Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Temporary installation of 15 public artworks, to be affixed to commercial development.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to delay the approved event dates and bump out period. Event to be held for a maximum consecutive seven week period between 1 July 2020 and 30 September 2020.
Construction of temporary marquee on the roof space of Broadway Shopping Centre for use of a temporary event/installation space known as 'Happy Place'.
S4.55 1(A) - Minor modification to the nine approved under awning signage zones
Modifications to Deferred Commencement conditions 2(a) and 2(a)(ii) to remedy minor errors in the descriptions to the total number of signs and acceptable future parapet sign locations
S96(1) Error - Amend condition 34 to reflect the extended construction hours.
Installation of 10 internally illuminated LED business identification signs, 3 internally illuminated car and bicycle parking signs, 1 building identification sign, 2 totem and 1 wall wayfinding panel signs and 1 externally illuminated painted sign. Consent is also sought for a signage strategy for Broadway Shopping Centre.
Alterations and additions to existing 'Broadway Shopping Centre' including removal of existing shopfront, awning, entry canopy, ramp, steps and footway, and construction of new shopfront, awning, new paved footway design, external lighting and building identification signage
Change of use of existing car park on levels 2 and 2A of the Gross Street building (at 1-21 Bay Street) of the Broadway Shopping Centre to retail and associated demolition, construction and ancillary works to levels 2, 2A, 3 and roof level.
Erection of four signs to the Bay Street front elevation of the 'Broadway Shopping Centre' building.
Alterations and additions to existing 'Broadway Shopping Centre' including removal of existing glass awning & inclusion of new awning design, new paving along Bay Street, removal of existing ground floor windows along Bay Street & inclusion of new full height glazing, extension of two tenancies & extend typical construction hours from 7:30am to 10:00pm Mondays-Saturdays inclusive.