Applications ordered newest to oldest.
S4.55(1) - Modification to correct a minor error
Use of and erection of temporary structures and signage at the southern end of Cockle Bay, Tumbalong Park, Chinese Gardens of Friendship Forecourt, Tumbalong Park Boulevard, the public space north of Novotel Sydney Darling Square, the pedestrianised road of Quay Street and The Goods Line for temporary event known as 'SXSW Sydney' between 15 October and 22 October 2023, with bump in to start on 4 October 2023 and bump out concluding on 26 October 2023. The proposed event hours are between 10am to 10pm, with the bump in/out hours between 7am and 6pm (except for 14 October when the hours will be 7am to 11pm).
Temporary use of Tumbalong Park for the Hello Darling event including the installation of the UKIYO Tent and ancillary structures. The event is to occur 15 September to 1 October 2023, between 7.00am – 12.00am (midnight). Bump in is to occur 11 – 15 September, between 5.00am – 10.00pm. Bump out is to occur 1 – 5 October, between 5.00am – 2.00am (the following day).
S4.55(2) Modification of consent to amend Condition 11 (Hours of Work and Noise) to extend construction hours. The existing construction hours are between 7.00am - 7.00pm, Mondays to Fridays inclusive, and 7.00am - 5.00pm, Saturdays. Proposed construction hours are 6.00am - 9.00pm, Mondays to Fridays inclusive, and 7.00am to 7.00pm, Saturdays.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to install drop down blinds, amend capacity and outdoor trial trading hours, delete Condition 2 and amend Conditions 3, 8 and 10. Proposed outdoor trading hours are 7.00am - 12.00 midnight, Monday to Sunday inclusive.
PAN-275743 Use of Tumbalong Park from 5 January to 29 January for the Sydney Festival event including the installation of two temporary structures Cupid Koi Garden and Maho Magic bar with associated alterations.
PAN-181453 - Alterations and additions to the Chinese Garden of Friendship. This application is Integrated Development requiring the approval of Heritage New South Wales under the Heritage Act 1977.
PAN-160592 - Use of Tumbalong Park from 6 January 2022 and 30 January 2022 for the Sydney Festival event 'Airship Orchestra' and installation of a temporary inflatable and ancillary structures including fencing. Bump in is to occur between 3-5 January 2022 and bump out is to occur on the 31 January 2022.
PAN-119135 - Re-notification due to changes to event details. Application is for use of the Chinese Garden of Friendship for "Nature Illuminated" temporary event (light show). Event to operate in January 2022 and between July and October over the next 5 years (2022 to 2026).
PAN-107891 S4.55 (2) Modification of consent to extend the current trading hours to 7am-2am operating Monday to Sunday, the current consent is approved for 7am-12am.
PAN-101627 - Replacement of existing stage roof at Tumbalong Park
Use of Tumbalong Park from 8 January 2020 and 26 January 2020 for the Sydney Festival event 'Dodecalis Luminarium' and installation of a temporary inflatable maze and ancillary structures.
Section 4.55 modification application for Vivid Light. The proposed modifications include modifying the activation area, bump in and bump out activities during midnight to 6.00am and additional even activities between 3.00pm to 6.00pm and midnight to 6.00am for 2019 as approved in Condition 3.
Display of Christmas decorations, installation of associated temporary structures and the use of Tumbalong Park and environs at Darling Harbour for Christmas activites to occur from 2018 to 2022 inclusive.
Section 4.55 (2) modification of consent to permanently extend the trial outdoor trading hours of the licensed ‘Braza Churrascaria’ restaurant from 6.00am - 1.00am the following day, Mondays to Sundays inclusive to match the approved internal hours of operation.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to continue the outdoor trial trading hours of Harry Cafe de Wheels (Tenancy E07) from 8.00pm - 1.00am Monday to Sunday inclusive. The base outdoor trading hours from 8.00pm - 8.00pm are already approved on a permanent basis.
s4.55 (1A) Modification of Plan of Management (to apply for PSA)
Installation of light sculptures and temporary structures in association with Vivid Light Walk at various locations within The Darling Harbour Precinct. Event to operate between 1 May and 30 June for the following 5 years. In 2018, Bump-In and Bump-Out is proposed to occur on 8 May and 16th June, respectively, with the event held between 25 May to 16 June. From 2019-2022, the program includes up to 20 days 'Bump-In' (from 6.00am to 12.00 midnight), 23 days for the actual event (from 6.00pm to 12.00 midnight), and up to 12 days 'Bump-Out' (from 6.00am to 12.00 midnight).
Sitting of planters and umbrellas in association with the outdoor dining area approved under application D/2017/1347 for the licensed 'Fratelli Fresh' restaurant.
Subdivision of W1 Darling Square Student Accommodation to create 2 lots
Installation of one business identification sign for Tenancies T02 and T03 located at ground level of ICC Sydney Theatre associated with the food and drink premises known as Fratelli Fresh
Fitout and use of tenancy T02 & T03 within the International Convention Centre building at Darling Harbour for a licenced restaurant with capacity for up to 426 patrons, including outdoor seating with a capacity for 88 patrons, trading 7am - 3am indoors and 7am - 12 midnight outdoors.
A Signage Strategy to designate signage types and zones for retail tenancies at the North West Plot (maximum of 43 signs).
Fit-out and use of restaurant in Tenancy C.08 and associated signage.
Use of Darling Harbour Precinct in association with the ‘Vivid’ festival including installation and operation of temporary structures.
Installation of two illuminated freestanding advertising signs that are 2.8m in height. The two signs are located to the west of 'Darling Quarter' and east of 'Tumbalong Park'.
Indoor and outdoor hours of operation for approved food and drink premises located within Tenancy E07 of the ICC Exhibition Centre.
Use of external area adjacent to Tenancy E04 shopfront of approved food and drink premises (licensed) located within the ICC Exhibition Centre for outdoor dining for 30 patrons, and indoor and outdoor operating hours.
Erection of 3 signs to be installed on The Boulevarde frontage of the International Convention Centre Sydney Theatre
Section 96 (2) to extend the approved dates of operation of the Village Green at Darling Quarter for temporary outdoor events.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to continue the trial extended trading hours of 7:00am to 12:00am for the outdoor seating area of a licensed premises for a further 5 years. The premises has a capacity for 302 patrons (indoor) and 116 patrons (outdoor).
Section 96(2) modification of consent to amend the approved trading hours for McDonalds. The permanent approved indoor hours are 5.00am to 1.00am the following day, Monday to Sunday. 24 hour trading for the internal, outdoor dining and drive-through area is proposed.
Installation and operation of temporary structures in association with the 'Cool Yule Festival' between 2 July 2016 and 17 July 2016.
Subdivision of Lot 331 1192146 & Lot 800 DP1164281 to create two lots
Section 96(2) modification of consent to continue the approved trading hours of the licensed 'Vesta Darling Quarter'. Current approved hours are 7:00am - 10:00pm, Sundays to Wednesdays and 7:00am - 11:00pm, Thursdays to Saturdays inclusive.
Temporary structures and artworks for the use of the site for the “Month of Love” event in Darling Harbour from 30th January 2016 to 11 March 2016.
Installation of temporary structures for Darling Harbour ‘Santa Fest’ event to be held on 27 November to 27 December 2015 from 10.00am to 10.00pm.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to continue the trial outdoor trading hours of the licensed ‘Braza Churrascaria’ restaurant from 6.00am - 1.00am the following day, Mondays to Sundays inclusive. The hours of 6.00am - 10.00am, Mondays to Sundays inclusive are already approved on a permanent basis. The premises has a capacity for 340 patrons.
Section 96 (2) modification of consent to continue the trial trading hours for the external outdoor seating of the Nok Nok Restaurant from 10.00pm to 12 midnight, Monday to Sunday for a 5 year trial period. The hours of 7.00am - 10.00pm, Monday to Sunday are already approved on a permanent basis for the external outdoor seating.
Use of parts of Darling Harbour for the 'Cool Yule Festival 2015' with associated structures and stages. The festival will operate from 27 June 2015 until 12 July 2015.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to continue the trial extended trading hours for the outdoor seating along the western facade of the licensed 'Stacks Taverna'. The hours of 7.00am to 10.00pm 7 days a week are approved on a permanent basis with a trial period for extended trading until 1.00am.
Subdivision of Lot 331 1192146 and Lot 800 in DP 1164281 to create two lots.
Section 96(2) modification of consent for signage. Proposed change is to the approved signage location, wording and timing.
Section 96 (2) to extend the approved dates of operation of the Village Green at Darling Quarter for outdoor events. The four events are "Santa Fest", "New Years Eve", "Night Owls Kids Film Fest" and "Month of Love". The "Month of Love" event will be licensed.
Section 96(1A) modification of consent for deletion of Condition (15) to enable music to be played outside licensed 'Stacks Taverna' restaurant.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to continue the trial outdoor seating trading hours at the southern facade for the licensed "Stacks Taverna" from 7.00am to 12.00 midnight, Mondays to Sundays for a further two year trial period. The hours of 7.00am to 10.00pm are already approved on a permanent basis. Delete condition number 2(c) to allow outdoor seating to remain during non-trading hours.
Temporary event "The winter festival" at Tumbalong Park Darling Harbour from 10/6/2014 to 24/7/2014 between the hours of 10.00am to 12.00midnight featuring an open air Ice rink food stalls/trucks and event marquees.
Alterations to The Goods Line (Ultimo Pedestrian Network - Stage 2).
S96 (2) modification for relocation of stalls and extend validity of consent from 2015 to 2018.
Use of Tumbalong Park and the southern forecourt of the Entertainment Centre for the 'C3 Church Presence Conference' and associated temporary structures
Temporary event to use Tumbalong Park for the Thai Cultural Festival Sydney on the 8th and 9th of March 2014 between 11.00am and 9.00pm.
Temporary event to use Tumbalong Park for the Serbian Festival Sydney on the 15th and 16th of February 2014.
Use of land for the art instalation Taronga Wild Rhinos from Sunday 2 February 2014 to Monday 28 April 2014 and associated temporary structures.
Use of the 'Village Green' at Darling Quarter for the Night Owl Kids Film Festival from 10-23 January 2014 inclusive.
S96 (2) to continue the external trading hours from 6am to midnight for a further 2 years, and extend the internal hours of operation to operate until 1am on Friday and Saturday only - associated with the licensed cafe known as "Taste Baguette" in the Darling Quarter complex (approved internal hours are currently 6am - 10pm Sunday to Monday).
The Weekend to End Women's Cancers Charity Walk Event - 60km walk to start at Tumbalong Park on the 9 November 2013 and end at Tumbalong Park on 10 Novemeber 2013. The event includes approximately 1200 participants, 400 volunteers and 200 spectators. It includes yoga, medical, massage and snack areas, as well as a licenced bar and portaloo facilities.
Installation of 10 inflatable signs around Darling Harbour for a period of twelve months
Community festival (MACAU Government Tourist Office) held at Tumbalong Park
Temporary event at Chinese Garden forecourt area for the Health and Wellbeing Weekend 5th and 6th October 2013 including the erection of temporary event infrastructure including a marquee (45m x 15m), stage, fencing, air conditioning for the free public event.
Use of Tumbalong Park and various sites in Darling Harbour for the 'Darling Harbour Fiesta ' event to be held this year from the 12-13 October 2013 and for a further period of 3 consecutive years to take place on the second weekend of October as an annual event from 2014 to 2017 inclusive.
Community event for fans celebrating the National Rugby League Grand Final in Sydney. Event will take place on Thursday 3rd October, Saturday 5th October and Sunday 6th October 2013.
Puma Glow Run Sydney - Running event with entertainment including lighting, music and the erection of temporary marquee structures. The event will take place on the 31 August 2013. The course will start and end at Tumberlong Park.
Modification of existing consent for the licenced cafe known as Janus Café at the north-western corner of the Southern Tower at Darling Quarter. The modification seeks approval for a further 2 year trial period for outdoor seating to trade between 10pm and 11pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday; to increase Sunday trading hours (i.e. indoor and outdoor areas) from 6pm to 10pm; and to increase patron capacity from 58 to 68 patrons.
Temporary event to use Tumbarlong Park and Chinese Garden forecourt for the Malaysian Cultural Festival on 22 September 2013.
Use Tumbarlong Park for the Taiwanese Cultural Festival on 7 & 8 September 2013
Section 96 Modification - (Licensed Thai Restaurant Shop TR09) - Modify Condition 2 - Hours of Operation to extend the trial period to allow extended trading hours between 10pm and 12 midnight Monday to Sunday in respect of the outdoor seating area.
Modification of previous consent relating to licensed premises Stacks Taverna within Darling Quarter. Proposal seeks to extend trading hours for southern external seating to 1.00am, with the remainder of the external seating area continuing to trade to 1.00am, 7 days. Proposal also seeks to amend external seating layout.
Temporary event - Indian Cultural Festival - Holi Mahotsav 2013 with music, art & dance presentations, lifestyle demonstrations, food/merchandise stalls and exposition marquees within Tumbalong Park & Chinese Garden forecourt.
Temporary event from 22 - 27 April 2013 within Tumbalong Park for the children component of an annual church conference (Presence Kids Conference), including tents, amusement rides, live band and installation of a perimeter fence.
Public domain works to the Ultimo Pedestrian Network Stage 2 known as the "The Goods Line" (TGL), to create a pedestrian and cycle link and space for recreational, social and cultural activities. Ultimo Pedestrian Network Stage 2 will run from the rail underbridge over Ultimo Road to Hay Street, parallel to Darling Drive.
Removal of 6 Trees located in The Chinese Garden of Friendship.
Use of spaces outside of the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre by the Australian International Motor Show 2012 for the purpose of vehicle brand promotion. The spaces are free to the public events that run alongside the motor show.
Macau Festival at Tumbalong Park on 20 & 21 October 2012
Malaysian community festival on 23 September 2012
Darling Harbour Fiesta on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 October 2012
Use Tumbalong Park for the Ritmo Brazilian Festival 16 September 2012
Use of Tumbalong Park for temporary structures for the Mens Health Urbanathlon on Sunday 22 April 2012.
Use of Tumbalong Park for the Annual Buddha's Birthday Multicultural Festival
Use of Tumbalong Park for the Thailand Grand Festival
Section 96(1A) modification of Conditions 5 and 6 and deletion of Condition 8 relating to air emissions.
Indian Cultural Festival - Holi Mahatsov 2012 with music, art & dance presentations, lifestyle demonstrations, food/merchandise stalls and exposition marquees within Tumbalong Park & Chinses Garden forecourt.
Use Tumbalong Park for the Circus Oz tent season in January 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018.
Temporary stage and associated infrastructure for one day fundraising event.
Installation of a trigeneration plant in the existing plant room on Level 9 of the south building to service the CBA Tenancy
Macau community festival to be held at Tumbalong Park 15th -16th October 2011
Malaysia Festival 2011 to be held on Sunday 9 October 2011 at Tumbalong Park, Darling Harbour.
Fit-out of childrens theatre within the Darling Quarter complex. Proposed hours 7am to 11pm, 7 days.
Community Event-NRL Grand Final Fan Party 2011 and recording of the "Footy Show" with a small fireworks display on 29/9/11 until 10:00pm at Tumbalong Park. A Fiesta Festival to run on 1st, 2nd & 3rd October including 'Bump in and Bump out'.
Extension of operating hours for approved, licensed sushi train restaurant. Proposed extension will allow trade until 12 Midnight, 7 days.
Fitout and use of kiosk as a food tenancy.
Use and fit out of shop TR15 as a licensed cafe/espresso bar with outdoor seating
Fitout and use Shop TR09 in Darling Quarter building as a licensed Thai food restaurant, including outdoor seating area and signage.
Fitout of a takeaway shop in the Darling Quarter redevelopment trading between 6.30am and 9.30pm daily, seating for 15 people and associated signage.
Fit out and use of licensed restaurant within Darling Quarter complex.
Use & fitout of retail tenancies 5 & 6 as Guylian Cafe (licensed) for 205 persons trading till midnight Sunday to Thursday and 1am the following day Friday and Saturday evenings.
Fit out of takeaway McDonalds food restaurant within Darling Quarter Complex, including a drive-thru service component which would be accessed via Harbour Street.
Fitout and use of a new licensed restaurant (Shop 24-27)
Ground Floor TR02- Internal Fitout of a gelato shop with outdoor seating.
Licensed sushi train restaurant for shop TR10 Darling Quarter tenancy including outdoor seating.
Internal fitout and use of Shop C4 for CBA Bank retail branch, including 2 x ATM's and signage.
Internal fitout for takeaway and dine in restaurant. Proposed hours 6am to 10pm, 7 days.
Annual Darling Harbour Jazz and Blues Festival
Internal fitout to shop No. TR17 on the ground floor for use as an asian restaurant and takeaway food shop, together with external seating and a blade sign
Fit out of licensed cafe/ restaurant within the Darling Quarter complex.
Temporary Music Event: Musica/Tumbalong 18 years + licensed one day event to be held 22 October 2011.
The Greek Festival of Sydney to be held between 26-27 March 2011 within Darling Harbour.
Annual approval is also granted to hold the two day event for the next five (5) years between 1 January 2012 and 16 March 2016.
Removal of four (4) trees located opposite entry 3 of the Exhibition Halls in Darling Harbour.
Michael Edgley's Moscow Circus
S96 (1A) Modification of condition 2 to extend the operating days of the approved bungy dome to 26 October 2010 and 2 February 2011.
Sydney Festival Power Plant light and sound performances at the Chinese Gardens, every night 8.45pm to 11.00pm between 15 and 30 January 2011 excluding Mondays and Australia Day, and associated bump-in/out schedules, signage and temporary structures.
Gift fair/exhibition within a temporary structure.
Darling Harbour Fiesta to be held 1st - 4th October 2010.
Australian International Motor Show 2010 within various locations at Darling Harbour 15 to 25 October 2010.
Use of Tumbalong Park for a Brazilian festival on Sunday 19 September 2010 between 11.00am and 6.00pm. The proposal includes the erection of staging, marquees and temporary stalls.
Nepal Cultural Festival and Expo to be held 10am to 10pm on 4 and 5 September 2010 in Tumbalong Park and the Chinese Garden Forecourt
Buddha's Birthday Multicultural Festival from 8 to 9 May 2010.
Darling Harbour Jazz and Blues festival from 21-23 of May 2010
Temporary installation of the Sky View Observation Wheel and ancillary structures in the Chinese Garden Forecourt at Darling Harbour.
Greek cultural festival at various locations within Darling Harbour on Saturday 20 March between 3pm and midnight and on Sunday 21 March between 10am and 10pm. The proposal will involve the erection of temporary marquees and stages.
Use of the public domain and erection of temporary structures including a big top marquee, box office and fencing at Tumbalong Park, Darling Harbour and signage/information booth in Palm Grove and Circular Quay for Circus Oz performances as part of the Sydney Festival from 7 December 2009 to 1 February 2010.
5 day exhibition between 27th Feburary 2010 - 3rd March 2010 within a temporary pavillion structure.
Extension of operating dates to cover period from 4th Nov 09 to 10/02/10. (The temporary assembly and operation of an amusement device, 'Bungy Dome')
Egyptian festival to be held on November 8th 2009.
The temporary assembly and operation of an amusement device, 'Bungy Dome'.