Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Use 85.6 sqm of public domain in association with the approved food and drink premises for outdoor dining purposes. Proposed hours of operation are between 7:00am and 12:00am midnight, Monday to Sunday.
Operation of the existing external façade lighting to illuminate the building during various events and special days with different coloured scenes.
PAN-127983 Alterations to use as business premises and licensed food and drink premises.
Use public land for outdoor dining. Proposed hours are 12.00pm to 12.00am Monday to Saturdays and 12.00pm to 12.00am on Sundays
S4.55(1A) - Modification
Relocation of existing entry doors along Phillip Street frontage and proposed signage to tenancies 1 and 2.
S4.55 1(A) Adjustment to stratum boundary and Condition 2 of the consent
Section 4.55(1A) Modification of consent to amend the wording of Condition No. 2 and 98 relating to a minor encroachment.
Section 4.55(1A) Modification to amend Condition 17 relating to the allocation of parking spaces.
Signage strategy including detailed signage for building identification, business identification, way finding as well as nomination of zones for top of building signage.
Subdivision of 2 lots into 2 lots.
Section 4.55 (1A) Installation of solar panels on levels 28, 30 and 32 on the 33 storey commercial building.
Section 4.55(1A) modification to amend the timing related to completion of public art work installation under Condition B.77 of consent.
External alterations to the level 4 terrace fitout, including the installation of wind screens, removal and relocation of light fittings, planters and outdoor furniture and the installation of electrical, gas and water connections and other appliances for the exclusive use of the building tenants.
Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent to reduce the amount of approved parking bays on basement level B1 and convert to storage rooms. The proposal also seeks to modify the wording of Condition 5 'Use - Separate DA Required' to allow other consents to be issued for the fitouts of retail tenancies.
Use of the upper ground level tenancy 2 as a licensed food and drink premises (restaurant and bar), including associated alterations and signage.
Installation of external facade lighting to the building elevations fronting Martin Place, Macquarie Street and Phillip Street as well as installation of up-lighting to St Stephen's Uniting Church.
Section 96(1A) modification of consent for reconstruction and expansion of existing basement levels, construction of a 33-storey commercial office building accommodating retail and commercial floor space, 69 car parking spaces and 439 bicycle spaces with end-of-trip facilities, signage zones, associated landscaping and public domain improvement works (including relocation of the Martin Place railway station entry stairs). Proposed changes are to modify the design of the Macquarie Street revolving door entry and to correct an error to refer to updated elevation plans that reflect changes to upper ground floor layout previously approved by D/2015/509/F.
Erection of 8 temporary signage banners to the tower core and super structure during construction.
Section 96(1A) modification of consent for reconstruction and expansion of existing basement levels, construction of a 33-storey commercial office building accommodating retail and commercial floor space, 69 car parking spaces and 439 bicycle spaces with end-of-trip facilities, signage zones, associated landscaping and public domain improvement works. Proposed changes are to modify conditions imposed as General Terms of Approval by the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH), to allow for the staged submission of information as part of subsequent (Section 60) approvals to be sought from the OEH.
Section 96(1A) modification of consent for reconstruction and expansion of existing basement levels, construction of a 33-storey commercial office building accommodating retail and commercial floor space, 69 car parking spaces and 439 bicycle spaces with end-of-trip facilities, signage zones, associated landscaping and public domain improvement works (including relocation of the Martin Place railway station entry stairs). Proposed changes are to reconfigure the ground level interface to the eastern end of the Martin Place frontage to provide commercial terraces and a corner entrance to the ground floor tenancy.
Section 96(1A) modification of consent for reconstruction and expansion of existing basement levels, construction of a 33-storey commercial office building accommodating retail and commercial floor space, 69 car parking spaces and 439 bicycle spaces with end-of-trip facilities, signage zones, associated landscaping and public domain improvement works (including relocation of the Martin Place railway station entry stairs). Approved changes include to change the timing of when certain conditions must be satisfied, to amend conditions to reflect previously approved change of use of level 4 from restaurant to commercial, to change the number of service vehicle spaces, to delete conditions pertaining to the level 4 green wall, and to modify requirements for heritage inductions.
Repair works to St Stephen's Uniting Church including replacement of gutters and flashings to roof, as well as replacement of capping to stonework, repair of cracks in stone, masonry, mortar and sealant works.
Section 96(1A) modification of consent for demolition of existing building (excluding St Stephen’s Uniting Church), reconstruction and expansion of existing basement levels, construction of a 33-storey commercial office building accommodating retail and commercial floor space, 69 car parking spaces and 439 bicycle spaces with end-of-trip facilities, signage zones, associated landscaping and public domain improvement works (including relocation of the Martin Place railway station entry stairs). Proposed changes are to modify the approved development description to remove references to demolition and to reduce the cost of development so that demolition costs do not form part of the overall cost of development so section 61 contributions accurately reflect the works to be carried out under this consent.
D/2015/509/C - securing the allocation of 3,401sqm of Heritage Floor Space or a monetary contribution to the Heritage Conservation Fund
Section 96(1A) to modify Condition 10 of consent to allow for an alternative arrangement for the allocation of Heritage Floor Space (HFS) if it cannot be purchased prior to issue of a Construction Certificate.
Subdivision of the site into 2 stratum lots
Section 96(2) modification of consent for demolition of existing building (excluding St Stephen’s Uniting Church), reconstruction and expansion of existing basement levels, construction of a 33-storey commercial office building accommodating retail and commercial floor space, 69 car parking spaces and 439 bicycle spaces with end-of-trip facilities, signage zones, associated landscaping and public domain improvement works (including relocation of the Martin Place railway station entry stairs). Proposed changes are to reconfigure end of trip facilities, consolidation of Martin Place/Phillip Street level retail tenancies, reconfiguration of Martin Place entrance and lobbies, reconfiguration of Macquarie Street entrance and lobby, amend public domain interface to Macquarie Street level retail tenancies as terraces, change of use of level 4 from retail/food and drink premises to office, various internal and external modifications to the upper levels including reconfiguration of floor plates and facade design.
Section 96(1A) modification of development consent for amendment to the wording and staging of a number of conditions to clarify their intent and reflect the construction stage to which they relate; and correction of an error in the buidling height condition relating to podium and parapet height levels.
Demolition of existing structures (excluding St Stephen's Church) and services (including existing access stair to Martin Place railway station), site preparation works, construction of perimeter fencing, hoarding, and scaffold and minor bulk excavation to enlarge existing basement footprint.
Demolition of existing building (excluding St Stephen's Uniting Church), reconstruction and expansion of existing basement levels, construction of a 33-storey commercial office building accommodating retail and commercial floor space, 69 car parking spaces and 439 bicycle spaces with end-of-trip facilities, signage zones, associated landscaping and public domain improvement works (including relocation of the Martin Place railway station entry stairs).
Repair and maintenance to St Stephen's Uniting Church including western roof repairs and conservation works to the rear western elevation.
Installation of 10 signs to existing tenancy.
Replace and upgrade the existing ground/first floor level Westpac tenancy signage at the above property.