Applications ordered newest to oldest.
4.55(1A) - Modification of consent to amend Condition 5 "Use - Seperate DA Required" of the consent
Internal alterations and refurbishment to Levels 1, 2, 3 and 9 of the existing commercial office building.
PAN-199652 S4.55 (1A) Modification of consent
Alterations and additions to commercial development including the removal and infill of an inter tenancy stairwell between Level 8 and 9.
PAN-42028 Alterations and additions to commercial development including replacement cladding.
Stratum subdivision of the site into 3 lots
Subdivision of the site into 3 stratum lots
Modification to public domain and landscaping conditions 32 and 34.
Section 96(1a) to modify condition 3 to increase the allowable building height by 93mm.
Section 96 (1A) modification of consent to permit the occupation of the building prior to the installation of the public art work.
S96(1) Correction of errors regarding Railcorp conditions.
Two Real Estate Signs on the eastern and northern elevations of the existing substation to be installed for a period of 4 months.
Section 96(2) modification to amend the approved drawings to include a stairway to Ultimo Road.
Section 96(2) modification of approved Stage 1 consent to amend the approved building envelope, including an increase in height and an extension to the west.
Stage 2 development application for the construction and use of a new 9 storey commercial building over an existing substation with retail tenancies at ground level (Stage 1 consent D/2000/559).
Signage application -2 Temporary Advertising Signs.
Erection of temporary fencing and use of the Ultimo Pedestrian Network for the display of 2 railway locomotives in association with the Powerhouse Museum from 22 August to 28 August 2007.
Stage 2 development application for nine (9) storey office building above the existing Transgrid substation with retail tenancies at ground level and outdoor eating areas fronting the Ultimo Pedestrian Network.