Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Use 40 sqm of public footpath on Goulburn Street for outdoor dining in association with 'Maloney's Hotel'. Proposed hours of use are between 9.00am and 12.00am, Monday to Sundays. This is a new application.
S4.55(2) - Modification of consent to extend operating hours of the unlicensed tobacconist to 24 hours, 7 days a week, for a period of 5 years. The hours between 7.00am to 1.00am are approved on a permanent basis.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to amend Condition 3(b) to renew the existing trial period in extended trading in association with ‘Maloney’s Hotel’ for a further 5 years. Existing trading hours are between 7.00am and 11.00pm Monday to Sunday, inclusive with extended trading between 11.00pm and 3.00am the following morning, Monday to Sunday, inclusive approved on a trial period basis. The existing trial period is to lapse on 20 June 2022.
PAN-104884 - Modification of consent Section 4.55(2) to modify condition 3 regarding trading hours at the unlicensed Tobacconist to continue the trial trading hours between 1.00am and 5.00am. The hours between 7.00am to 1.00am are approved on a permanent basis.
S4.55 (2) modification of consent for licensed restaurant known as Basax. The proposal seeks to extend the approved hours of operation to 10am to 3am the following day, 7 days per week. Current approved hours are 10am to 10pm.
Section 4.55(2) to modify condition 3 regarding trading hours at the unlicensed Tobacconist. The application proposes increasing the approved trading hours from between 7am and 5am every day, to 24 hours every day for a one year trial period.
Section 4.55(2) to modification of consent to increase the capacity of the existing retail/food and drink premises ‘Jaren Chai Grocer and Boon Café’ from 29 to 61 patrons.
Use of public footway on Goulburn Street for outdoor seating in association with the licensed 'Maloney's Hotel' (40 square metres of area used). Proposed hours of use are between 9.00am and 12.00 midnight, Monday to Sunday inclusive (renewal of previously approved application).
Fitout of existing premises as a licensed food and drink premises (restaurant) with 2 business identification signs.
Installation of telecommunications infrastructure including -underground housing, underground conduit or cable, underground lead-in cabel, above ground housing.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to continue the trial trading hours of the licenced 'Maloney's Hotel' from 11.00pm - 3.00am the following day, Monday to Sundays inclusive. The hours of 7.00am - 11.00pm Mondays to Sundays inclusive are already approved on a permanent basis.
To use 40 sqm of footway with Maloney's Hotel. 40 Chairs, 10 Tables, barriers, heaters and other.
Change of use of the ground floor to a tobacconist with associated fitout and signage. Proposed trading hours are 24 hours Mondays to Sundays inclusive.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to continue extended trading hours of licensed 'Thanon Khao' Restaurant from 10.00am to 3.00am daily for a further 5 years.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to continue trial trading hours of the licensed 'Sukjai Thai Restaurant' within 'Hotel CB' from 10.00am - 3.00am the following day, Monday to Sunday inclusive. The hours of 10.00am - 11.00pm, Monday to Sunday inclusive are already approved on a permanent basis. The premises have a capacity for 44 patrons.
Use of the Goulburn Street footway for outdoor seating for 10 tables, 40 chairs and 3 barriers in association with the ‘Maloney’s Hotel’. The proposed hours of operation are from 7.00am to 12.00am (footway). This is a renewal of a previous footway approval.
Use as grocery store and cafe.
Section 96 (2) Application to modify the conditions of consent to extend the hours of operation of the existing licensed restaurant to 7.00am to 2.00am the following day Monday to Sunday.
Approved hours of operation are restricted to between 11.00am to 10.00pm Monday to Friday, 10.00am to 10.00pm on Saturdays and 12.00 noon to 10.00pm on Sundays.
S96(2) application for the licensed Thai restaurant known as 'Thanon Khao' to operate extended hours between 1:00am and 3:00am on a permanent basis.
use of the footway adjacent to Maloney's Hotel (licensed) on Goulburn Street
Section 96(2) modification to permit use of the premises as a licensed Thai Restaurant also known as "Sukjai Thai Restaurant" and continuation of extended trading hours between 11.00pm and 3.00am the following day, Monday to Sundays, for a further trial period.
Footway application in association with Maloney's Hotel (licensed) in an area of 40 square meters on the Goulburn Street frontage for 10 tables and 40 chairs between the hours of 9.00am to 12.00am, 7 days a week.
Section 96(2) application seeking to amend the consent for the licensed Thai restaurant known as 'Thanon Khao San' by adding a new condition for trading hours including base trading hours of 10:00am to 1:00am, seven days and extended trading between 1:00am to 3:00am, seven days a week.
Section 96(2) application seeking to modfiy existing consent for the licensed hotel known as 'Maloney's Hotel' to allow the continuation of extended trading hours from 11:00pm until 3:00am, seven days a week.
Section 96(2) application to modify the approved layout of the restaurant to Shop 6 within the Hotel CB Building, continuation of extended trading hours from 11pm to 3am Mon-Sun.
Footway seating in association with licensed premises Maloney's Hotel for 10 tables and 40 chairs. Proposed hours of operation are 9.00am to 12 midnight Monday to Sunday. The site is located on the corner of Pitt and Goulburn Streets.
Additional exhaust fan, cake display and hot food bar
To use part of the footway along Goulburn Street for the provision of outdoor seating facilities including 10 tables and 40 chairs associated with Maloney's Hotel. Hours of use 9.00am - 12.00pm Monday to Sunday.
Section 96 (2) continuation of approved trial trading hours of operation for Maloney's Hotel between 7am and 3am (the following day) seven (7) days a week.
Fitout and use of shop 48 as restaurant with seating for 49 patrons
Fitout of shop 6 within 'Hotel CB' building for use as a Thai restaurant with operating hours between 10.00am to 11.00pm, with extended trading for a 1 year trial from 11.00pm to 3.00am the following day, Mondays to Sundays.
New licensed hotel use (pub) including fitout of new bar, toilets, kitchen, back of house facilities and new shopfront at ground and lower ground level. Proposed hours are 9am to 11pm with an extension to 1am seven days per week.
Use of approved licensed hotel as a Place of Public Entertainment (POPE). The site is also known as 71-81 Goulburn Street, Haymarket.
Strata subdivision of Lots 4, 5, 7-18 and common property into seven lots and common property
New Licensed Hotel, including a change of use to the ground floor and part of the basement, external alterations and a fitout. Proposed hours of operation are 7:00am to 3:00am seven days per week.
Fitout & use Shop 16 on the ground floor as a nail shop including installation of a top hamper sign and to replace the wording on the existing underawning sign.
To use a portion of Goulburn Street for the provision of outdoor seating in conjunction with the adjoining "City Pocha Japanese and Korean BBQ" restaurant.
Extension of trading hours to allow the ground floor restaurant (corner of Cunningham and Goulburn Streets) until 2.00am the following day, 7 days per week, for a trial period of one year from the date of this consent.
Fitout and use shop No. 79 on the ground floor as a takeaway food shop in conjunction with the adjoining restaurant and to install three signs identification signs. A top hamper, an underawning and a fascia sign.
Proposal to install an underawning and fascia signs, displacing the words "CITY POCHA" plus Korean characters.
Fitout of shop No.425 on the ground and lower ground floor for use as a Home Ware Shop and to install identification signs.
Fitout of shop 407 on the ground floor and use as a hairdressers shop.
CB Hotel site. Section 96 modification of a stage 1 consent for a 40 storey residential building envelope. The application seeks to delete Condition 6 of the approval, which requires a reduction of the horizontal width of the building envelope from 51 m to 40 m along the Pitt Street frontage
Section 96(1) to modify the property address to 414-418 Pitt St Haymarket.
Fitout of shop No. 643 on the Campbell Street frontage including new shopfront and use as a shop for sale of frozen food.
S96(2) Extension of trading hours to 9:00am to midnight, 7 days a week.
Fitout of the tenancy area on the ground floor (corner of Goulburn and Cunningham Streets) and used as a restaurant.
Fitout of Shop No 421 on the ground floor and use as a camping shop.