Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to continue the trial extended trading hours for a further two years. The proposed trading hours are 10.00am - 12.00 midnight, Mondays to Sundays inclusive.
Section 4.55(1) modification of consent to delete contributions conditions
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to increase the area of the liquor sales area in the supermarket and modify Condition 5 (hours of operation) to extend the hours of operation of the supermarket area between 7am to 12am midnight between Monday to Sunday inclusive on a 2 year trial period; and for the liquor store area to operate between 7am to 12am midnight on Mondays to Saturdays inclusive but to operate between 7am to 10pm on Sundays for a 2 year trial period. Condition 10A (Plan of Management) is to be updated in accordance with the proposed changes.
Alterations to use premises as a restaurant (Tenancy 203). Proposed hours of operation are between 8.00am to 12.00am midnight, Mondays to Sundays inclusive.
Extension of trading hours of a restaurant at Shop 103, 104 and 201 fronting Lachlan Street. Proposed hours are 10.00am - 12.00 midnight Monday to Sunday inclusive.
Section 4.55(2) modification of Condition 2 (Hours of Operation) to continue the trial period for 2 years to operate the vending machine area for 24 hours Monday to Sunday inclusive.
S4.55(2) application seeking consent for extended indoor trading hours of between 10.00pm and 12.00 midnight and outdoor trading hours of between 8.00pm and 10.00pm, Monday to Sunday on a permanent basis.
Extension of trading hours of an existing liquor store. Proposed extended hours are 10.00pm - midnight Monday to Saturday and 8.00pm - midnight Sunday inclusive.
Use 5.94sqm of public footway of Gadigal Avenue for outdoor dining in association with China Bowl. Proposed outdoor dining hours are between 11:30 and 9pm Monday to Sunday.
(PAN-173431) Extension of trading hours for the restaurant at Shop 301. Proposed indoors hours are 7.00am - 12.00 midnight, Monday to Sunday and 7.00am - 10.00pm, Monday to Sunday in the semi-outdoors area to the rear of the tenancy.
PAN-66902 Minor works to a food and drink premises associated with an application for a liquor licence. Hours of operation unchanged from existing: 11.30am - 9.30pm, daily for indoor and outdoor areas.
Hours of operation for vending machine area trading within the existing neighbourhood supermarket in tenancies 304 and 305 at ground level.
9.7 sqm footway application associated with 'Fun House' cafe.
Internal alterations to create a new mezzanine level above retail tenancies 103, 104, 201 and 202 to accommodate a new office premises, reconfiguration of internal wall between tenancies 201 and 202, and fitout of tenancy 202 as the entry of the new office premises.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent for alterations to the ‘UStore’ neighbourhood supermarket. Proposed changes will include modifications to the perforated screen in the courtyard area and the establishment of an ancillary liquor sales section within the store.
Internal alterations to Retail Tenancy 102 to create a new mezzaanine level.
Installation of building identification sigange
Use and fitout of retail tenancies 304 and 305 in Building 3 as a neighbourhood supermarket.
Amalgamation of existing lots and subdivision to create four stratum lots: Lot 1 - future Gadigal avendue road widening and furture Tung Hop Street, partially in stratum, Lot 2 Proposed residential stratum lot, Lot 3 proposed retail stratum lot and lot 4 proposed Lachlan St road widening.
Section 4.55(1a) - Modification to conditions 9 and 12.
Section 4.55(1a) - Modification to condition 35.
Section 4.55(1a) - Modification to conditions 30,15,28,29,41,42,43,48,49,50 and 46.
S96(1a) - Minor increase to building 5 envelope
Section 96(1A) modification of consent of mixed use development. Proposed changes include change to the yield and dwelling mix including associated minor internal and external building alterations.
Amalgamation of existing lots and subdivision to create four stratum lots: Lot 1 - Future Gadigal Avenue Road widening and future Tung Hop Street, partially in stratum; Lot 2 - Proposed residential stratum lot; Lot 3 Proposed retail stratum lot and Lot 4 - Proposed Lachlan Street road widening
Section 96(1A) application to modify Condition 66 (Site Audit Statement) of the consent to allow the provision of 4 separate site audit statements at different stages of construction instead of one.
Section 96(1) modification to correct Condition 94(f).
Section 96 (1A) modification of the approved public domain works. Proposed changes to Conditions 19, 39 42, 43, 49, 50, 52, 71 to incorporate staging of approved works.
Section 96(1) modification of consent to delete Condition 46 and delete Condition 30(c).
Public domain roadworks including construction of a new portion of Tung Hop Street to the west of Gadigal Avenue, construction of a new portion of Gadigal Avenue to the south of Lachlan Street, and modification of a portion of the Lachlan Street frontage. New road works include provision of associated infrastructure including landscaping, drainage, footpaths and street lighting.
D/2015/570 & D/2015/782 - Dedication and embellishment of 2,223m2 of land for new roads and public domain including Gadigal Avenue and Tung Hop Street, Archibald Ave. Council contribution towards construction of road infrastructure.
Demolition of existing buildings and structures on site, land remediation, excavation and construction of a mixed use development comprising six mixed use buildings, incorporating 227 residential units, ground floor retail tenancies along Lachlan Street and future Gadigal Avenue, 210 car parking spaces, vehicle access via future Tung Hop Street and associated landscaping.