Applications ordered newest to oldest.
New tenancy fit-out for Shop 86-88 on the Lower Ground Floor level of the QVB for newsagency.
Alterations to Shop 19 on Lower Ground Floor of QVB for retail tenancy fit out and associated signage.
Alterations to remove existing directory signage and install 12 new digital wayfinding signage directory signs in the QVB shopping arcade.
Internal retail renovation fitout work on the Ground Floor unit 38 of the Queen Victoria Building in George Street, Sydney.
Demolition an of the c1980s balustrade, stone piers and supports and the repair and construction of new copper balusters, clad piers and decorative mouldings on the original central dome.
Alterations to Shop L-047 on the Lower Ground level to use as retail premises 'Dazzora' with associated business identification signage.
Use 78.5sqm of public footway on York Street and Druitt Street for outdoor dining in association with Manon Brasserie. Proposed hours of use are between 7.00am - 1.00am (the following day), Monday to Sunday. This is a renewal of a previous approval.
Alterations to retail premises (Shop 14, Lower Ground Floor of QVB) to include the installation of digital signage within shop front window.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to modify the approved fitout and signage for Shop G-010 (Hugo Boss) on the ground floor level of the QVB. The modification seeks to include an additional 75 inch dynamic content sign to the internal arcade shopfront of the tenancy.
Alterations including signage to shop 15A located at lower ground level of the Queen Victoria Building for 'Dior'.
Alterations to Shop G-052 ground floor tenancy fitout
Tenancy fit-out including internal illuminated signage for shop 8
Alterations/additions to fitout Shop 44 on Ground floor for retail store Longchamp.
Alterations/additions to fitout Shop 17 on Ground floor for retail store APM Monaco.
Alterations to Shop 29-31 on Level 2 of the Queen Victoria Building (QVB) for fit-out of a jewellery retail premises, including signage. Proposed hours of operation are between 10.00am - 6.00pm, Monday to Saturday and 11.00am – 4.00pm on Sundays.
Alterations to Shop 48 on the ground floor of the QVB for fit-out as a retail premises for 'Weekend MaxMara', including signage.
Alteranions and additions to use Tenancy L-075 as a Retail Premises (shop) / Business Premises (hair salon / piercings).
Alterations for new kiosk L-098 on the lower ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building (QVB) for a food and drinks premises, and associated signage
Demolition of the c1980’s balustrade surrounding the main dome on the roof of the QVB and replacement with copper clad llight weight balustrade, including associated investigative works
Alterations and additions to retail tenancies Shop 29 on the lower ground floor 2 of the QVB for fitout as a retail premises (Vivaia) with associated business identification signage
Alterations and additions to retail tenancies G-010 on the ground floor level of the QVB for fitout as a retail premises (Hugo Boss) with associated business identification signage
Alterations and additions to retail tenancies G-032 and G-036 on the ground floor level of the QVB for fitout as a retail premises (Oroton) with associated business identification signage.
Alterations including signage to shop LG018 at lower ground level in the Queen Victoria building for 'Clarins'.
Alterations to retail premises to shop 11 on the first floor of the Queen Victoria Building, including signage for ‘The Tea Collective’
Fitout of tenancy G-045 at QVB for a new perfume store.
Alterations to Shop 1-018 and signage
Installation of two new illuminated signage in Shop G-024
Alterations to use Shop 44 on the Lower Ground of the QVB for a retail premises (phone accessories and repairs) and associated business identification signage
Alterations to Shop 15-17 retail fitout and signage on the first floor.
Alterations to Shop L-075 retail fitout for Peter Alexander and signage
Alterations, fitout and signage to use shop 20 for a retail premises in the Queen Victoria Building
Alterations to tennacies 2.034, 2.036 & 2.038 on Level 2 in the QVB including the amalgamation of two existing tenacies, demolition of joining internal wall, part new shopfront, and new internal fitout.
Alterations for fit-out and signage to retail premises Shop 26 on second floor of the Queen Victoria Building.
Alterations to shop 2-038 on level 2 in the Queen Victoria Building.
Alterations including signage to continue to use shop 30 on the lower ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building for 'Jo Mercer'.
Alterations to shop 09 on Lower Ground Floor of QVB for tenancy fitout and associated business idetification signage
S4.55(1) - Modification to correct a minor error
Alterations (including signage) to use Shop L-022 on the lower ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building for 'Guess'.
Alterations and additions to commercial premises and installation of business identification signage
Alterations (including signage) to use Shop L-048 on the lower ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building for Koko Black. Proposed hours of operation are 9.00am - 7.00pm Monday to Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; 9.00am - 9.00pm Thursday; and 10.00am - 6.00pm Sunday.
Alterations to Shop 11 on Lower Ground Floor of QVB for tenancy fitout and business identification signage as food and drink premises (Dutch Smuggler Coffee Brewers)
Alterations to shopfront of retail premises (Shop 95) and business identification signage on Lower Ground floor of the QVB.
Alterations to use premises for Whiskey Ark. Proposed trading hours are Monday - Wednesday, Friday - Saturday 9:00am - 7:00pm, Thursday 9:00am - 9:00pm and Sunday 11:00am-7:00pm.
Fitout of Shop 28 on Level 1 of the QVB as retail premises and associated business identification signage
Internal fitout of retail shop G-035 for the Wamada Jewellery.
Alterations to Shop 14 Lower Ground Level fitout of fashion
retail Cloud BLVD.
Fit out of Shop 82 on the Lower Ground Floor of the QVB as a retail premises (Star Phones) with associated business identification signage.
Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent to Shop 58 on the lower ground level.
Alterations including signage to retail premises shop 33 on the lower ground level of the QVB.
Alterations to use shop 37 on level 2 of the QVB as a massage and spa store, and signage.
Alterations and additions to retail premises
Alterations to use premises Tenancy L-063 as retail Spa Ceylon
Alterations to Shop 24 on the Lower Ground Floor of the QVB for use of the premises as take away food and drink premises. The proposed hours of operation are 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Sunday.
Alterations to existing kiosk (Tenancy G-054) on the ground floor level of the QVB and use as a food and drink premises. Proposed hours of operation are 7.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Sunday.
Alterations to retail premises in Shop 16 on Level 2 of the QVB including business identification signage.
Alterations to use premises as restaurant 'Sushi Hotaru' in tenancy LG-017. Proposed trading hours are 9.00am - 10.00pm, Monday to Sunday inclusive.
Internal fitout of Tenancy 1-014 and use as a business
premises (hairdresser)
Continuation to use 78.5sqm of public footway for outdoor dining in association with Manon Brasserie. This application proposes an amendment to extend outdoor dining trading hours to 7am to 2am the following day Monday to Sunday.
Alterations to retail premises Shop 95 (LG95 and LG97) located on the lower ground floor, including signage
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to extend the indoor hours of operation to between 6.00am to 2.00am Monday to Sunday.
Alterations to retail premises in Shop 10-12
Alterations to fit out retail premises in Shop 24 on Level 1.
PAN-263685 Installation of free standing television and stand to existing Shop 30 at lower ground level two for the purposes of dynamic content signage.
PAN-257751 Alterations to retail premises Shop 8 located on the ground floor for 'Polo Ralph Lauren', including signage
PAN-255979 Retail premises - Fitout of shops 33 and 37 including new floor & wall finishes, lighting and signage.
Alterations and additions to Shops 60 and 62 on the lower ground floor.
S4.55(1A) modification of consent to amend the approved shopfront.
Alterations and additions to tenancy L-68 for 'Jurlique Skincare' shop fitout
Alterations and additions to commercial development. Retail fit-out and signs at ground floor tenancy Shop 25 for Gewurzhaus
PAN-241739 - S4.55(1A) Modification of consent to amend the approved plans and delete Condition 2 Design Modifications
Alterations to hairdresser.
PAN-215237 - Alterations to use premises as restaurant. Proposed trading hours are Monday to Wednesday 9am to 8pm, Thursday 9am to 9pm, Friday & Saturday 9am to 8pm and Sunday 9am to 6pm.
Alterations to cosmetics shop
PAN-2052399 Installation of temporary structure ‘countdown clock’ for Vivid Sydney 2022
Use public land (140sqm) on Druitt Street Plaza and York Street for outdoor dining in association with food and drink premises known as ‘Manon Brassiere’. Proposed hours are [6:00am -12:00am midnight, Monday to Sunday] inclusive. This is a new application.
PAN-194942 Alterations to food and drink premises at shop L-81.
PAN-179671 Alterations/additions to retail premises at shop 23 on level 2.
PAN-169430 Internal fitout and signage associated with a retail premises
S60 - Installation of a Christmas lighting display on the southern façade of the QVB
Heritage exemption application for the installation of a Christmas lighting display on the southern facade of the QVB.
Internal alterations and additions to the Sol Alpaca shop at Level 2 Shop 43-45.
PAN-132389 Alterations to use premises as licensed restaurant. Proposed trading hours are 6am to 2am Monday to Thursday, 6am to 3am Friday & Saturday, and 6am to 12 midnight on Sunday.
PAN-126998 Alterations to retail premises. Proposed trading hours are 9am to 6pm Monday to Saturday (Thursday 9am to 9pm) and 11am to 5pm on Sunday.
PAN-124202 Alterations to takeaway food and drink premises
PAN-123914 Alterations/additions to retail premises
PAN-111098 - Internal alterations and use of Kiosk 54 (Ground Level) for a food and drink premises - cafe
PAN-107353 Alterations to use premises as food and drink premises.
PAN-96442 - Alterations to retail premises
PAN-81893 Alterations and additions to use premises as barbers/hairdressers. Proposed trading hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 9.00am to 6.00pm, Thursday 9.00am to 9.00pm, Sunday and Public Holidays 11.00am to 5.00pm.
PAN-84702 - Alterations to retail tenancy known as LG2-8, located in the retail arcade at lower ground level.
Alterations to commercial premises
PAN-70480 - Fitout of a shop including associated signage
Alterations/additions to commercial development
PAN-65114 Fitout and use of a shop including associated signage
PAN-68446 Retail premises
PAN-68212 - Internal alterations and use of Shop 6 (Level 1) for a new jewellery store occupying known as 'Baku'. Proposed trading is between 9.00am and 6.00pm Monday to Saturday, inclusive (except for Thursday which is proposed until 9.00pm) and between 10.00am and 4.00pm on Sunday.
PAN-67935 - Internal fitout and use of Tenancy Shop 14 on Level 2 as a Jewellery store. Proposed trading hours are 9.00am to 9.00pm Monday to Sunday inclusive. New internal shopfront window signs proposed.
Retail fit-out of Shop LG2-023
Upgrade level 1 north male and female amenities and level 2 north female amenities including finishes, fixtures and fittings
PAN-41101 Alterations/additions to Shop G48-50 and signage
Retail premises
PAN-36689 - Alterations to retail premises
PAN-30919 - Alterations and additions to commercial development
PAN-29783 Alterations and additions to retail premises.
PAN-27966 - Alterations to retail premises, located in the retail arcade at Lower Ground level.
Alterations and additions to commercial development
PAN 21552 - S4.55 (1A) Modification of consent
New interior fitout for pure health retail store, located on the lower ground floor.
Proposed retail tenancy fitout to shop 16 ground floor for Swarowski
S4.55 (1) modification application to correct errors relating to development description and to Condition 2 regarding the proposed hours of operation.
Alterations to Shop 18 including retail fitout and associated blade sign.
Internal alterations to Shop 31 including the retail fitout and associated signage and displays
Internal alterations for the refurbishment of the existing retail store occupying Shop 39 (ground floor) known as 'Longchamp'. Works include refurbishment works and the removal of existing, and installation of new joinery, fixtures and fittings.
Internal alterations for the refurbishment of the existing retail cosmetics store occupying Shop 57 (lower ground floor) known as 'Kiehl's'.
Retail tenancy fit out for Shop 47 Lower Ground Floor of QVB.
Internal fit-out to the 'Aveda' cosmetics store (Shop 16) on the lower ground level 2. Works include refurbishment works and the removal of existing, and installation of new joinery, fixtures and fittings.
New shop fitout for tenancy L-066 in lower ground floor of QVB
Internal renovations to existing tenancy at Shop 77-79 on Lower Ground Floor. Replacement of joinery, alterations to wall finishes and associated works as well as new signage.
Kiosk fit-out at shop 58 on the ground floor of the QVB. Removal of the existing kiosk and installation of a new refurbished kiosk for La Belle Miette.
Removal of non-structural inter-tenancy wall between shop 28 and shop 30 on the ground floor of the QVB to create shop 30.
Internal fitout of existing jewellery store. Cosmetic works only, Involving upgrading joinery face materials, lights, and floor finishes. Only minor cosmetic works involved and there will be no changes in layout. and structure. No new penetrations or new shopfront works are proposed. All new joinery and materials are easily removable to ensure heritage item are conserved.
Shop G30 internal fitout for new Stuart Weitzman store including new shop front and 6 signs
Retail tenancy fit-out and alterations to Shop 26 with associated signage at lower ground floor QVB.
Internal fit out for the new Kate Spade store to retail tenancy including new shop front signage.
Proposed dynamic content sign to existing window box to display content relating to subject tenancy.
S4.55 (1A) Internal alterations to joinery unit and associated renovation works replacement and additions of light fixtures and new signage within tenancy alterations to wall finishes and minor front counter additions
Internal fit out of existing retail tenancy including new shop front signage.
Section 4.55(1a) modification to replace fixed shopfront glazing with sliding window panels and reconfiguration of food preparation and service areas.
Internal alterations to Shop 07-09 on Level 2 of the State heritage listed QVB for use as a barber to be known as ‘Truefitt & Hill’ with ancillary retail including the replacement of existing signage. Proposed trading hours are between 9.00am and 6.00pm Monday to Saturday, inclusive (except for Thursday which is proposed trade until 9.00pm) and between 9.00am and 5.00pm on Sunday.
Internal alterations to shops 31-33 located at ground floor level of the Queen Victoria Building facing York Street for use as a clothing shop and associated signage.
Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent to amend the approved plans for internal alterations and signage to Shop 62 on the Lower Ground Floor of the QVB to include further changes to finishes and furnishes.
Internal alterations to Shop L032 on the lower ground floor of the QVB for use as an takeaway food and drink premises including signage.
Internal alterations and signage to Shop 62 on the Lower Ground Floor of the QVB for use as a retail store known as ‘Dyson Blow-Dry Bar’, including changes to finishes and furnishes.
Internal fit out of the Martin and Stein Jewellery store including associated signage -state heritage listed QVB
Internal alterations and signage to Shop 61 on the Lower Ground Floor of the State heritage listed QVB for continued use as a retail fashion accessories store known as ‘Mooii’. Proposed trading hours are between 9.00am and 6.00pm Monday to Sunday, inclusive (except for Thursday which is proposed trade until 9.00pm).
Internal alterations and signage to Shop 5 on the Lower Ground Floor of the QVB for continued use as a retail store known as 'Perfect Potion', including replacement of existing joinery and changes to shopfront.
Internal alterations and signage to Shop 11 on Level 2 of the QVB for use as a retail jewellery store known as ‘Bird Cage’. Proposed trading hours are between 9.00am and 9.00pm Monday to Sunday, inclusive.
Internal alterations to T09 on Level 3 of the QVB to construct partition walls for storage areas.
S4.55 1(A) modification of the consent to delete Condition 7 (Consent to Lapse) to permit the ongoing permanency of the existing escalators connecting the ground and first floor levels of the QVB.
Internal alterations and signage to Shops 27 and 29 - 31 on Level 1 of the QVB for continued use as a retail store known as ‘Gorman’. Proposed trading hours are between 7.00am and 10.00pm Monday to Sunday, inclusive.
Internal alterations and signage to Shops 43A on the lower ground floor of the QVB for continued use as a food and drink premises known as ‘Nutorious’.
Internal alterations and signage to Shop 54 and 56 on the lower ground floor of the QVB for continued use as a retail store known as ‘innisfree’.
Internal alterations to Shop 30 of the 'Queen Victoria Building' to include internal partitions, fixtures, window display and internal signage.
S4.55(1A) - Modification to approved development plans
Internal alterations to Shop 22 on Level 2 of the QVB for continued use as a retail store known as ‘Florentine’.
Fit out of Shop 18 on Level 1 of the Queen Victoria Building as a retail shoe shop. The proposal also includes replacement of graphics on the blade sign and 2 new iluminated signs adjacent to the shopfront windows.
Alterations and additions to existing clothing retail shop at Shop 3, Level 1 of the Queen Victoria Building including installation of 2 change rooms, storage units and joinery, lighting and timber floors. The proposal also including repair and make good of walls, ceiling and bulkhead within the tenancy.
Internal alterations to Shop 72 on the lower ground floor of the QVB for use as an Asian Bubble Tea Bar to be known as ‘Chatime’ including signage. Proposed hours of operation are between 9.00am and 6.00pm Monday to Sunday, inclusive.
Fit out of Shop No. 48 on the lower ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building for use as 'Ecco' shoe retail shop.
Retail tenancy fit-out and alterations to Shop 82
Retail tenancy fit-out and alterations to Shop 68
Internal fitout to retail tenancy including internal signage and repairs to existing internal wall shopfront.
Internal fitout of Shop 19 on Level 1 for continued use as a retail clothing shop.
Proposed internal alterations and illuminated signage to Shop 36 'ASICS' retail store at lower ground level within the Queen Victoria Building.
Internal alterations to existing cafe at Shop 2-4, on Level 1 of the QVB.
Internal fitout of Shop 19-21 Lower Ground and associated signage.
Internal fitout of Shop 15B Lower Ground and associated signage.
Internal fitout of Shop 44 including installation of digital panel on back wall, new displays, and anti-slip concrete tile flooring.
Use of 93.5 square metres of the public footways of York Street and Druitt Street (paved area) for outdoor dining in association with the 'Jet Bar Cafe' at the Queen Victoria Building, 429-481 George Street. Proposed hours of use are 7.00am to 11.00pm, Monday to Friday inclusive and 8.00am to 11.00pm on Saturday and Sunday. The café is licensed.
Internal fitout and use of Shop 81 as a food and drink premises including replacement of glazing panel with new frameless bifold doors and associated signage.
Internal alterations for a retail fitout to Shop 61 on the Lower Ground Level of the QVB.
Internal alterations for a retail fitout to Shop 59 on Lower Ground Level 1 of the QVB.
New shop fitout to Shop 15-17 on Level 1 of the QVB
Change of use of Shop 1 on Level 2 of the QVB for a new licensed restaurant and bar and associated internal alterations.
Change of use of Shop 48 on Level 1 of the QVB for a new licensed restaurant and bar and associated internal alterations.
Internal alterations to Shop 17 on Ground Level of Queen Victoria Building.
Internal alterations to Shop 50 on Lower Ground Level of the Queen Victoria Building.
Internal alterations to Shop 38-40 on Ground Level of Queen Victoria Building
Use, fitout and signage of retail shop number 60 on the lower ground floor of the QVB to be known as ‘Bath & Body Works’. Proposed hours are from 9.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Saturday, inclusive (until 9.00pm on Thursday) and from 11.00am to 5.00pm on Sunday.
Section 96(1A) modification of consent for retail fitout to Shop 5, 7 & 9 of the QVB. Proposal to install an illuminated lightbox sign to the York Street elevation.
Internal fitout and use of Shop 27 as a florist including new illuminated signage.
Fitout of shop 20 on the lower ground for a Camelbak Store including signage.
Internal alterations to existing cafe at Shop No. 44-46 including repair and maintenance works to dining area and food preparation area.
Refurbishment of the existing take away cafe and associated signage to shop LG11, located at the lower ground level of the Queen Victoria Building.
Internal alterations to Shops 5, 7 & 9, ground floor of the QVB including a new retail fitout and associated signage.
Interior alterations to tenancy 46-48 on level 2 of the QVB.
Internal alterations for the retail fitout of Shop 13, Lower Ground Level of the QVB for a jewellery store.
Internal fitout and signage associated with refurbishment of existing retail tenancy in Shop 18 of Queen Victoria Building.
Use of 93.5 square metres of the public footways of York Street and Druitt Street (paved area) for outdoor dining (including heaters) in association with the 'Jet Bar Cafe' at the Queen Victoria Building, 429-481 George Street. Proposed hours of use are 7.00am to 11.00pm, Monday to Friday inclusive and 8.00am to 11.00pm on Saturday and Sunday. The café is licensed.
Retail tenancy fitout of shop 6, ground floor of QVB for RM Williams.
Alterations to The Tea Room QVB kitchen.
Internal refurbishment and fitout to Shop 8 on the Ground Level of the Queen Victoria Building.
Internal alterations and fitout works to ground level, shop 1 of the QVB, including arcade signage and an internal illuminated sign.
Internal refurbishment of Shop 65-67 on lower ground floor of QVB
Internal alterations for a retail fitout to Shop 9 on the Lower Ground Level of the QVB.
Proposed repair and maintenance works to Shop 44, Level 1 of QVB.
Retail fitout of Tenancies 10-12 of QVB.
Fit out of existing retail tenancy for new retail tenant.
Internal alterations and fitout to lower ground level, shop 29 of the QVB.
Internal alteration to shoe store at Shop 46 on the lower ground. New shelves, counter, floors and sign.
Internal refurbishment and fitout of of existing shop, known as "kikki.K", at Lower Ground Shop 24.
Section 96(1A) Modification of consent to change nature of space from housing a vending machine to becoming a storage area.
Modification to Condition 8 to allow for food prep Shop 32 (Level 2) of the Queen Victoria Building
Internal fit-out of Shops 6 - 8 of the QVB.
Retail fit-out of Shops 34-36.
S96(1A) modification of consent to Shop 34 for design/size changes to the shopfront sign located in front of the back of house.
Internal fitout to retail shop 40-42 on level 2, QVB for Leica Camera with new flooring, ceiling works, lighting, joinery and internal signage, including new signage to existing QVB blade signage.
Alterations to an existing retail tenancy including new internal fitout - Alquema.
Internal alterations to shop 39-43 of the QVB.
Fitout of an existing food and drink premises at Shop 32 (Level 2) of the Queen Victoria Building and new signage.
New fitout, installing new cooking equipment, new finishes to tenancy, new counter and new signage.
Internal fitout of existing retail tenancy at Shop 14 on Lower Ground level 2 of the QVB.
Internal fitout of existing retail tenancy at Shop 30 on Lower Ground level 2 of the QVB.
Internal fitout of retail tenancy at Shop 31 of the QVB.
Internal fitout and use of Shop 81 as a food and drink premises, and the erection of one (1) internally illuminated business identification sign.
Fit-out of Shop 34 in QVB.
Internal fitout of existing retail tenancy at Shop 24-26 on Level 1 of the QVB.
Alterations to shop 21-23 of Queen Victoria Building including signage.
S96(1A) modificaiton of consent. Proposed changes include the deletion of Condition 2 relating to Design Modifications.
Alterations to lower ground shop 89 including internal fitout of tenancy and associated shopfront signage.
Alterations and fit-out to shop 95, including business identification signage.
Internal fitout of existing retail tenancy at Shop 70 of the QVB.
Internal alterations and fitout of Shop 34-36, Level 2, of the Queen Victoria Building.
Internal fitout of shop 25, level 1 for use as a jewellery shop.
Alterations to shop 15A of the QVB consisting of minor demolition, installation of 3 leaf bi-fold doors, internal refurbishment, and signage.
Internal alterations to Shop 83 of the QVB, known as 'Little Fish Shoppe', including the installation of new equipment, counter top, wall finishes, and the erection of new signage and feature graphics.
Internal fitout of retail shop with new flooring, ceiling works, lighting, joinery and internal signage , including new signage to existing QVB blade signage.
Internal fitout to existing retail shop,
Proposed shop upgrade of an existing Japanese take away shop. New shopfront display, new floor finish, new light fittings
Internal alterations to Shop 16 of the Queen Victoria Building, known as 'Moi Moi Fine Jewellery' .
Section 96(1A) modification of consent. Proposed change includes the erection and display of 1 x sign to shopfront tenancy.
Fitout of Shop LG 68 and business identificaton signage.
Replace existing fittings and repaint shop
Section 96 (1) modification to delete Condition 2 (design modification)
Replace existing vinyl logos on an existing previously approved internal shopfront.
Alterations to lower ground shop 64 including internal fitout of tenancy.
Internal retail fitout to shop 80 at lower ground floor level of the Queen Victoria Building.
Internal fitout of Shop L2-20 of the Queen Victoria Building.
Section 96 1(A) Removal of Condition 2a & 2ai - Relating to the design modification of the internal fitout and removal of Condition 3a & 3b - Relating to the removal of internally illuminated poster boards and sign box
Section 96(1) modification to correct error in Condition 2 (Design Modification) relating to the location of the lightboxes
Internal fitout of shop 48 and 50 on ground floor level of the Queen Victoria Building.
Internal alterations to Shop 63 of the Queen Vistoria Building including erection and display of buisiness identification signs
Alterations to Shop 18 of the Queen Victoria Building including erection and display of new signage.
Interior fitout of Shop LG51 of the Queen Vistoria Builidng.
Internal alterations and fitout of Shop 38 on Level 1 of the Queen Victoria Building including repainting, flooring, cabinetry and window displays.
Shop 48/50 Ground Floor Ferragamo Store - Replace joinery like for like
Internal alterations and fitout of Shop 33-37 on Level 1 of the Queen Victoria Building including storeroom, repainting, flooring, cabinetry and window displays.
Interior fitout of Shop LG52 including internal and external facing signage.
Fit out and use new retail tenancy as a juice bar kiosk, including service counter, wash up area and prep area with joinery to seating area.
Fitout and use retail shop. Replacement of two existing internal shopfronts with new.
Internal fitout of L'Occitane shop in the QVB.
Internal alterations and fitout of Shop 35-37 on Ground Floor of the Queen Victoria Building including mezzanine storeroom, repainting, flooring, cabinetry and window displays.
Internal fitout including new joinery items and painting to existing retail store.
Internal fitout of retail unit and signage.
Internal fitout of an existing restaurant. Upgrades to include new bar counter and joinery works. New floor and wall finishes to kitchens and dining area. Proposed new bi-fold glass door.
Internal alterations to existing Shop 30C on the Lower Ground Floor within the Queen Victoria Building.
Internal alterations to existing Shop 37-41 on Level 2 within the Queen Victoria Building including repainting, new storeroom, flooring, cabinetry and window displays.
Alterations to shop 75, lower ground of 'Queen Victoria Building' including internal alterations to tenancy and shopfront signage.
Alterations to shop 28, level 1 of 'Queen Victoria Building' including the removal and reinstatement of joinery blade walls.
Alterations to Shop 16 on the Ground Level of the QVB including internal works for the refreshed fitout of the 'Longchamp' retail outlet.
Alterations to Shop 10 on the lower ground floor of the QVB including interior fitout works.
Internal alterations and fit out to Shop 26-28 within the Queen Victoria Building including repainting, new flooring, cabinetry and partition walls.
Minor interior refurbishment of shop.
Internal alterations to existing Shop G45-47 within the Queen Victoria Building including repainting, new flooring, cabinetry and window displays.
Internal alterations and fit out of Shop LG27 within the Queen Victoria Building as fashion retail including signage.
Refurbishment of a retail fitout for Joe Bananas Shop G49 in the QVB.
Internal refurbishment of existing clothing store, known as "Sheike", at Lower Ground Shop 12.
Integrated development to NSW Heritage Office for the installation of new lifts within the existing lift shafts at the northern and southern ends of the Queen Victoria Building. The application involves the upgrade of caged lifts on all retail levels.
Shop 45-47; shop fitout and small office/desk space
Alterations to Shop 44 of 'Queen Victoria Building' including internal fitout and associated works.
Shop fit out for clothing store
Tenancy 43 - proposed shop front alterations to QVB standard details. Interior fitout to retail tenancy including new internal and external facing signage
Internal fitout of retail tenancy and signage.
Alterations to shop 66 of the 'Queen Victoria Building' including interior fitout works.
Alterations to shop 26 of the 'Queen Victoria Building' including shop fitout works
Alterations to shop 33-37 of the 'Queen Victoria Building' including the removal of inter-tenancy wall.
Internal alterations to Shop 11/15 of the Ground Floor Level of the QVB to be fitout for 'Sportscraft' retail premises.
Internal alterations to shop 45 of the 'Queen Victoria Building' .
Section 96 (1A) modification of the approved development altering graphic window display and signage.
Internal alterations to 'Coach' tenancy at Shop 24-26 of the Queen Victoria Building including repositioning of internal partition walls.
Fitout and use shop 23-25 on level 2 of the QVB for an antiques shop.
Maintenance to existing Antique jewellery shop on ground floor including sanding and polishing timber floor, painting walls in same colours and change light fittings to LED.
internal fitout and signage within the QVB for 'Sushi Hub' Japanese take away store.
Retail store fitout, new feature ceiling floor and wall finishes.Remove existing shop front and replace with open shop front. New stackable door closure as per QVB spec new signage and fixtures. Shop 64 Lower Ground
Internal alterations to 'Coach' retail store, shop G14 within the 'Queen Victoria Building' including new fit out, flooring and signage
Fit-out of retail clothing shop, Shop 30-32 on Level 2
Refurbishment of existing retail outlet tenancy.
Retail tenancy fitout to Shop 15A on Lower Ground floor, including signage.
Internal refurbishment and fitout of existing Oroton store at Ground Floor Shop 19-21-23.
Refurbishment and replacement including Internal fitout of existing licensed kiosk cafe including replacement of existing signage and furniture.
Alterations to Shop 33 of the QVB including internal retail fitout and signage for 'Kitten D'Amour'.
Internal fitout of 'Assamm' restaurant within lower ground floor of QVB. Works include new commercial kitchen, internal and external dining area.
Refurbishment of existing cafe at Shop 24 and new fitout for coffee and Wine Bar to Shop 27. Shop 24 and 27 to be used in conjunction with one another, including outdoor seating in the gallery area.
S96 (1A) - Amendments to condition 1 and schedule 3 of approved consent
Existing retailer implementing new fitout/renovation of current retail store
Section 96 (1A) modification of consent for new kiosk. Proposed changes are to the design and materials and new signage.
Internal Refurbishment of existing hair salon and signage.
Internal shop fitout for baroque jewellery comprising new joinery, flooring , ceiling works lighting & new shopfront signage.
New internal fit-out works to existing jewellery store within the Queen Victoria Building.
Internal alterations and additions to Shop 54 & 56 on the Lower Ground within Queen Victoria Building comprising fitout for 'Victoria's Secret'
Minor internal alterations and refurbishment to Shop LG5 within the Queen Victoria Building.
Footway seating in association with licensed cafe known as 'Jet Bar'. A total of 71 chairs and 30 tables are proposed with two 'Point of Sale' terminals and 3 heaters. Proposed hours of operation are 7.00am to 12.00am midnight, 7 days a week.
Integrated development application involving internal alterations and refurbishment works to Ground Level Shop 2/4 and Level 1 Shop 1 ('Country Road') of the heritage listed Queen Victoria Building. Works include fitout works, particle demolition of Mezzanine level, new internal staircase and replacement of exiting signage content.
New unlicensed food and drink premises/kiosk - Ground floor, QVB known as ADRIANO ZUMBO PATISSERIE.
Section 96(2) application to modify Condition 13 (Hours of Work & Noise) to permit internal fit-out works within the Queen Victoria Building between 10.00pm and 7.00am, Monday to Friday (inclusive)
Fitout of Shop 42, Ground Floor of the QVB for retail premise known as 'Fossil Accessory Store'.
New licensed café/kiosk to replace existing (Shop 54 Ground Floor QVB).
Fitout and use shop 20-22 on level 1 of the Queen Victoria Building for a licensed cafe with private functions.
Fitout and use of an existing Lower Ground Level Kiosk as a food and drink premises 'T2 Tea' kiosk, including retail sales. The premises will include seating for 30 people.
Internal refurbishment of existing clothing store at Ground Floor Shop 30.
Internal refurbishment of existing jewllery store at Shop 38.
Internal refurbishment of existing 'Starbucks' coffee shop (Tenancy 69) including increase of seating from 27 to 32 seats, removal of internal signage, new lighting, wall decoration, new furniture and new logo graphics on glass stacker doors.
Internal retail fitout of shop 39-41 (Queen Victoria Building)
Refurbishment and upgrade to the amenities on the lower ground, level 1 and level 2 and refurbishment to the lift lobbies at the car park levels,
Internal Refurbishment fo the Tea room Restaurant.
S96 (1A) - Schedule 1A (4) Middle lightbox - to be approved
Fitout of Shop 31-33 on the Ground Floor for the sale of footwear
Internal fit out of Shop 21 Level 2
Refurbishment of Shop 39-43 on Level 1
Install a new shopfront to Shop LG2-16
Internal fitout for retail tenancy 57.
Internal Fitout including signage.
Shop 48 for refit of existing ABC Bookshop including signage.
Internal fitout of shop with new shopfront art work blade signage and alterations to existing internal layout of QVB level 2 shop 33-35.
Internal fitout of retail Shop 59-61 for an Onitsuka Tiger store.
Internal referbishment works to existing retail tenancy within QVB (Shop 24 & 26). No external works. Replacement of existing signage.
Internal fit-out of an existing restaurant (laksa House) within the Queen Victoria Building
Internal fit-out and use of Shop 60 as a beauty retail shop with associated signage.
Internal fitout of fashion store and internal signage at shops 34-36 on level 1 within the Queen Victoria Building.
Internal fitout, signage and use of shop 36 at basement mezzanine level in the Queen Victoria Building as an Asics retail store.
Fitout to existing retail fashion shop LG28.
Provide gas points to various food tenancies on ground level and lower ground level 2 of the QVB for natural gas heating.
Replace existing sign with LCD screen based sign.
Fitout and use Shop 44 on the Lower Ground for the sale of mobile phone and Ipad accessories
Fitout of Shop 22 on Lower Ground 2 for a fashion store
Fitout of Shop 27 on Lower Ground 2 for a fashion store
S96 (1a) design development changes
Refurbishment of the existing licensed cafe, Shop 29 Ground Level
Replacement of the existing cafe kiosk with a new cafe kiosk on the Ground Floor
Fitout of ground level Shop G52 for use as a retail chocolate outlet (Haighs), including a new mezzanine and roof mounted air conditioning condensor units.
Sec 96 (1) adjustment of trading hours
S96 (1A) Modification of facade imagery
Section 96(1a). Existing fitout to be maintained with small upgrades, new internal signage, new joinery unit to centre floor.
Fitout works to shop 72, lower ground floor. New seating, signage, and minor works.
Refurbish exisiting fossil tenancy. Paint walls and ceiling. Replace existing floating floor with new floating floor (like for like) 6 x light fittings
Internal fitout to shop 14 on the lower ground floor and continue to use as a cosmetic shop.
Fit out and use of new cafe - Shop 77-79 lower ground
Removal of 2 payphones and installation of four ATMs located in the lower ground level of the southern core of the Queen Victoria Building.
Shop 7-9, Level 1: Clothing retail store-refurbish existing store
Shop 3-5, Level 1 Women's Fashion Store- Internal shop fitout
Fit out and use of retail tenancy.
shop 25 refurbishment of existing shop and new internal signage and no change to hours of operation known as Herringbone on ground level.
Alteration to existing clothing/fashion store.
S96 (1A) - Continue the use of a hoarding on external QVB
Fitout of Lower ground floor Tenancy 19-21 and use as a teas & accessories shop ("T2").
Internal shop fitout of Pylones (designer giftwares) comprising joinery, flooring, bulkheads & lighting within Shop LG18, QVB.
Fitout and use Shop 11 on the Lower Ground Floor as a cake shop
Fitout and use of Shops 5, 7 and 9 on the ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building as a retail women's fashion store known as Karen Millen.
Fitout of existing tenancy as a gift shop.
New shopfront to the exisiting shop. 43a
S96(1A) Deletion of condition of consent 2 DESIGN MODIFICATIONS
Fitout of shop 48 on the lower ground floor and use as a clothing shop.
Shop fitout for Level 1, tenancy 15-17 - Dominiques retail.
Alterations, fitout and refurbishment of Shop 8-10-12 at Level 2, including new shopfronts and continued use for Metropolitan Museum of Art product sales.
Alterations, fitout and refurbishment of Shop 19 at Level 1, including new shopfront and use as a retail clothing shop (Cashmere Collection).
Alterations, fitout and refurbishment of Shop 14/16 at Level 1 and use as a womens fashion store (Blooms).
Internal shop fitout and continued use of gelato shop
Internal fitout of menswear retail shop
Minor internal refit for existing telecommunications retailer Vodafone SHOP 81, Lower Ground Floor.
Refurbish and reduce size of existing Café Tenancy (Kiosk 98), including seating area, within the lower ground floor QVB Walk (North A) area.
Ground level Tenancy 28 - Internal re-fitout and refurbishment of the existing (Camper) retail shoes and accessories shop.
Fitout and continue to use shop Nos 84-88 on the lower ground floor as a Newsagency.
Alterations, new shopfront and fitout of lower ground level Shop 65/67 for continued use as a retail skin-care, make up, bath/body & beauty products shop (The Body Shop).
Internal fitout to existing ground level Shop 51/53 and use as a Jewellers shop (Musson Jewellers).
Modification of condition 13 of consent to increase the number of patrons from 69 to 90.
New shopfronts to seven tenancies at the lower ground floor level of the Queen Victoria Building.
Fitout Shop 40/42 at Level 1 and use as a boutique fashion store (Towanda).
Alterations and internal fit out of shop No.80 on the lower ground floor and continue to use as a shoe shop.
Alterations and internal fit out of lower ground floor shops nos 95 97 and use as a bank and to install two ATM and LCD screens behind the glass.
Alterations to Level 1 tenancies 40-42 including removal of inter-tenancy walling to allow consolidation into one larger tenancy
Alterations, new shopfront and fitout of Level 1 Shop 21-23 for use as a jewellery store (GS Jewellers).
Refurbishment and re-fitout of ground floor Shop 48/50 for continued use as a retail fashion and accessories store (Salvatore Ferragamo).
Alterations, new shopfront and fitout of ground level Shop 27, for use as a jewellery shop (Bunda Boutique).
Integrated Development Application for the refurbishment of the existing 'Jet Wine Bar & Cafe' at shop G55 of the QVB building including new entrance doors and vestibules and the relocation of the kitchen to the mezzanine level.
Install temporary advertising on construction hoarding during the Queen Victoria Building facade restoration.
Refurbishment of the existing 'Old Vienna Coffee House' at shop 2, level 1 of the QVB building for continued use.
Alterations to retail Shops 7, 9 & 11 on Level 2 Queen Victoria Building
Shop fitout works within the existing tenancy no. 87 on the lower ground floor level of the QVB including new shop front and continue to use as a pharmacy.
Shop fitout works within Tenancy LG63 at the lower ground level of the QVB, for use as a retail pen, fine stationery and leather goods shop.
s96(1A) - Interior modification - Condition 1 - relating to approved drawings.
S96 1A - Condition 3 to be deleted to permit new shopfront and condition 1 to be amended with new shopfront as shown in drawings.
Alterations, new shopfront and re-fitout of lower ground level Shop 75, for continued use as a card shop (QVB Card Shop).
Alterations, refurbishment and fitout of Level 2 Shop 23-25, for use as a retail fine antique jewellery shop (Martin & Stein studio gallery).
Internal fitout to shop LG 46 on the lower ground floor and use as a footwear shop
To continue the use of part of the public footway along York Street and within Bicentennial Plaza for outdoor seating purposes in conjunction with the adjoining QVB tenancy "QVB Jet Cafe" (56 chairs & 24 tables) . Hours of use 7.30am to midnight 7 days a week.
Tenancy fitout for a proposed licensed restaurant within Shop 1 at Level 2 of the QVB.
Alterations and fitout of Shop LG52 at the lower ground level of the QVB, for use as a fashion jewellery and accessories shop (Colette).
Restaurant fitout to Tenancy No.24 and No.27, Level 2 QVB. The restaurant is to operate 7am-10pm, 7 days a week, with internal seating for patrons within Tenancy No.24, a coffee machine, cash terminal and storage to Tenancy No.27, and external seating within the mall, with a maximum of 50 seats in total , including areas adjacent to adjoining shops.
Shop fitout works within Tenancy G44 at the ground level of the QVB, for use as a retail crystal jewellery and ornaments store (Swarovski).
Internal refurbishment to shop No. 24 on the lower ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building and continue to use as a stationery shop.
Refurbishment of the existing optometrist retail shop at shop 20, lower ground level 2 of the QVB.
Alterations and re-fitout of lower ground level Shop 3, for continued use as a sunglasses and accessories shop (Sun Glass Hut).
New fit out of existing glass and silver jewellery kiosk at tenancy 13, lower ground 2.
Alterations and re-fitout of Shop 30C at the lower ground level of the QVB, for continued use as a clothes alterations shop (Queens Alterations).
Shop LG28,QVB-Proposed Diva Accessory retail store-fitout works.
Restaurant fitout to Tenancy No.24 and No.27, Level 2 QVB. The restaurant is proposed to operate 7am-10pm, 7 days a week, with internal seating for patrons within Tenancy No.24, a coffee machine, cash terminal and storage to Tenancy No.27, and external seating within the mall, with a maximum of 50 seats in total , including areas adjacent to adjoining shops.
S(96) 1a-Alterations to shop front line
Fitout to shop nos 34/42 on the lower ground floorof Queen Victoria Building and use as a fashion shop.
Internal refurbishment of shop 23-25 on the lower ground floor of the QVB building for continued use as a Nine West retail outlet.
Alterations and re-fitout of Shop 9LG at the lower ground level of the QVB, for continued use as a retail cosmetics outlet (Missha).
Fitout to shop LG 89 on the lower ground floor of Queen Victoria Building (QVB) and continue to use as a mobile shop
Alterations, re-fitout and refurbishment of Tenancy 74 at the lower ground level of the QVB, for continued use as a take-away food shop Sushi Show.
Amend Condition 1 to make reference to revised drawings which contain minor design development modifications to the tenancy fitout, including the shopfront display and shop display layouts, finishes, lighting, joinery and glazing.
Fitout and use of Shop 10 on the lower ground floor level of the QVB for a fashion accessories (Swatch) retail shop including new signage.
Alterations and internal fitout of Tenancy 30A/30B at the Lower Ground level of the QVB, for use as a clothing and accessories shop ("Seed).
Fitout and use of Shop 55 on the lower ground floor level of the QVB for Dermalogica skin care shop including new shopfront and associated signage.
Fitout to the existing shop Nos 47 and 49 on the lower ground floor within the Queen Victoria Building (QVB) including new shop front and continue to use as a jewellery shop.
Alterations, re-fit and refurbishment of Tenancy 46 at Level 2 of the QVB, for continued use as a restaurant CELLINIS BAR AND RESTAURANT
Fitout to Shop 21 on level 2 within the Queen Victoria Building (QVB) including new shop front and use as a gift shopFitout to Shop 21 on level 2 within the Queen Victoria Building (QVB) including new shop front and use as a gift shop.
Alterations and fitout of Tenancy 30-32, at Level 2 of the QVB, for use as a card and gift souvenir shop.
Consolidation of shop nos. 30A and 30B on the lower ground floor within Queen Victoria Building including new shopfront and use as a clothing shop.
Refurbishment of the existing shop nos. 10 and 12 on the ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building and continue to use as a fashion shop.
Use and fit out of shop 26 upon the lower ground floor of the QVB building as a Calvin Klein underwear store.
LG 34 & 42 - Remove tenancy wall to use shops 34 & 42 as one tenancy
Fitout to shop Nos. 35-37 on level 1 of the Queen Victoria Building (QVB) and use as a ladies clothing shop.
Fitout of Shop 62 on the lower ground floor of the QVB
Fitout to shop nos. 30-32 on level 1 of Queen Victoria Building and use as a clothing shop.
Fitout to shop no. 18 on level 2 of the Queen Victoria Building and continue to use as a gift shop.
Fitout to shop nos. 24 and 25 on level 1 of the Queen Victoria Building (QVB) and continue to use as a retail shop.
Fitout and new shop front to shop nos. 34-36 on level 2 of the Queen Victoria Building (QVB) and use as a shop for sale of clothes, jewellery and gifts.
Alterations to Level 1 Tenancies 24 & 26 including new replacement shopfronts and removal of the inter-tenancy wall to allow consolidation into one larger shop.
Fitout of Shop 20, level 2 within the QVB for a new retail jewellery shop.
Alterations to shop Nos. 31 & 33 on ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building (QVB) including new shopfront, relocation of internal stairs to mezzanine floor and continue to use as a clothing shop.
Alterations to shop No 83 on the lower ground floor within Queen Victoria Building including new shopfront and continue to use as a takeaway food shop.
Re-fitout/refurbish Shop LG8 at lower ground level for continued use as a knife and chefs accessories shop (King of Knives), including new shopfronts.
Internal fitout of shio Nos 23A & 25 on the first floor within the Queen Victoria Buiding (QVB) and continue to use as an optomerty shop.
Use and fitout as a jewellery store, within the Queen Victoria Building shop 43.
Section 96 modification of Condtion 7 to include additional shopfront configurations (2) & (8)
Internal fitout of shop No. G52 on the ground floor within the Queen Victoria Building (QVB) and continue to use Addidas shoe shop.
Internal fitout and alterations to Level 2 Tenancies 26 & 28 for use as a country apparel and accessories shop (COUNTRY CLASSICS)
Alterations to Level 2 tenancies 26 & 28 including new replacement shopfronts and removal of the inter-tenancy wall to allow consolidation into one larger shop.
Fitout to shop no. 3 on the ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building (QVB) and continue to use as a chocolate shop.
Internal fitout and continued use as a clothing shop of shop No. L1-34-36 on Level 1 of the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), and associated signage.
Alterations, re-fitout and refurbishment of Tenancy 2-16 at Level 2 of the Queen Victoria Building (QBV), including installation of a new shopfront and continued use as a jewellery store.
Fitout and use of Shop 6 on Level 2 of the Queen Victoria Building (QVB) as a jewellery shop and associated signage.
Replace existing car park entry signage with a new sign.
Fit out and use of shops 44-46, Level 1 of the queen Victoria Building to be used as a cafe/restaurant known as DE VINO
Internal retail shop fitout of Shop 58 and associated blade sign within the Queen Vistoria Building (QVB).
Section 96 (1A) application to increase the hours of operation at shop LG68 of QVB (Paul Dane). The proposed hours of operation are 8.00am - 6.30pm Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri, 8.00am - 9.00pm Thurs, 9.00am -6.00pm Sat and 10.30am - 5.00pm Sun.
Use and fitout for leather goods retail store, shop 16.
Alterations to shop 64 retail Equip handbags & accessories
Consolidation & internal fitout of Level 2 Shops 33 & 35, including new shopfronts, removal of inter-tenancy walls and use as a photographic gallery, artworks, calendars, greeting cards & book shop(Jonathon Marks).
S96(1a) deletion of condition 3 and amendment to condition 1
Re-fit and refurbishment of Shop 44 at the lower ground level of the QVB for continued use as a lingerie/fashion store ("Arianne").
Re-fitout and refurbishment of lower ground level Shop 51/53 for continued use as a jewellery and fashion accessories store ("Baku") including new shopfronts.
Re-fitout and refurbishment of Shop 28 at Level 1 for continued use as a fashion store (ALISTAIR TRUNG)
Fitout of shop 15C at the Lower ground level of the QVB for use as a currency exchange store - Travelex.
Use and fitout of shop 68 upon the lower ground floor of the QVB building as a ladies fashion store including new shopfront and non-illuminated signage.
Alterations and internal fitout of lower ground level Shops LG54-56 for use as a retail hand-bag, travel-bag, business-bag and accessories shop Strandbags.
Retail fit-out of existing premise located within the Queen Victoria Building.
Section 96(2) to continue 24 hour construction of the approved escalators within the Queen Victoria Building (QVB).
Infilling of two existing doorways between units 15C and 17 to create two separate retail units plus replacement shopfront and alterations to the floor of unit 15C.
Removal of intertenancy wall between units LG54 and LG56 of the QVB building to create one unit plus installation of new shopfronts.
Fit out and use of Shop 70, lower ground floor of the QVB building, as a Sportsgirl retail fashion outlet. Works include new bi-fold doors and signage.
New shopfront glazing to existing display cabinet and FHR cupboard in LG level of the QVB building
Removal of intertenancy wall between shop 26-28 on level 1 of the QVB building to create one unit, plus replacement shopfront.
New shopfront, counter and signage for shop 66 QVB Health Foods on the lower ground floor
Fit out and new shop front of Shop 33, Level 1 QVB for Vivian Chan Shaw.
Fitout of Shop LG81 at the lower ground level of the QVB for use as a mobile phone shop -- Hutchison 3.
Fit out and use of Shop 29 - 31, level 2 of the QVB building as a retail art gallery. Works include a new shopfront.
Fit out and change of use of shop 40, level 1 of QVB from fashion retail to a jewellery store.
New shopfront and refurbishment to shop 22, an existing retail shop, on the second floor.
Fit out of shop 85, lower ground floor of QVB as a jewellery retail store.
To continue the use of existing coffee kiosk (kiosk G-K01) within the ground level of the Sydney Central Plaza retail arcade
Use and fit out of shop 2-4, lower ground of QVB as a cupcake shop and café including new shopfront.
New fitout and signage for shop 10-12 (David Lawrence) on the ground floor.
Shop LG 50 refurbishment of existing shoe store
Use & fitout shops 39-41 ground floor as Molton Brown Emporium retailing lifestyle and beauty products
New shopfront to shop 20 on the lower ground floor.
Internal fitout of lower fround level Shop 20 and use as a mens clothing shore ("Woosh")
Refurbishment of existing jewellery shop in QVB
Use as retail clothing sotre (Versace) and fitout of shop 93-43
Refurbishment of existing retail shop 60 (Darrell Lea) including flooring, internal fixtures and signage.
Refurbishment of existing retail clothing store (XILE), Shop 27-31 QVB.
New fitout to shops 107-109 (Nelson Leong).
Increase the number of chairs to 52 and tables to 26 associated with the adjoining cafe (tenancy G29).
Shop 14 of QVB Level 2 - New Jewellery store fitout.
Fitout and use shop 45 &47 of QVB Level 1 as Antique Shop.
New fitout of Shop 15A (Bijoux) on the lower ground floor.
New fit-out of shop 59-60 (Motio) on the lower ground floor.
Internal fiout for continued usa as a fashion shop "Lola" at shop 57 at the lower fround level of QVB.
New internal shopfront and internal fitout for use as a jewellery shop (Carina) at Shop 44 Level 2 of the QVB
New internal shopfront and internal fitout for use as a gift shop at Shop 2-19 at Level 2 of the QVB.
S96(1A) Installation of nes wall fixture, re-painting of store and installation of false MDF columns & bulkheads.
New internal shopfronts and internal fitout for use as a jewellery store "Pandora Jewellery" at Shops 45/47 at the ground level of the QVB.
S96(1A) deletion of a wall
New Internal shopfronts and internal fitout for use as a toy store at Shop 37/39/41 at level 2 of the QVB (Just White)
Section 96(2) modification to allow 24 hour construction on Monday to Saturday, previously approved for a 6 month trial. The works are internal refurbishment works to the Queen Victoria Building (QVB).
Section 96(2) to allow 24 hour construction on Monday to Saturday, previously approved for a 6 month trial. The works include the installation of new escalators inside the Queen Victoria Building (QVB).
Refurbishment of existing Mister Minit shop 15B lower ground level including new shopfront.
Internal fitout to shop No48 on level 1 within Queen Victoria Building and continue to use as ABC shop.
New shopfront and internal re-fitout of ground level shop 38/40 for use as a retail shoes, bags, leathergoods and accessories shop (Bally).
Internal fit out for a retail clothing store (Industrie) at Shop LG27 at the lower ground level of the QVB.
New shopfront, mezzanine and internal fitout of ground level Shop 14 for use as a retail clothing and accessories shop (Saba)
New shopfront, mezzanine and internal fitout of ground level shop 42 for use as a retail handbag, fashion goods and accessories shop (mimco).
Fitout to shop No11 on level one and use as a jewellery shop.
Internal fitout and use of shop 38 on level 2 as "Reverie" retail jewellery shop including new shopfront.
New fit-out of shops 24 and 26 (ground floor) for Coach.
Proposed fitout of shop 38 on level 1 for "Von Troska" retail clothing outlet.
Fitout and use of shops G19-23 as an "Oroton" retail clothing store.
Construction of a mezzanine and fitout of shop 22 (ground floor) for use by Martin & Stein (antique jewellery).
Refurbishment of existing lingerie shop (shop 18) at first floor level of QVB.
Refurbishment of existing retail shop 82 on lower ground floor for existing tenant Tie Rack.
New shopfronts and internal fitout of the existing ground level retail tenancy (Shop 11/15) for use as a ladies fashion and accessories shop ("Sportscraft").
Internal refurbishment of the existing "Yama Tea" cafe/restaurant (shop 2-4) at Level 2 of the QVB.
Proposed use and fitout shop G49 as "Joe Bananas" menswear.
S96(1A) New wall within tenancy, making tenancy area smaller.
Existing women's fashion shop being refurbished, new wall hanging and finishes, change rooms, floor tiles and shopfront glazing.
Section 96(1A) to incorporate additional shopfront design 'Type D' and modification to Conditions 1(a) to reflect same.
Internal shopfront alterations and erection of one new sign to shop 10-12 on ground floor.
Internal alterations to tenancies G6 and G8 to form one shop, addition of a mezzanine level, and installation of signage to shop windows.
Level 1-Shop 42- New Clothing retail shop fitout-new joinery, new wall, floor finishes and 2 new fitting rooms.
New shopfront and Internal fitout of the existing retail tenancy ( Shop 45) for use as a retail jewellery shop at ground level of the QVB.
New shopfront and internal re-fitout of the existing "Aveda" cosmetics and skincare retail outlet (Shop LG16) at the lower ground level of the QVB.
Section 96(1A) modification to condition 4 to change the size of all tables and increase the number of tables and chairs to 50 chairs and tables.
Internal fitout and use of Shop 54, Lower Ground floor of the QVB as a fashion shop (Nobue).
Shop 17 - Minor refurbishment to existing Malaysian restaurant 'Laksa House' in existing shopping centre. Proposal includes signage located on the bulkhead and internally behind the existing doorway.
Refurbishment of shops 18 and 20 (Cue) involving the demolition of the existing internal shopfront and mezzanine and construction of new shopfront, mezzanine and new fit-out.
Shop G01 Fitout and use as a retail clothing store, including signage, operating between 9.00am and 6.00pm Mondays to Saturdays inclusive and 11.00am to on Sundays.
Section 96(2) relating to the modification of construction hours for the new escalators within the Queen Victoria Building to include 7.00pm to
7.00am on Mondays to Saturdays inclusive.
Section 96(2) relating to the modification of construction hours for the approved refurbishment of the Queen Victoria Building to include 7.00pm to 7.00am on Mondays to Saturdays inclusive.
Shop 76-78 refurbishment of hairdressing salon
Fitout of a krispy kreme doughnuts store at the lower ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building.
Change of use from Leather Goods Store to St George Bank ATM Vestibule including internal fitout, 3ATMs, new signage and entry ramp.
To continue the use of part of the public footway along York Street and within Bicentennial Plaza for outdoor seating purposes in conjunction with the adjoining QVB tenancy "Jet Cafe".
Use shop L2 50 as a hobby store
Upgrade the existing audio visual screen located at the Malaysia Laksa House Tenancy LGF17 within the lower ground floor (Northern end ) of the QVB for the purposes of showing informative media such as news, attractions and weather.
Internal re-fitout of the existing fashion and accessories shop (Revenge) at Lower Ground Floor Level Shop (LG29).
Replacement of an internal stair within Shop 50 (formerly Quadrivium), connecting between levels 2 and 3 at the southern end of the QVB.
Internal re-fitout of the existing bag/watch/ jewellery shop (Fossil) at Lower Ground Floor Level Shop LG05.
Section 96(1)A to delete condition 10 requiring the use of a conservation architect
Fitout of Shop 20/22 as a ladies retail clothing store known as "Charlie Brown". Works include new shelving, flooring, lighting and signage.
Internal re-fitout of the existing menswear store (yd. clothing") at Lower Ground Floor Level Shop 18 at the above property.
Refurbishment of shops 47-49 and 51 'The Aboriginal Art Gallery' on level 2 including replacement of one bay window shop front with bi-folding doors.
Internal re-fitout of the existing hairdressing salon "Emilio" at Shop 3-5 on Level 1 of the Queen Victoria Building.
Refurbishment of existing menswear retail store within shop W48 on the lower ground floor including new fixtures and shopfront.
Fitout within Shop 14 as a stationery store with signage.
Refurbishment of the Herringbone store (shop 25), located on the ground floor.
Fitout to shop No. 29 on the ground floor within QVB and continue to use as cafe.
Fitout of g58 pas a skin care retail kiosk on the ground floor.
Internal fitout at level 3 within the southern part of the QVB and change of use of the former Centre Management Offices to storage spaces for QVB occupants.
Internal re-fitout of the "Looking Glass" optical and sunglasses tenancy (Shop 25) at Level 1 of the QVB.
To refurbish and continue to use shop No. 19 at Level 1 of QVB as a clothing shop.
Place 2 x tables & 4 chairsin the pedeestrian arcade area to the north of the gelato shop (Shop LG 32) at the lower ground floor of the QVB
Internal re-fitout of the existing ground level "Camper" retail shoes and accessories tenancy (Shop 28).
To fit-out and use Shop No. 43A on Lower Ground Floor of the Queen Victoria Building as a nut shop.
Internal alterations, including new shopfronts at the ground floor arcade frontage and refurbishment of the "Esprit" tenancy (Shops 19, 21 and 36) at ground, mezzanine and lower ground levels of the QVB.
To continue to use existing coffee kiosk (Kiosk No 98) and seating area within the lower ground floor QVB at the Queen Victoria Building.
Installation of new ceiling, flooring, display cabinets and signage within Shop LG55. Signage includes one non-projecting ground level wall sign on window, replace acrylic graphic within illuminated hamper sign above entry and horizontal projecting wall sign.
Relocation and construction of ground floor information kiosk.
Internal alterations to existing "Country Road" store to provide for a new fitting room.
To install a new kiosk "Modena Pizza-Bar" on lower ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building, comprising an adjoining seating area.
Fitout for shop w52 as a clothing outlet on the lower ground floor of QVB including minor alterations and signage.
New escalator scheme within the Queen Victoria Building including the removal of four (4) existing escalators connecting Levels 1 and 2, located at each end of the building (northern and southern) and replacement with four (4) new 'scissor' (up and down) escalators. The proposed site also includes installation of two (2) new up escalators connecting the Ground Floor to Level 1 at each end of the building.
Internal refurbishment works to the Queen Victoria Building including upgrades to services, lifts, toilets, stairs, cabling; security gates and grilles, shopping arcade, shopfronts, lighting, carpet, colour scheme, signage, balustrades, upper windows and skylights.
Level 1 Internal fitout for use as shoe store
Fit-out and use level 2 shop 40-42 at the Queen Victoria Building as a "Fish records" music shop.
Fitout of existing retail shop to accommodate new ladies fashion shop known as "Blooms"
Re-fitout and continue to use shop LG14 on lower ground floor at the Queen Victoria Building as a LUSH cosmetic shop.
Level 1 shops 14 & 16 combine 2 retail outlets into 1 & fitout for clothing outlet
Fitout and use of Shop LG31 on lower ground floor at the Queen Victoria Building as a "Running Bare" sport apparel shop.
Sec 96 (2) A condition 5 hours of operation
Removing the existing "QV Barcafe" coffee kiosk on ground floor of Queen Victoria Building and replacing with new one.
Internal alterations and refurbishment of the "Tea Room" tenancy at Level 3 of the QVB, including bar relocation, upgrade of the interiors/air conditioning, install a frameless glass wall to create a separate lobby area and install frameless glass screens in two arched openings.
Internal fitout of Tenancy LG 67-71 at the lower ground level of the QVB and use as a cafe (Starbucks) with adjacent seating.
Internal fitout of Shop 80 on lower ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building and use as a shoe shop "Wanted".
Internal fitout and use Shop 65-67 as a " The Body Shop" cosmetic store, comprising the reconfiguration of the existing shopfront.
Internal fitout and use of Tenancy No 43 as a "Breil" watch shop.
Shopfront alterations and internal fitout of Tenancy 6-8 at Level 1 of the QVB for use as a beauty products shop ("Crabtree & Evelyn")
Re-branding and minor alteration of an existing "Travelex" Foreign Exchange Bureau at Tenancy LG 64 of QVB.
To install two ANZ Lobby ATMs at shop 11 on Lower Ground Floor of QVB.
Internal fit-out and use as a bakery of tenancy 72 at lower ground floor of the QVB.
Internal fitout of Mezzanine tenancy M34 at the lower ground level of the QVB and use as an Australian Geographic retail store.
Internal fit-out of shop No 48-50 and use as a shoe and leather goods store (Salvatore Ferragamo)
Internal refurbishment of the existing pharmacy at Lower Ground Level Shop 87.
Retail fitout for body shop
Internal fit-out at gallery one shop 35-37 and use as a menswear shop (Feraud Paris)
Internal fitout of lower ground level shop QVBW - 46 and use as The Perfume Shop
Internal fitout at lower ground level (LGF2) shop 22 and use as a leather goods, jewellery, watches and fashion accessories shop (Guess).
Internal fitout of a newly created retail tenancy and use as a clothes alterations shop within lower ground level tenancy LG30C.
Internal refit-out at lower ground floor Shop LG1-68 for use as shoe and acccessories shop (Sarda)
Internal fit-out at lower ground level (LG 2) Shop 26 for continued use as shoe and accessories shop ("Mollini")
Internal fit-out at lower ground level Tenancy LG63 for use as ladies fashion store.
Internal alterations and partial fitout of ground level shop 35/37 for continued use as a jewellery, watches and accessories shop, including relocation of an existing spiral staircase.
Internal fitout at lower ground level (LG2) shop 28 for use as a mobile phone and accessories shop (Vodafone)
Internal fitout at lower ground level (LG2) Shop 23-25 for continued use as a fashion and accessories shop "Nine West"
Internal fitout at Lower Ground level (LG2) Shop 9 for use as a cosmetic and beauty products shop "Missha"
Intenal fit out at ground level Shop 52 for continued use as a sportswear store ("Adidas")
Refurbishment of valet parking office & reception area within the lower ground level of the QVB carparking area.
Internal alterations to convert 4 existing carparking spaces within the lower ground level carpark into an extended storage area for the existing "Victoria's Basement" shop.
Proposed new retail tenacy & shopfromy and internal partitioning to create store-room areas within lower ground level tenancy LG30C.
Internal fitout at lower ground level (LG2) Shop 3 for use as a sunglasses and watches shop.
New shopfront and internal fitout at lower ground level (LG2) shop 27 and part shop 29, for use as a hair salon and retail sale of associated products.
Reinstate fire stairs and modifify staff ammenities on lower ground area adjacent to loading dock
Internal fitout of shop 21 at level 2 of the QVB and use as a gift shop.
Fitout and use of ground floor shop G44 as Swarovski Crystall Store
Fitout of shop No. 42 on the ground floor (within Queen Victoria Building) involving new shop front and use as a gift store for sale of wines, spirits, vinegar and oils.
Fitout and use of Shop 74 (lower ground floor) as a takeaway food shop. No seating is approved.