Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Renewal of outdoor dining on the roadway in association with the 'Humble Bakery' food and drink premises.
Renew use of 15.4sqm of reallocated roadway on Holt Street for outdoor dining in association with 'Porteno'. The proposed hours of use are between 4.00pm - 10.00pm, Tuesday to Saturday.
Use up to 15.4sqm of Holt Street for on-street outdoor dining in association with 'Bastardo'. Proposed on-street dining hours for Areas A and B are between 5.00pm - 10.00pm, Mondays to Sundays. For Area B only, the proposed on-street dining hours are between 11.00am and 5.00pm Fridays and Sundays. This is a renewal of a previous approval.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to renew hours of operation of the wine bar / restaurant between 10pm and 12am midnight Monday to Saturdays, and 10pm and 11pm Sundays.
Renewal of outdoor dining on the roadway in association with the 'Humble Bakery' food and drink premises.
Renew use of 15.4sqm of reallocated roadway on Holt Street for outdoor dining in association with 'Porteno'. The proposed hours of use are between 4.00pm - 10.00pm, Tuesday to Saturday.
Renew use of up to 15.4sqm of reallocated roadway on Holt Street for outdoor dining in association with 'Bastardo'. Proposed outdoor dining hours for Areas A and B are between 5.00pm - 10.00pm, Mondays to Sundays. For Area B only, the proposed outdoor dining hours are between 11.00am and 5.00pm Fridays and Sundays.
Use of 15.4sqm of reallocated roadway on Holt Street for outdoor dining in association with the premises known as 'Bastardo'. Proposed outdoor dining hours for Areas A and B are between 5.00pm - 10.00pm, Mondays to Sundays. For Area B only, the proposed outdoor dining hours are between 11.00am and 5.00pm Fridays and Sundays. This is a shared space with the premises known as 'Nutie'. This is a renewal application.
Use of 15.4 square metres of the reallocated roadway on Holt Street for outdoor dining in association with adjacent food and drink premises "Humble Bakery". The proposed hours of outdoor dining are between 7.00am - 4.00pm Monday to Sunday. This is a shared space with the premises known as "Porteno". This is a renewal of a previous approval.
Use of 15.4 square metres of the reallocated roadway on Holt Street for outdoor dining in association with adjacent food and drink premises "Porteno". The proposed hours of outdoor dining are between 4.00pm - 10.00pm Tuesday to Saturday. This is a shared space with the premises known as "Humble Bakery". This is a renewal of a previous approval.
Renewal for the continued use of 15.4m2 of reallocated roadway for outdoor dining in association with the premises known as 'Bastardo'. The hours of operation are between 11.00am - 5.00pm, Fridays to Sundays and 5.00pm - 10.00pm, Mondays to Sundays. This is a shared space with the premises known as 'Nutie'.
Renewal for the continued use of 15.4m2 of reallocated roadway for outdoor dining in association with the premises known as 'Porteno'. The hours of operation are between 4.00pm - 10.00pm, Tuesdays to Saturdays. This is a shared space with the premises known as 'Humble Bakery'.
Renewal for the continued use of 15.4m2 of reallocated roadway for outdoor dining in association with the premises known as 'Humble Bakery'. The hours of operation are between 7.00am - 4.00pm, Mondays to Sundays. This is a shared space with the premises known as 'Porteno'.
Renewal of outdoor dining on public land.
Use 15.4sqm of outdoor dining on the reallocated roadway space of Holt Street in association with the licenced Humble Bakery. Proposed outdoor dining hours are between 7.00am and 4.00pm Mondays to Sundays. This is a new application that forms part of the Alfresco Dining Program. The proposed outdoor dining space would be shared with the neighbouring Porteno premises at other times of the day, as proposed under FA/2021/199.
Use 15.4sqm of outdoor dining on the reallocated roadway space of Holt Street in association with the licenced Porteno restaurant. Proposed outdoor dining hours are between 4.00pm and 11.00pm Tuesdays to Saturdays, and not utilised on Mondays or Sundays. This is a new application that forms part of the Alfresco Dining Program. The proposed outdoor dining space would be shared with the neighbouring Humble Bakery premises at other times of the day, as proposed under FA/2021/198.
Use 15.4sqm of outdoor dining on the reallocated roadway space of Holt Street in association with the licenced Humble Bakery. Proposed outdoor dining hours are between 7.00am and 4.00pm Mondays to Sundays. This is a new application that forms part of the Alfresco Dining Program. The proposed outdoor dining space would be shared with the neighbouring Porteno premises at other times of the day, as proposed under FA/2021/199.
Use 15.4sqm of outdoor dining on the reallocated roadway space of Holt Street in association with the licenced Porteno restaurant. Proposed outdoor dining hours are between 4.00pm and 11.00pm Tuesdays to Saturdays, and not utilised on Mondays or Sundays. This is a new application that forms part of the Alfresco Dining Program. The proposed outdoor dining space would be shared with the neighbouring Humble Bakery premises at other times of the day, as proposed under FA/2021/198.
Use 15sqm of outdoor dining on the reallocated roadway space of Holt Street in association with the licenced Bastardo food and drink premises. Proposed outdoor dining hours are between 5.00pm and 11.00pm Mondays to Thursdays and Saturdays, between 11.00am and 11.00pm Fridays, and 11.00am and 10.00pm Sundays. This outdoor dining area is proposed on part of the roadway that has already been approved and operational with outdoor dining in association with the neighbouring 'Nutie' food and drink premises.
Use public land for outdoor dining (change of operator from previous approval).
Renewal of outdoor seating area associated with change of operator.
S4.55(2) Modification of condition 2 of extended trading hours between 10pm and midnight Monday - Saturday and 10pm and 11pm Sundays on a permanent basis.
Section 96(2) modification of the existing consent for the fit-out and use of a retail space located on the corner of Gladstone Street and Holt Street as a licensed food and drink premises known as 'Portenos'.
The S4.55 (2) Modification involves amending Condition 2 of the consent to allow for existing ‘extended’ hours of operation (that are between 10.00pm and 12.00 midnight, daily), to continue on a permanent basis. A previous 2 year trial period for the ‘extended’ hours of operation will expire on 4 June 2019.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to amend the approved trading hours of the licensed restaurant. Current approved hours are 11.00am to 10.00pm Monday to Sundays. Proposed hours are 11.00am to 11.00pm Monday to Sundays.
Use of public footway on Holt Street for outdoor seating in association with the licensed ‘Muum Maan’ restaurant (6m² of area used). Proposed hours of use are 11.00am – 10.00pm, Mondays to Sundays inclusive.
Section 96(2) modification of the existing consent for the fit-out and use of a retail space located on the corner of Gladstone Street and Holt Street as a licensed food and drink premises known as 'Portenos'.
The S96(2) application involves the installation of electro static filters for the purpose of cooking with charcoal.
Use of the public footway on Holt Street for outdoor dining in association with the restaurant known as 'Porteno Restaurant' (6 square metres of area used). Proposed hours of use are between 10.00am and 10.00pm Monday to Sunday.
Section 96(2) modification of the consent for the fit-out and use of retail space located on the corner of Gladstone Street and Holt Street as a licensed food and drink premises known as 'Portenos'.
The application relates to the approved trading hours associated with ground floor premises (Condition 2) The applicant wishes to continue trading within 'extended' operating hours (between 10.00pm and 12.00 midnight, Monday to Sunday inclusive) for a further 5 years. Approved 'base' hours of operation are to remain unchanged (between 8.00am and 10.00pm, daily).
Use public footway on Holt Street for outdoor seating in association with ‘Di Bella Roasting Warehouse’ cafe (2 tables and 4 seats). Proposed hours of use are 6.30am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday, and 8.00am - 4.30pm on Saturdays (renewal of previously approved application).
Use of the public footway on Holt Street for a renewal of a previously approved application (FA/2013/364) in association with the licensed restaurant occupying Shop 3 known as ‘Movida’ to place 4 tables and 8 seats on the footpath. Proposed hours of use are from 10.00am to 10.00pm Monday to Sunday, inclusive.
S96(2) modification for the continuation of trading hours. The proposed hours are from 11.00am to 12 midnight Monday to Saturday and 11.00am to 10.00pm Sundays and public holidays.
Use of the public footway on Holt Street adjacent to Shop 1 for a renewal of a previously approved application (FA/2013/342) in association with the licensed food and drink premises known as the ‘Muum Maam’ to place 3 tables and 6 chairs on the footpath. Proposed hours of use are from 11.30am to 10.00pm Monday to Sunday, inclusive.
Use of the public footway on Holt Street for a renewal of a previously approved application (FA/2011/23) in association with the unlicensed cafe known as 'Di-Bella' to place 3 tables, 6 chairs and 1 umbrella on the footpath. Proposed hours of use are from; 7.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday, inclusive; and 8.00am to 3.00pm on Saturday and Sunday.
Section 96(2) modification of the consent to renew the approved ground floor (indoor) trial trading hours (Condition 2) associated with the licensed 'Mo Vida' to continue trading from 10.00pm to 12.00am (midnight) Monday to Thursday, inclusive for a further 2 years.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to continue the trial trading hours of the licensed restaurant known as 'Muum Maam' from 10.00pm to 11.00pm 7 days. The hours of 11.00am to 10.00pm 7 days are already approved on a permanent basis. The premises has a capacity for 62 patrons.
Section 96(2) modification of approved hours of operation for outdoor seating in association with licensed restaurant 'Movida'. The proposed hours of operation are 10.00am - 10.00pm, 7 days. The approved hours of operation are 10.00am - 9.00pm, Sunday to Wednesday and 10.00am - 10.00pm, Thursday to Saturday.
Provision of footway seating in association with licensed restaurant 'Movida' comprising four (4) tables and eight (8) chairs in an area of 6sqm. Proposed hours of operation are between 10.00am and 10.00pm, 7 days.
Section 96(2) application in association with Mo Vida (licensed) to; modify Condition 2 to permit trading from 8.00am to 12.00am (midnight) Monday to Thursday, inclusive and to renew the existing trial period for the extended hours between 10.00pm and 12.00am (midnight) on Friday and Saturday, only; and, modify Condition 4 to reflect the updated plan of management.
Footway application in association with Tukshop Tia Muum Maam (licensed) in an area of 6 square metres for; 3 tables; 6 chairs; and, 2 heaters between 11.30am and 10.00pm, seven days a week.
S96 (1) - Alter opening hours to 11am to midnight mon- sat
11am-11pm Sundays and public holidays.
Proposal for outdoor seating related to the Movida licensed restaurant including 8 chairs and 4 tables. The outdoor seating is proposed on the Holt Street frontage.
Footway application for Movida including 10 chairs and 5 tables operating from 10am - 10pm, 7 days a week.
Section 96(2) Application seeking to modify existing development consent for the licensed small bar known as 121BC by extending trading from 11:00am until midnight Monday to Saturday and 11:00am to 11:00pm Sundays and public holidays.
S96(2) modification to permit approved licensed restaurant (Tukshop) to continue trial trading hours from 11am - 11pm from Monday to Sunday both indoors and in new outdoor seating area.
Footway usage application for 8 chairs and 4 tables trading from 11.30am - 11.00pm - Monday - Sunday for Muum Maam (Licensed).
s96 (2) Modification to continue to operate Cotton Duck Restaurant (licensed) between 10.00pm & 11.00pm Monday to Thursday and 10.00pm & 12 midnight Friday to Sunday for a further trial period.
Section 96(2) application to delete condition no 4 of the consent to allow permanent use of the coffee roaster in conjunction with the cafe operation.
Part of the footway identified in plan DA03 Rev A adjacent to the restaurant at 50 Holt Street, SURRY HILLS
Development Application and Footway Applicaiton for footway usage along Holt Street for the provision of outdoor seating including twelve (12) chairs and six (6) tables, two (2) umbrellas associated with Di-Bella Cafe. Proposed hours of use are between 6.30am - 6.00pm 7 days a week.
Use part of the footway along Holt Street for outdoor seating associated with 'Muum Maam' comprising four (4) tables and eight (8) chairs.
Use of footway along Holt Street for the provision of outdoor seating facilities including four tables and eight chairs associated with MUUM MAAM. Hours of use 11.30am to 10.00pm daily.
Application to use approved retail spaces 1-4 on level 1 for commercial premises (offices).
S96 (1a) Minor alteration to the internal configuration of the retail wine shop, wine bar and restaurant
Fitout and use of retail space No 1 (ground floor Holt Street) as a restaurant. Proposed hours of operation 11.00am - 11.00pm, 7 days a week.
Fit-out and use of approved retail shop (R2) for the purpose of a cafe.
Use and fitout tenancy R06 as a wine bar, restaurant and retail wine shop trading between 11.00am and 12.00 Midnight daily.
Fitout and use of levels 6 and 7 for commercial offices.
Use of the approved tenancies within levels 2, 3, 4 and 5 as offices.
Fit-out and use of retail spaces R3 - R5 (located on the corner of Gladstone Street and Holt Street) as a licensed restaurant.
Section 96 application to convert the ground floor storeroom facing Gladstone Street into a retail tenancy and construction of a new shopfront.
s96 (1A) - Modification of condition 1, deletion of condition 3, & 15-19, & changes to internal layout.
Addition of new commercial office space on level 8 and construction of a new plant room and refurbishment of the existing commercial building.
Ground floor - Internal fitout for use as digital printing business & signage on front windows.