Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Concept Development Application for building upgrades and the use of the precinct for food and drink and tourist and visitor accommodation uses.
The application constitutes Integrated Development and requires approval under the Heritage Act 1977.
Application to renew outdoor dining permit
PAN-48979 S4.55 (2) Modification of consent at the licensed hotel known as 'Hotel CBD' to continue trial period for hours of operation between 7.00am and 4.00am Mondays to Saturdays and 10.00am to midnight Sundays, for a further 5 year trial. The existing approved hours are between 7.00am and 12.00am midnight Mondays to Saturdays and 10.00am to 12.00am midnight Sundays. The modification also seeks to change Condition 18 to update the Plan of Management.
Continued use of the public footway on York Street and King Street for outdoor seating in association with the licensed hotel known as Hotel CBD (18 square meters of area used). Proposed hours of use are 7.00am to 12.00 midnight, Monday to Sunday, inclusive.
Section 96 (2) modification of consent to continue the trial trading hours of the licensed CBD Hotel from 7.00am and 4.00am Monday to Saturday for a further 5 years.
Use public footway on York Street and King Street for outdoor seating in association with the lcensed ‘CBD Hotel’ (6 tables, 18 seats, 2 heaters and barriers). Proposed hours of use are 7.00am - 12 midnight Mondays to Saturdays inclusive and 10.00am - 12 midnight Sundays (renewal of previously approved application).
Change of use of caretakers residence to office
Continued use of footpath for outdoor seating in association with CBD HOTEL comprising 9 tables and 18 chairs. Proposed hours of outdoor seating are from 7.00am to 12 midnight, Monday to Sunday
Section 96(2) application to increase trading hours on Sundays for the CBD Hotel, current approved hours are between 10am and 12 midnight. The applicant seeks to increase Sunday trading hours to between 10.00am and 4:00am the following day (Monday) for a 5 year trial period. The site also fronts King Street.
Section 96 modification to continue for a further 5-year trial period the existing extended trading hours of the CBD Hotel 12 midnight to 4am Mondays to Saturdays, and deletion of references to amplified noise in "no spruiking" Condition 12.
Use of the CBD Hotel as a Place of Public Entertainment.
To extend the approved operating hours of the hotel to permit trading between 7:00am and 4:00am the following day, on Mondays to Saturdays, inclusive and between 10:00am and 12:00 midnight on Sundays.
The use of parts of the King and York Street public footways for the provision of outdoor seating facilities in conjunction with the adjoining "CBD Hotel".