Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Vivid Sydney - 5-event year approval for the use of land within the City of Sydney for the annual Vivid Sydney Temporary Community Event including installation and operation of temporary structures.
Section 4.55 (1) modification of consent to correct a minor Council error
Section 4.55 (2) modification of consent to include the installation of an additional temporary structure and amend bump-in and bump-out hours
S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent
Installation of a temporary structure for a 5 week exhibition
Other - Use of First Fleet Park for a temporary event
PAN-186400 Use of First Fleet Park for temporary event.
S4.55(1A) - Modification involving minimal environmental impact, where the development will remain substantially the same as the development that was originally approved
PAN-27255 Use of Secret World of a Starlight Ember is a public artwork that will be exhibited on the MCA Forecourt Circular Quay
Section 4.55 modification application to the Vivid Light Walk - The Rocks and West Circular Quay Precinct. The proposed modifications include modifying the activation areas, bump in and bump out activites between 12.00 midnight and 6.00am, and additional event activities from 3.00pm to 6.00pm, and from 12.00 midnight to 6.00am during the 2019 event.
Bump in and out for Australia Day Live, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 between Midnight and 6am around Circular Quay for safety barriers and portable toilets.
Christmas decoration overlay for The Rocks precinct.
Temporary placement and illumination of Chinese New Year festival lanterns for a 10 day period during each Chinese New Year between 2019 and 2023.
Installation of light sculptures and temporary structures in association with Vivid Light Walk at various locations within The Rocks and West Circular Quay. Event to operate between 1 May and 30 June for the following 5 years. In 2018, Bump-In and Bump-Out will occur on 11 May and 16th June, respectively, with the event held between 25 May to 16 June. From 2019-2022, the program includes up to 15 days 'Bump-In' (from 6.00am to 12.00 midnight), 23 days for the actual event (from 6.00pm to 12.00 midnight), and up to 10 days 'Bump-Out' (from 6.00am to 12.00 midnight).
Modification of previous market approval to allow bump-in and bump-out between midnight and 6.00am within First Fleet Park and, Barney & Bligh Reserve between 11 and 28 February 2018 for a community event.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to change the Vivid Festival light installation locations and operation dates to 18 May - 21 June 2017. The modification also seeks to amend the hours of operation of the 'bump in' and 'bump out' period to 10.00pm - 12 midnight Mondays to Sundays. Current approved extended hours are 10.00pm – 11.00pm.
Use of Bligh Reserve and the George Street footpath in front of 'First Fleet Park' as part of the 'Rocks Markets' including market stalls. Hours of operation are from 9.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Sundays inclusive on the George Street footpath and 10.00am to 6.00pm Fridays to Sundays and on 8 public holidays in Bligh Reserve. Bump-in is 6.30am to 10.00am and bump-out is 6.00pm to 9.00pm on each day of use.
Section 96(2) modification of consent to amend the hours of operation of the Vivid Festival to 6.00pm - 11.00pm Mondays to Sundays inclusive and dates to 19 May - 21 June 2016.
Section 96 (2) application to modify the original consent for 'The Rocks Aroma Festival' to allow additional temporary structures, revised location of approved structures, and the addition of a public bar.
Section 96(1A) modification of consent to permit continuation of the 'Vivid Sydney Lights On!' festival for a further three years and amend the approved bump-in and bump-out activities from 7.30am - 10.00pm, to 7.00am - 10.00pm. Festival dates are proposed from 15 May to 11 June 2015, 12 May to 9 June 2016 and 11 May to 8 June 2017 at various locations within The Rocks, Circular Quay, Dawes Point, Walsh Bay, Millers Point and Sydney CBD. Hours of operation are 6.00pm to 12.00midnight.
Section 96(1) modification of the approved development consent removing references to construction certificate and occupation certificate requirements.
Temporary licensed event in The Rocks for 'The Smooth Festival of Chocolate' on the 4th and 5th of October 2014. The event will be held in the George Street Market Precinct, Jack Mundy Place, Playfair Street, The Rocks Square and Kendall Lane. The event will include temporary structures for food and market stalls, stage and live entertainment.
Section S96 (2) modification to the 'Bar Aroma Festival 2014' taking place Sunday 27 July 2014 including relocation of event site under Cahill Expressway. Addition of temporary licensed bar at 4-6 Atherden Street and 47 George Street to run Saturday 26 July and Sunday 27 July 2014 (10am to 5pm). Installation of Rocks Aroma Garden in Rocks Square and a display in Cleland bond 4- 31 July and associated signage.
Use of land for the art installation 'Arena Caletto' from Tuesday 10 June 2014 to Wednesday 1 October 2014 and associated temporary structures.
Erect a temporary marquee structure at First Fleet Park for Masterchef Dining & Bar.
Use of land at First Fleet Park (The Rocks) and erection of temporary marquees for a Fun Run at the finish area for spectators to mingle during the race and for competitor to mingle after the race.
Section 96 (1a) Schedule 1 - 1a new schedule artist dossier.
Installation of temporary event infrastructure along the aprons of Piers 2/3 and 4/5 as well as along the footway, adjacent to 21-21A and 15 Hickson Road and 142 George Street for the Sydney Writers' Festival.
Destination N.S.W. Temporary tourism event from 25 April 2013 to 2 May 2013 including installation of a marquee on the lawn area in front of the Museum of Contemporary Art and use of adjacent areas through to parts of First Fleet Park & Overseas Passenger Terminal forecourt area.
Health and Wellbeing Weekend 2012 at First Fleet Park on 20 & 21 October 2012.
Foxtel Lap Event at First Fleet Park on 16 November 2012, and associated bump-in and bump-out activities.
"Vivid Sydney Lights On!", a festival of light, music and ideas from mid May to mid June 2012, 2013 & 2014, at various sites within The Rocks, Circular Quay East, Dawes Piont and Millers Point. Hours of operation are 6.00 pm to 12.00 midnight.
The Rocks Aroma Festival to be held on Sunday 31 July 2011, and the last Sunday in July in 2012 to 2015 inclusive
Use of First Fleet Park for a one day event on Friday 3 December 2010 for the 'Foxtel Lap', a charity fundraising and entertainment event between 8.00am and 7.00pm, plus the erection of temporary staging and structures.
Installation of three Light Houses (Art Installations) for Vivid Sydney.
The Rocks Aroma Festival to be held on Sunday 25th July 2010
Installation of a temporary artwork known as 'Neuron' to be erected on the lawn of the Museum of Contemporary Art in relation to the Biennale of Sydney. The artwork will be in place between 27 April 2010 and 5 August 2010.
A 30m x 15m marquee with two 5 m x 5m attached marquees required to conduct an event registation centre. Bump In Friday 11th Sept 2009 , Bump Out Sunday 20th Sept 2009