Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Office fitout of level 2 of a commercial building.
Section 4.55(1A) - Modification of consent to amend the extent of tree pruning (Condition 108)
Notice of Modification s4.17(5)
Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent for a mixed use development. Proposed changes are to delete and amend a range of deferred commencement and design modification conditions, including modification to staging of the submission of information to Council.
Amendment of the mixed use development approved under development consent D/2020/1072. Amendments include a change of use of the approved hotel accommodation use to a commercial use, internal demolition and reconfiguration works, minor external design changes.
Partial removal of non heritage significant ceilings and temporary dislodgement of existing timber floor boards as identified in the attached scope of work, in order to facilitate further heritage and structural investigations within each building.
D/2021/1071 & D/2021/1072 - Upgrade of Foley Street to a shared zone.
PAN-40112 Use of the existing building as a mixed use development and associated alterations and additions, and signage strategy. The proposed uses include a 75 room hotel, retail premises, food and drink premises, and tenancies for cultural and creative uses on the lower ground and ground levels.
Section 96(1A) modification of the approved development to include remediation of steel beam ends in ceiling space between Level 2 and roof to 112 Oxford Street.
Replace of existing keystone in front facade
Remove existing roofs and stair enclosure and replace with new.
Section 96(2) application to modify the development consent including amending Condition 18 on the upgrade of the building to comply with the BCA and amending the approved design to remove the rooftop deck and install doors for the fire hydrant boosters and the pump room along Foley Street. No increase in height or gross floor area are proposed.
Section 96 (1a). Remove conditions 18 (a) (v) and 39
Alterations and additions to the existing mixed use development including the construction of a new Foley Street entrance, installation of a new internal lift, construction of new internal staircases, construction of a new timber roof deck and internal refurbishment throughout.
Section 96(2) Amend trading hours to Shop 114 to between 6.00am and 2.00am 7 days a week and amend description from "fresh and Cooked seafood restaurant" to "food and drink premises". Note: Proposed times are different to those within the Statement of Environmental Effects.
Continued footway seating associated with the 'Pink Peppercorn' restaurant. Four tables and eight chairs are proposed within an area of 9.2 square metres. Hours of footway seating are 8.00am to 12.00 midnight Mondays to Fridays and 10.00am to 12.00 midnight on Saturdays and Sundays, as previously approved.
Change of use of existing retail premises as a cafe and internal fit-out works and signage.
Application to continue use of part of the footway along Oxford Street for outdoor seating associated with the Pink Peppercorn. Hours of operation 8.00am to 12 midnight Monday to Friday and 10am to 12 midnight Saturdays and Sundays. Includes use of four (4) tables and eight (8) chairs.
Fitout of ground floor retail tenancy at 118 Oxford Street as florist. Includes alteration of existing, illuminated under-awning sign.
Installation of artwork on shop hoarding - part of Art & About 2009
Fitout and use of the ground floor tenancy at 114 Oxford Street as a fresh and cooked seafood restaurant, with take away. Approved hours as follows: 11.00am - 2.00am, 7 days. includes an illuminated underawning sign.
Use level one as temporary sie office.
Shop front construction including restoration of existing significant fabric. Demolition of existing shop fronts. Work is on 88, 90, 94, 96, 98, & 110 Oxford Street Darlinghurst
New shopfront construction including restoration of signicant existing fabric to Nos. 82, 114, 118, 120 Oxford Street.