Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Alterations and additions - Change of use from existing hotel premises to backpackers accommodation
Alterations and additions to existing hotel within a mixed use building
PAN-147249 - Change of use of existing 'Morgans Hotel' to mixed use development to include 10 x residential units and ground floor commercial premises with associated alterations and additions
PAN-97488 - S4.55(1) Correction of error on consent commencement date.
PAN-78738 S4.55 (1A) Modification of consent
PAN - 25181 - Alterations and additions to commercial development, including change of use from a restaurant to an office premsies.
Use public footway on Victoria Street for outdoor seating in association with 'Bun Mese' (3 tables, 6 bench seats, 3 chairs). Proposed hours of use are 8.30am - 10pm, Monday to Sunday inclusive (renewal of a previously approved application).
Alterations and additions to the existing 'Morgan's Hotel' to create 35 hotel rooms and new ground level bar.
Use public footway on Victoria Street for outdoor seating in association with the licensed 'Harumi' restaurant (4 tables and 8 seats). Proposed hours of use are 10.00am to 10.00pm Monday to Saturday and 5.00pm to 10.00pm on Sunday.
Application to renew the use of Victoria Street for footway dining associated with the unlicensed 'Bun Mese' food and drink premises trading between 8.30am and 12.00 midnight every day. Furniture includes 3 tables, 3 stools and 6 benches in an area of 9 sqm.
Alterations and change of use from hotel to residential and retention of ground floor commercial premises.
Use public footway on Darlinghurst Road for outdoor seating in association with 'Bun Mese' restaurant (3 tables, 12 chairs and 1 menu board). Proposed hours of use are 8.30am to 12 midnight Mondays to Sundays inclusive.
Footway seating associated with Wow Cow yogurt parlour including 12 chairs and 3 tables trading 9.00am to 12 midnight daily.
S96(2) continue extended trading at the unlicensed cafe 'Wowcow' between 11.00pm and 12.00 midnight for a five year trial period.
Footway Application for 'The Alibi' licensed restaurant for 12 chairs and 6 tables trading 7.00am to 10.00pm daily.
Footway Application for Wowcow Pty Ltd to place 3 tables and 12 chairs from 9am to Midnight.
Application for renewal of usage (outdoor dining) with extended hours of the footway adjacent to the yoghurt parlour, known as WowCow, for a total of 3 tables and 12 chairs on a combined 9sqm area along Victoria Street. Proposed outdoor hours of operation are 9.00am to 12.00 midnight Mondays to Sundays.
Use Victoria Street footway in association with Shop 1 licensed premises known as ' The Alibi Restaurant'. 12 chairs, 6 tables (12.6sqm). Hours of operation 7.00am to 11.00pm daily.
Footway application for outdoor dining for café/dessert lounge comprising of 3 tables and 12 chairs between the hours of 9am and 12am midnight daily. Subject site is known as Wowcow.
Section 96 (2) application to continue indoor trial period hours for café/dessert lounge between 8:30am to 12am midnight daily. Subject site is known as Wowcow.
Replacement of existing restaurant doors and windows on Victoria Street with bi-folding doors. Interal works include alterations and additions to restaurant and addition of ground floor hotel suite.
Provision of an outdoor dining area comprising of 5 tables and 9 chairs. Hours of operation 4.00pm - 9.00pm Wednesday to Sunday inclusive. Subject site is known as "Momenti Restaurant".
Refurbishment of existing restaurant on ground floor of Morgans Hotel fronting Victoria Street.
Change of use and fitout of Shop 2, for a cafe/dessert lounge.
Re-notification. Development consent is sought to hold a single function for staff and hotel guests on the roof top of Morgans Hotel between 6.30pm and 11.00pm with sixty patrons including staff. Amplified background music is proposed as well as alcohol and food from the hotel. Note the date of the function is yet to be confirmed and will be determined based on the outcome of the application.
Temporary use of Shop 2 as an election campaign office for 4 months with signage.