Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Use 7.5sqm of public footway on Erskineville Road for outdoor dining in association with 'Acai Berry Revolution'. Proposed hours of use are between 7.00am and 10.00pm, Mondays to Sundays. This is a new application.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to amend the approved trading hours of the licensed premises known as ‘Kuki Tanuki’, which has an external patron capacity of 24 people and a total patron capacity of 94 people. Current approved hours are 10.00am - 10.00pm, Monday to Sunday inclusive. Proposed hours are 8.00am - 12.00am, Monday to Sunday inclusive.
Use public footway on Erskineville Road for outdoor seating in association with the licensed premises ‘Kuki Tanuki’ (3 tables, 12 seats). Proposed hours of use are 10.00am - 10.00pm, Mondays to Sundays inclusive.
Section 96(1A) Storage area for outdoor seating additional
Footway application associated with the Erskine Villa licensed Restaurant. A total of 14 chairs, 3 tables 1 umbrella, and 1 heater are proposed on the Erskineville Road frontage. Proposed hours of operation of the outdoor seating are between 8.00am to 10.00pm 7 days a week.
Alterations to an existing single storey commercial building including first floor addition and fit out as a licensed restaurant and bar.
Section 96(2) Amed Condition 1 - Approved Development to include the modified seating plan; Amend Condition 2 - Hours of Operation to continue the traial hours of operation and extend the Sunday trading hours to 10pm, Amend Condition 3A - Patron Capacity to increase the nubmer of patrons to 94 and Allow for courtyard seating at the rear of the site.
Footway seating comprising 3 tables and 12 chairs associated with approved wine bar, with hours of operation between 8:00am and 10:00pm. Includes barriers, heaters, umbrellas and menu board.
Section 96 (2) to modify wine bar to increase size of tenancy to include a function room and relocate toilets.
Section 96(2) modification of dessert/ chocolate shop and bar to include brick wall to south and western boundary and construct pergola roof over storage space at ground level, and addition for a storage area at first floor level. The site also has a frontage to Prospect Street.
Fitout and use as a dessert/ chocolate shop and licensed bar.
Fitout and use of premises as a wine bar, with hours of operation 8.00am - midnight, Monday to Saturday; and 8:00am - 5:00pm on Sunday. Outdoor seating is also proposed fronting Erskineville Road. This site has a secondary frontage to Prospect Street. Please note that this application is being re-notified due to an error in the original letter of notification, which contained incorrect trading hours.
S95 Extension of time for DA Consent
Change of use from vacant retail premises to a shop selling furniture antiques, collectibles, vintage clothing. External and internal paint work only. Hours of operation: Monday to Sturday 10:00am to 8:30pm and Sunday 10:00am to 8:00pm.