Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Replacement of roof coverings of historical buildings, reinstatement of historical roof features and staging of works. The current modification seeks to reinstate within the scope of works the inclusion of the replacement of roof tiles to the 1938 and Menzies wings.
Alterations and additions to the 1938 and Menzies Wings of St John's College including conversion of attic space into college rooms and fire upgrade works. The current modification seeks to make changes to the scope of works including the provision of an additional student bedroom by reconfiguration of the internal attic space, and stone conservation works to the south elevation.
Internal and external alterations and additions to the existing attic space of the St John's College at the University of Sydney.
Modification to the approved S60 Application for the provision of Air Conditioning in the Great Hall (Dining Room) and Servery, and associated works. The current proposal seeks to provide an alternative method to install air conditioning to the Great Hall and Servery.
S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent
Replacement of roof coverings on historical buildings, reinstatement of historic roof details and staging of works. The current Modification seeks to exclude the replacement of roof tiles to the 1938 Wing and Menzies Wing from the scope of works.
Alterations and additions to the 1938 and Menzies wings of St John’s College, including conversion of the attic space into college rooms and fire upgrade works.
Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent to allow for the continued operation of the existing commercial car park for another 2 years.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to amend condition 13 (b) to allow 24 hour trading of the convenience store for a further 5 year trial period.
Provision of Air Conditioning in the Great Hall (Dining Hall) and Servery, and associated works.
S4.55(1) - Modification to amend the timing of Condition 2(c) and Condition 11(d).
Section 4.55(2) Modification of consent to continue use of the commercial car park (to Missenden Road and John Hopkins Drive) for a further 2 year period (until 19 December 2024).
Creation of a new door opening to match approved new door, minor reconfiguration of approved
fence around proposed outdoor area, removal of existing en-suites in four bedrooms, creation of
two bedrooms from an existing bedroom and minor modification to terrace roof.
Creation of a new door opening to match approved new door, minor reconfiguration of approved
fence around proposed outdoor area, removal of existing en-suites in four bedrooms, creation of
two bedrooms from an existing bedroom and minor modification to terrace roof.
PAN-114527 S4.55(2) Modification of consent to approved alterations and additions to St Johns College, including the relocation of existing college bar, use of outdoor space as an area associated with the bar and the removal of eight existing student bedrooms.
The modifications include amendments to the design of the outdoor space and design of access doors. The application is Integrated Development requiring the approval of the Heritage Council of New South Wales under the Heritage Act 1977.
Replacement of roof covering on historical buildings, reinstatement of historical roof details and staging of works
Alterations to St John's College.
Alterations to student accomodation within the Gatehouse building.
PAN-44976 - Alterations to student and staff accommodation at St Johns College.
S4.55(2) To Modify condition 7 to allow the continuation of the existing commercial car park.
Removal of 4 Camphor laurel trees located within the grounds of St Johns College and Sancta Sophia College in the University of Sydney. This application is Integrated Development requiring approval of the Heritage Council of NSW under the Heritage Act 1977.
Relocation of the existing college bar, use of outdoor space as an area associated with the bar, removal of eight existing student bedrooms, and associated internal and external alterations.
S4.55(1) Administrative error under D/2017/1050 - Inlcusion of drawing MMD-380422-C-DR-CV-XX-0120
s4.55 (1A) Relocating of bollards from the grass at the edge of the driveway onto the surface of the driveway. Bollards to be surface mounted and fixed.
Temporary change of use of the site to permit tourist and visitor accommodation on the St Johns College Campus for a maximum period of 52 days. The application is integrated development requiring the approval of the NSW Heritage Council under the Heritage Act 1977.
Repairs to stonework of St John's College Bell Tower.
Section 4.55 (1A) to modify Condition 7 to continue the use of the commercial car park.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to amend condition 13 (b) to allow 24 hour trading of the convenience store known as '7-Eleven' for a further 5 year trial period.
S4.55(1A) Extent of excavation shown (following arborist report). Amend number of carspaces shown (maximum number)
Alterations and additions to St John's College at Sydney University, including works to the Polding Wing, Brennan Hall (library) and Philosophical Room and the Dining Hall Wing.
Installation of bollards along the driveway from Parramatta Road to St Johns College, porous paving to create a car park and a fence dividing the College from the athletic field and adjoinging sites.
Section 96 (1A) replacement of existing boom gate and ticketing facilities
Renovation of existing first floor bathroom on the first floor of St John’s College
Renovation/refurbishment of four bathrooms and two kitchenettes in the Polding wing; conversion of an existing laundry to a bathroom on level 3; refurbishment of an existing bathroom adjacent to the brennan hall including removal of a later partition wall, adjustment of corridor stair, return to original floor level and repositioning of doorways to match. Refer to drawings.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to amend condition 13 (b) to allow 24 hour trading of the convenience store known as '7-Eleven' for a further 5 year trial period.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to allow the continued operation of the commercial carpark and modify the description to allow for 108 car spaces for a maximum of 15 years.
Temporary event to be held at St John's College Oval – “So Frenchy So Chic” with associated temporary structures.
Change of use and internal fit-out of an existing caretakers cottage to an office space (lower level) and student accommodation (first floor). Works also include minimal demolition of partitions on the lower level.
S96 - Event- So Frenchy So Chic - cultural event with music, food, entertainment and a licenced area to be held at St John's College Oval on Saturday 17 January 2015 from 12.00pm Noon to 11.00pm. Amendments to event layout, noise management plan, and traffic management plan.
Re-notification of S96(2) modification to amend Condition 13 (Hours of Operation) to permit continuation of trading 24 hours a day, Monday to Sunday, of the convenience store for a further 2 year trial period.
Section 96(1A) "So Frenchy, So Chic" cultural event to be held at St Johns College Oval on 18 January 2014 - Change of stage location to reduce noise impact, amend noise condition to increase noise limit, and extended bump in hours.
So Frenchy So Chic - cultural event with music, food, entertainment and a licenced area to be held at St John's College Oval on 18 January 2014 from 11.00am - 9.30pm.
Section 96(2) Amend Condition 13 to allow a two year trial period for the convenience store to operate for 24 hours a day.
The propsed modification is sought to remove deferred commencement conditon 1 and amend the condition 1 approved development to reflect the reviseddesign of function rooms.
Demolition of existing building and erection of a new building for student accommodation comprising 4 to 6 storeys; 174 student rooms; 11 apartments for staff and academics; 3 retail tenancies at Missenden Road; basement parking over 2.5 levels for 211 cars; removal of trees; replacement tree planting and new landscaping.
S96(1A)- Amend condition 7 to extend the operation of commercial car park for a further two years to 19 December 2011.
Remove Condition 5(b)
Remove condition 42
Upgrade of existing Parramatta Road entrance to St Johns College including relocation of existing gates, reallignment to driveway, tree removal, landscaping and additions to existing gatehouse building.
Section 96 (1A) Monor amendment to quadrangle terrace, plandroom below, louvres and roof pitche and plant dect to accomodation building and minor changes to caretakes cottage roof pitch and panels below windows.
Section 96 (1) application to amend Conditions 4(d) and 11 in relation to the required number of accessible rooms and car parking spaces.
Section (1A) A deletion of condition 4 of approval requiring the creation of restrictions affecting lot 1.
Subdivision of lot 1 Dp 1115224 into 2 lots
Section 96(2) modification to approved development to extend by a further two years the period during which the commercial car park can operate.
Excavation and construction of a new four (4) storey building for the purpose of student accommodation associated with St Johns College. The building will provide 73 studio rooms for student accommodation, 1 x studio for guest, 3 x 1 bedroom units for tutors, 1 x 2 bedroom unit for Vice Rector and 1 x 3 bedroom unit for Rector, ancillary office/administration area, student lounge areas and basement car parking for 20 vehicles plus caretaker car space and bicycle storage. The application also seeks consent for tree removal and demolition of existing accommodation building adjacent to Missenden Road and construction of a new two (2) storey caretakers 3 bedroom dwelling, demolition of Missenden Road fence, landscaping within the site and relocation of bus shelter along Missenden Road.
Subdivision of St Johns college land into two lots to transfer part to the University ofSsydney for new medical research and education centre.
Section 96(2) application to modify Condition 16 of the existing development consent relating to the pricing structure of the car park.
Amend condition 15 to extend the hours of operation to 7:00am to 8:30pm Mondays to Fridays.
Section 96(2) modification to approved development to extend by two (2) years the period during which the commercial car park can operate. The site is known as St. John's College-a college of the University of Sydney.