations and additions to a commercial development, being Level 49 of the office tower.
PAN-106363 - Installation of umbrellas.
PAN-97686 Alterations/additions to commercial development for a new office fit out on Level 48.
S4.55 (1A) Modification of consent
PAN-91806 - Alterations to use premises as take away food and drink premises. Existing hours are currently 7am to 5pm weekdays and 10am to 4pm Public Holidays.
Alterations and Additions to commercial development
PAN-90353 S4.55 (2) modification of consent to amend patron capacity of licensed restaurant and associated internal alterations.
PAN-90063 S4.55(2) Modification of consent to amend the approved Signage Strategy.
PAN-83072 - Alterations to tenancies 6.12 and 6.12A (Level 6) for use as a licensed food and drink premises in association with ‘Bar Fino’ (40 patrons). Proposed trading hours are between 7.00am and 10.00pm Monday to Friday, inclusive.
Alterations and additions to office premises on Level 47.
PAN-88813 S4.55 (2) modification of consent to amend trading hours of licensed restaurant.
PAN-88087 Alterations/additions to commercial development
PAN-82130 Alterations to use premises as a take away food venue.
Alterations/additions to commercial development
PAN-85116 Alterations to use tenancy 7.11 as a small bar.
PAN-85519 - Section 4.55(1) modification of consent
PAN-78788 Alterations to office premises.
PAN-78771 - Section 4.55(2) modification of consent
PAN-77831 - Section 4.55(1) modification of consent
PAN-72460 Alterations/additions to office premises.
PAN-69461 - Section 4.55(1) modification of consent to rectify an error and delete Condition 2C(c)
PAN-65634 Alterations to use tenancies 8.03 and 8.04 as a pub. Proposed indoor trading hours are 11.00am – 2.00am (following day), Mondays to Sundays inclusive. Proposed outdoor trading hours are 11.00am – 1.00am (following day), Mondays to Sundays inclusive.
PAN-65110 Alterations/additions to commercial development for the use and fit out of Tenancy 6.33 as a florist, plus signage. Proposed trading hours are 9.00am - 6.00pm Monday to Friday, 10.00am to 4.00pm Saturday, and Sunday and public holidays.
PAN-63609 - Section 4.55(1) modification of consent
PAN-63630 - Section 4.55(1) modification of consent
PAN-53877 Alterations to use tenancies 8.05, 9.01 and 10.01 as a pub.
PAN-55548 - Alterations to use premises as licensed restaurant.
PAN-32854 - S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent to modify the plans to align with the proposed tenancy fitout works DA for the Theatre Royal.
PAN-34401 - Alterations and additions to commercial development and formalisation of the use as an ‘entertainment facility’ and ancillary ‘function centre’
PAN-53933 Alterations/additions to commercial development for tenancy 8.02
PAN-51230 - Alterations to use premises as a cafe
PAN-32331- Alterations to Tenancy 7.00 of Levels 7 and 8 of the MLC Centre for use as a retail store known as ‘Valentino’, including internal fitout of tenancy and erection of shopfront signage. Proposed trading hours are 10.00am – 7.00pm Mondays to Sundays inclusive.
PAN-48886 Alterations to restaurant
PAN-48781 Alterations to use tenancies 8.05, 9.01 and 10.01 as a pub.
PAN-48809 Alterations to use tenancies 8.03 and 8.04 as a pub.
PAN-46804 - Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent
PAN-33593 – RENOTIFICATION – UPDATED HOURS - General fitout of premises for use as a licensed restaurant. Proposed trading hours are 11.00am to 2.00am, Monday to Sunday inclusive.
PAN-33570 - General fitout of premises for use as a small bar. Proposed trading hours are The proposed trading hours are 7:00am – 10:00pm, Monday to Sunday inclusive.
PAN-33549 – General fitout of premises for use as a restaurant.
PAN-33562 – General fitout of premises for use as a licensed restaurant. Proposed trading hours are 7.00am to 10.00pm Monday to Sunday inclusive.
PAN-33581 – General fitout of premises for use as a restaurant.
PAN 29596 - S4.55 (1A) Modification of consent to allow for various design amendments to reconcile discrepancies between the design documentation of the two project architects.
S4.55 (1A) modification of consent to allow for design changes to reflect the approved public art submission and the updated Heritage Interpretation Plan.
S4.55 1(A) Design amendments to the MLC Centre Plaza, including tenancy 7.00 (Icon 1) and tenancy 6.33
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent for alterations and additions to the MLC Centre. The proposed modification includes design amendments to Levels 9 and 10 of the approved retail podium East Plaza including creation of a new rooftop tenancy, and to facilitate separate use of the tenancies on those levels as food and drink premises (detailed operation and fitout would be subject to a separate application).
S4.55(2) Modification Application to the approved redevelopment of the podium and basement levels of the MLC Centre. Design changes relate to the Oculus in the plaza.
Section 4.55 (1a) - removal of approved L4 and L5 theatre stairs
Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent to amend Condition 28 relating to retainment of street trees.
Section 4.55 1(A) - Minor modification to wording of consent conditions 5, 9, 27, 36, 39, 40, 42, 46, 48, 25, 62, 64 ,86, 91 92 relating to OC as described in the report.
Erection of 2 temporary signs to tower crane.
Signage strategy for building identification, busines identification, and wayfinding signage.
Section 4.55(1A) Modification Application to amend Condition 5 relating to the timing of the public art work approval and installation.
Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent for alterations to the south-western portion of the ‘MLC Centre’ to accommodate a future replacement substation to meet the Ausgrid requirements. This will include works associated with a new CO2 connection box and signage totem at street level, changes to the exhaust louvres on the proposed tubular shaft adjacent to Lees Court and changes to the intake louvre.
Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent to amend the staging of the development. The application seeks consent to modify the wording of various conditions to allow for satisfication at different stages of the development.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent for various design modifications to the podium and basement levels of the site. Modifications also include minor changes in materials and finishes.
S4.55 (2) Modification of consent to continue the trial trading hours of the licensed Eden bar and restaurant. Indoor extended trading hours are from 11.00pm to 1.00am the following day and extended outdoor trading hours between 8.00pm and 12.00 midnight Monday to Sunday. The hours 7.00am to 11.00pm (indoor) and 10.00am to 8.00pm outdoor Monday to Sunday are already approved on a permanent basis.
Removal of single glass window and replacement with Louvred screen to level 56 of the MLC Centre.
Section 4.55(1A) modification to refine/modify/delete the wording of various conditions within the approved development application.
Removal of one existing glazed window panel and installation of a louvre to Level 48.
Section 96(1A) modification of consent for alterations and additions to the retail podium and basement levels of MLC Centre to re-word conditions in the consent, allowing for the staged construction of the development.
Removal of one external glazing panel and install a louvre to the external facade on Level 46 of the northern facade of the MLC Centre.
Section 96(2) modification of consent for alterations and additions to the retail podium and basement levels of the MLC Centre. The proposal is for design modifications relating to stone cladding at podium level, the Castlereagh Street tower entry, further opening of the Theatre Royal and MLC retail entry glazed areas and enclosure of space beneath the King Street Nervi structure and internal works.
Display of temporary public artwork on east facing boundary wall fronting Martin Place.
Installation of external louvre to Level 36 of the MLC Centre.
Alterations to level 34 of 'MLC Centre' including removal of glazed facade and installation of 1 air intake louvre.
Projection of Christmas decorations from Martin Place onto the "Commercial Travelers Association" building as part of the "MLC Christmas Celebrations" from Friday 27 November 2015 to Sunday 27 December 2015 and installation of associated temporary structures.
Extension of trading hours in association with the ‘Burger Project’ located on Level 6 of the MLC Centre (Tenancy 6.22) and minor internal alterations on Level 4 for construction of a storage room related to the subject tenancy.
Section 96 (1) to amend condition 2 to correct error in approved trading hours.
External alterations to the King and Castlereagh Street facade of Level 29 of the MLC Centre to remove 3 existing glazed panels and install air intake lourve grilles
Installation of 7,200mm wide and 2,400mm high marketing signage on Type B hoarding on the Castlereagh Street elevation.
Internal alterations to the existing basement tenancy on Level 4 of the MLC Centre for the fitout and use of the tenancy as a supermarket.
Change of use of level 4 store rooms of 'MLC Centre' to food preparation areas
Alterations to the south-western portion of the "MLC Centre" to accommodate a future replacement electricity substation. Works include alterations to the basement levels, an air intake and an exhaust riser.
Section 96(1A) modification of consent for alterations and additions to the MLC Centre. Proposed changes involve minor reconfiguration of the basement retail tenancy on Level 4.
Change of use and partial fit-out of an existing store room on level 4 of the MLC Centre as a food preparation area to be used in connection with an existing Sumo Salad in the food court on level 6.
Partial demolition works and substantial alterations and additions to the podium and basement levels of the MLC Centre (known as Levels 1 to 9), modification to vehicular access to site (including removal of the Castlereagh Street ramp and modification to the King Street ramp), with landscaping and public domain improvement works.
Installation of 2 projection towers in Martin Place and one projection tower on the level 8 balcony of the MLC centre for Christmas light and audio projection onto Commercial Travellers Association Building in the MLC Centre until 24 December 2014.
Temporary digital projection and art installations to the MLC Centre projecting onto the Castlereagh Street, Kings Street and Lees Court building elevations. The exhibition will run from 24th September 2014 until 22nd October 2014 between 5.30pm to 11.00pm 7 days a week.
Section 96(2) modification of consent for refurbishment works to Levels 6 to 8 (inclusive) of the MLC Centre. Proposed changes are reconfiguration of amenities and store room facilities on Level 6 (food court level) and new stair connecting Level 6 to Castlereagh Street frontage (Level 7).
Section 96(2) modification of consent to amend Condition 39 (Hours of Work and Noise) to allow extended construction hours for internal demolition and fit-out works to the ground floor level food court and below ground retail areas of the MLC Centre to occur 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday (inclusive).
Use of CTA building and MLC Centre Tower for temporary laser projection in association with 'Vivid Sydney'
Erection of a replacement plant enclosure on Level 8.
Removal of 1 x window panel and replace with a new fixed louvre, sized to match the existing opening.
Alterations and additions to Levels 3 to 6 of the MLC Centre, including reconfiguration of the basement levels to provide new end of journey facilities, reconfigured basement retail tenancy with modified entries and creation of new retail tenancy in food court.
Refurbishment works to MLC Centre Levels 6,7 and 8 including the removal of existing landscaped planters and undertaking of new hard and soft landscaping works, provision of new chairs, tables and shade parasols and internal alterations and upgrade to the food court.
Section 96 Modification - Eden Bar & Restaurant (Licensed) - Amend Condition 2 - HOURS OF OPERATION (INDOOR AREA) and Condition 3 - HOURS OF OPERATION (OUTDOOR AREA) to permit a trial period of 5 years for the extended trading hours.
Temporary artwork at MLC Centre.
Replacing existing window pane with a Lourve (same size) on Level 16 of the Pitt Street facade at the MLC Centre.
Facade repairs & remediation works to the MLC Centre, to be carried out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ground Tenancy 7.22 & 7. 23 Alterations and fitout for use as highend fashion retail for watches, including workshop and tenancy signage (Omega).
Section 96 application to continue the extended trading hours of 'Eden Bar & Restaurant' for a further two year trial period. The extended indoor trading hours are until 1am daily, and the outdoor trading hours are until 12 midnight daily. The site is adjacent to Castlereagh Street.
Replacement of six (6) glazed windows with six (6) new air intake louvres, removal and reinstatement of one (1) existing louvre and installation of photovoltic cells along the northern, north-eastern and north-western external window sills of the MLC Tower. All work to occur between Levels 50 and 52.
S82A- vary approved operation hours of external balcony and seek consent for amplified sound being boradcast on balcony
Change of use of the existing Work Bar licensed restaurant on level 8 of the MLC centre to a bar and restaurant with a hotel licence renamed Eden Bar and Restaurant.
POPE Renewal for Theatre Royal
To use the existing kitchen/store room in the basement level in conjunction with the existing Muffin Break shop located within MLC food court.
Updating directional signage on the MLC building. Replacement of six existing signs and installation of six new signs
installation of security bollards to arcade entry
Fitout to shop no. 7.01A within level 7, retail arcade of the MLC Centre facing onto the Castlereagh Street frontage and use as a shop for sale of clothing, shoes and associated products and to erect identification signs.
Installation of new louvre grille to provide for a new fresh air intake for an office located on Level 45 of the building.
To install a new louvre grille to provide for a new fresh air intake for an office located on Level 11 of the building.
Temporary installation of vinyl graphics to exterior of glass shopfront during deconstruction of existing store and fitout of new store.
Fit out to shop no.7.20 within level 7 retail arcade of the MLC Centre facing on to the Castlereagh Street frontage including new shopfront plus signage and use as a shop for sale of shoes
Addition of internal stairs to connect level 19 to level 22.
Fit-out of Shop 6.20 within level 6 retail arcade of the MLC Centre and use as an organic food shop.
Fitout of Shop 613 on Level 6 to a lingerie and gift store with one (1) top hamper sign.
Modifications to Condition 7 of consent to extend the hours of operation of the approved restaurant at Podium Level Tenancy 8.02 of the MLC Centre to between 7:00am and 1:00am on Mondays to Saturdays, inclusive and 10:00am to 4:00pm on Sundays. (The existing authorised, approved hours of operation are 11:00am to 10:00pm week-days and 11:00am to 3:00pm on Saturdays). The MLC Centre is on the corner of Martin Place, Castlereagh & King Streets and podium level tenancy 8.02 faces Castlereagh Street and is one storey above street level
Fitout of offices on levels 63 and 64 and continue to use as offices.
refurbishment of Shop 6.26 for the existing bagel shop.
Internal re-fitout of existing restaurant at Polium Level Tenancy 8.02 including new disabled WC, internal alterations and new finishes.
New shopfronts and internal fitout for existing fashion retail store. Four (4) non-projecting ground level wall signs, inlcuding one (1) light box. Like for like replacement of text in an existing under awning sign.
services upgrade to the MLC Centre, including a new diesel generator and air-conditioning systems.
Installation of internal stair linking levels 40 and 41 currently an internal stair lines levels 42 and 41 and works are to perform an opening in the slab to level 41 so a stair can be installed to level 40.
Rooftop refurbishment works to the building to upgrade/reposition the telecommunication equipment housing.
Extension of an existing service plant on a terrace at level 8 of the MLC Centre.
Internal refit-out of Shop 7.10a at ground level floor (level 7) of the MLC Centre for use as a leather goods and accessories shop (Longchamp).
S(96) 1a Modify colour and annotations of punths
S96(1A) - Modification of plinths & annotations
Exterior/shopfront alterations and internal re-fitout of existing " Gucci" Shop
Change the type of liquor licence under which the Place Cafe currently operates from an On-Licence (Restaurant) to a Hoteliers Licence .