Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Use 6 sqm of Bourke Street for on-street outdoor dining in association with 'Kandi Luxe'. Proposed hours of use are between 10.00am and 10.00pm Monday to Sunday. This is a renewal of a previous approval.
S4.55(2) - Modification of consent for the extension of hours of between 10.00pm and 1.00am (the following day) Thursday and between 10.00pm and 2.00am (the following day) Friday to Sunday. Current approved base hours are 10.00am to 10.00pm Monday to Sunday. Minor alterations and additions are sought on the front facade for the installation of a handrail.
Use 12 sqm of Bourke Street for on-street outdoor dining in association with 'Kandi Luxe'. Proposed hours of use are between 10.00am and 10.00pm Monday to Sunday. This is a renewal of a previous approval.
Renewal of use 12sqm of outdoor dining on the reallocated roadway of Bourke Street in association with 'Kandi Luxe'. Proposed outdoor dining hours are between 10.00am and 10.00pm Mondays to Sundays. This is a renewal of a previous approval that forms part of the Alfresco Dining Program.
PAN-211474 S4.55(2) - Modification of consent to amend condition 2 - Hours of Operation - Sensitive Uses to permit extended base operating hours of 10.00am to 2.00am Monday to Sunday, inclusive. Current approved hours are 10.00am to 10.00pm Monday to Sunday, inclusive. Amend condition 3 - Occupant Capacity to permit maximum 120. Current permitted maximum 60.
Use 6sqm of outdoor dining on the public footway of Bourke Street in association with the licenced Peekaboo small bar and restaurant. Proposed outdoor dining hours are between 7.00am and 2.00pm Mondays to Sundays. This is a new footway application that has not been previously approved.
Use 12sqm of outdoor dining on the reallocated roadway of Bourke Street in association with the licenced Kandi Luxe
small bar. Proposed outdoor dining hours are between 10.00am and 10.00pm Mondays to Sundays. This is a new reallocated roadway application to be submitted as part of the Alfresco Dining Program.
Use 12sqm of outdoor dining on the reallocated roadway of Bourke Street in association with the licenced Peekaboo small bar. Proposed outdoor dining hours are between 10.00am and 10.00pm Mondays to Sundays. This is a new reallocated roadway application to be submitted as part of the Alfresco Dining Program.
Use 6sqm of outdoor dining on the public footway of Bourke Street in association with the licenced Peekaboo small bar and restaurant. Proposed outdoor dining hours are between 7.00am and 2.00pm Mondays to Sundays. This is a new footway application that has not been previously approved.
Use public footway on Bourke Street for outdoor seating in association with the ‘Stir on Bourke’ (5 tables, 10 chairs). Proposed hours of use are 7.00am - 4.00pm, Monday to Thursday and Saturday and 7:00am – 9:00pm, Friday (renewal of previously approved application under new management with increased night hours between 4:00pm to 9:00pm on Friday).
Use public footway on Bourke Street for outdoor seating in association with ‘Le Depot’ cafe (4 tables, 8 seats, 1 umbrella, 1 menu board). Proposed hours of use are 7:00am - 6:00pm Monday to Saturday and 8:00am - 4:00pm Sunday (renewal of previously approved application).
Section 96(1A) modification of consent to reduce the capacity of the licensed small bar and restaurant from 100 to 60 patrons.
Fitout & use of part of the ground floor as an Office Furniture Showroom (Bulky Goods Premises) and install associated tenancy signage.
S96 (2) modification to amend condition 2A change the starting time from 5:00pm to 10:00am daily.
Fitout and use existing ground floor of120 Bourke Street as a small bar and restaurant.
Use shop 1 as an unlicensed cafe, 'Le Depot Cafe',
Application for the use of Bourke Street for outdoor dining adjacent to an unlicensed Cafe, 'Le Depot Cafe' at Shop 01. Furniture includes 4 tables and 8 chairs in an area of 11sqm. The external trading hours will be between 7.00am and 6.00pm Mondays to Saturdays and 8.00am and 4.00pm Sundays. See D/2012/1463.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to redevelop the existing motor repair station. Amendments include siting of roller shutter to car park to 4.4 metres as opposed to the required 6 metres from the footpath, installation of two additional doors to shopfront and changes to stairs, internal layout, glazing, brickwork and roof plant platform.
Use of first floor and part ground floor as a car storage facility and associated services for a car rental operation.
Redevelopment of the existing motor repair station including demolition of existing structures, retention of 2 x 2 storey terraces and construction of a new three storey building comprising of retail and commercial tenancies, 6 car spaces, a loading bay, bicycle storage and associated services.