Applications ordered newest to oldest.
S4.55(2) - Modification of consent to extend the hours of operation of the existing cafe
Strata subdivision of lot 1 in DP 1164679 into 4 lots and common property
Include Lot 4 in Condition 4 which specifies which lots can have spaces allocated to them, and amend the plan of subdivision to allocate one car space to Lot 4 and a second space to Lot 1.
Strata subdivision of Lot 1 in DP 1164679 into 4 lots and common property
Use and fit out of Shop 2 as an unlicensed Asian restaurant and takeaway.
Use of public footway for outdoor seating associated with Gloria Jeans Coffee between 7am and 7pm, 7 days a week. Three tables and six chairs are proposed.
2 lot stratum subdivision
Fitout for unlicensed café and associated signage.
Use of Shop 2 for retail sale of household goods and apparel.
Use and fitout of Shop 3 as a Nando's (Portugese Chicken) restaurant with external signage.
Stratum subdivision of the site, being Lot B in DP 388055 and approved residential/retail building, into two lots.
S96(1A) Modifaction of deferred commencement , relocation of fire & booster pump to comply with AS2419.1 - 2005
S96(1) council error in description - Mixed use development comprising of 41 residential apartments, ground floor retail, car parking for 34 vehicles, and landscaped area. Building is a part 4 and part 6 storey building which retains the existing brick facades.
S96(1) Minor change to BCA conditions and mirrored apartments.
Mixed use development comprising of 41 residential apartments, ground floor retail, car parking for 34 vehicles, and landscaped area. Building is a part 4 and part 6 storey building which retains the existing brick facades.
D/2010/623 – Undergrounding of power and a monetary contribution of $83,500 towards community infrastructure in Green square.
Extension of Consent DA D2006/22
Extension of DA Consent D/2006/23 for one year
To carry out alterations to the existing premises including the construction of 3 new entries and a new driveway so as to provide for the division of the premises into multiple tenancies for future retail uses and the use of the first floor area as design studio and administration offices for a clothing company.
To carry out alterations to the existing premises including the construction of 3 new entries so as to provide for the division of the premises into multiple tenancies for future retail uses and to use the first floor area and the office tenancy adjacent to the Brennan Street/McEvoy Street intersection as design and administration offices for a clothing company.