Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Use 32.5 sqm of public footpath on William Street for outdoor dining in association with 'Xibao Ramen house'. Proposed hours of use are between 11.00am and 10.00pm Monday to Sunday. This is a new application.
Tiger Cave Thai Footway Usage - 5 tables and 10 chairs, menu board, barriers, umbrellas and heaters.
Use part of the public footway to place 10 chairs and 5 tables, for use in conjunction with the licensed restaurant 'Viet Bowl" between the hours of 8.00am to 10.00pm Monday to Sunday.
Reconfiguration of exhaust ducting on roof terrace, relocation of discharge point and air conditioning condenser units, and new palisade fencing.
Footway seating comprising 5 tables, 14 chairs and 3 umbrellas in association with Il Rustico restaurant.
Licensed restaurant on the ground floor and alterations and additions to the building.
Fit out of Shop 1 for a Juice Bar & take away food with internal seating for up to 8 people.
D/2002/738 - Public domain improvements to Brougham Lane (U02/00738-01)
Section 96(1A) modification of internal layout for better amenity & change of use of ground level residential unit to retial.
S96 (2) Deletion of DA conditions & revised internal layout for better amenity & revised balconies for articulation of facade