Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Vivid Sydney - use of land within and adjacent to Martin Place for the 2025 Vivid Sydney Temporary Community Event, including installation and operation of temporary structures and installations. The event dates are 23 May to 14 June 2025 (excluding bump in and bump out dates). The application is Integrated Development requiring approval under the Heritage Act 1977.
S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent
Temporary Event in Martin Place for Santa House Photo Activation from 23rd November until 24th December 2024.
Reposition street kiosk KL-1014 approved under HCS/2021/48 re new replacement kiosks at Martin Place
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to slightly relocate kiosk KL-1014
Installation of temporary structure to host Santa photos and Christmas experience. The structure will be located on the site between 30 November and 24 December 2023.
S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent to amend Condition 22
S60 - Permanent removal of four large street kiosks, and the replacement of two of these with two large kiosks. Existing non-significant services are to be adapted to suit the replacement kiosks. Paved surfaces affected by the works are to be made good
PAN-118438 Replace existing kiosks with new kiosks in Martin Place between George Street to the west and Pitt Street to the east. The proposed uses comprise either a 'shop' or 'food and drink premises', with operating hours from 6.00am to 10.00pm Monday to Friday, and 7.00am to 10.00pm Saturday and Sunday. The application is Integrated Development requiring the approval of Heritage Council of NSW under the Heritage Act 1977.
S4.55(2) - Increase size of temporary services area associated with the Martin Place Christmas Tree, and include small generator within this area. Modification of dates of consent to be 23 November through to 31 December, 2019 to 2022.
Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent for installation of concrete spheres and removable bollards to the George/Pitt Street block of Martin Place on a temporary basis. Proposed changes are for amendment of Condition 2 (Time Limited Consent) to extend the period the works are to be installed for a further 2 years.
S96(2) modification of consent for use of Martin Place for display of installations for Vivid Festival from 22 May to 8 June 2015.
Section 96(2) modification of consent for temporary hospitality support services and associated seating within close proximity to the Sydney Christmas Tree. Proposed changes include an increase to the activation space, an increase to the hours of operation, and retention of some structures on site overnight during the event. The proposed hours of operation will change from between 7.00am and 9.00pm to between 7.00am and 12 midnight Monday to Sundays.
Use of part of Martin Place from for installation of temporary hospitality support services and associated seating within close proximity to the Sydney Christmas Tree.
Use of Martin Place for the Vivid Festival including temporary installation of two artworks and lighting treatment of the Cenotaph War Memorial.
Distribution of free newspapers currently known as NINE TO FIVE AND CITY WEEKLY by hand at 31 location in the City of Sydney on Monday and Thursday
Development consent is sought to continue the distribution of 9 to 5 and City Weekly at 29 sites within the vicinity of St James, Museum, Town Hall, Wynyard, Central and Martin Place stations on Mondays and Thursdays.