Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Alterations, additions and fitout of the ground floor for the ongoing use as a community facility for St Canice’s Kitchen. And demolition of the existing garage and amenities building, and construction of a storage shed. Proposed operating hours for the kitchen are 9am to 1pm, Monday to Saturday, with a maximum capacity of 150 guests.
PAN-194912 - Proposed removal of four trees and rebuilding of a damaged retaining wall
Heritage Works Exemption for repairs to roofing.
Section 4.55 Modification to amend Condition No. 5 - TIME LIMITED CONSENT to allow the temporary demountable to remain for an additional two years.
New temporary demountable building.
Constructing a laundry and upgrading toilets for the Saint Canice Church.
Upgrading of Peace Park including: new secondary entrance to the south east corner, replacing metal and wire fencing on the southern and western boundaries with uniform black security fencing, replacing the existing turf and removing three of the aged trees within the park.