Applications ordered newest to oldest.
Section 4.55(1A) modification of consent to amend Condition 3 – Permitted Operations and Condition 4 Bump In and Bump Out Activities – Noise & Operational Restrictions
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent for extension of current approval for temporary licensed events for a further 5 year period, comprising the following events; Internal Cannery Events, up to six (6) events to be held between 12 midday and 9pm; daytime markets, Saturday and Sunday weekly, up to 104 events to be held between 10am and 3pm; night time markets, Saturday and Sunday, up to six (6) events to be held between 4pm and 8pm.
S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to modify condition 7 (Maximum Capacity of Patrons) to increase the patron capacity from 150 to 200 patrons. Conditions 1 (Approved Development), 6 (Compliance with Acoustic Report), 12 (Primary Use/Purpose) and 13A (Plan of Management) are required to be modified to reflect the updated patron capacity and layout of the premises.
Alterations involving internal fitout of existing tenancy for a specialised retail premise and associated signage.
S4.55(1) - Modification of consent
S4.55(1) modification of the existing consent for the expansion of an existing food and drink premises known as ‘Frenchies’ into an adjoining tenancy and use of the new tenancy as a bakery and for storage and packaging of brewed products.
The applicant seeks consent to amend condition 2 of the consent, which requires the payment of an affordable housing contribution.
Alterations and additions to ‘Three Blue Ducks’ cafe, business signage and extension of operating hours.
Expansion of an existing food and drink premises known as ‘Frenchies’ into an adjoining tenancy and use of the new tenancy as a bakery and for storage and packaging of brewed products.
S4.55(1A) - Modification of consent
S4.55(2) - Continue trading from 5am for F45 gym. Approved with base hours from 6am to 10pm.
PAN-120488 - Fitout and use of tenancy as supermarket with anciliary cafe. Proposed hours of operation are 6.00am - 10.00pm Monday to Saturday and 7.00am - 9.00pm on Sundays. External signage and an artwork are also proposed.
PAN-120971 - Alterations and additions to commercial development, erection of sign and tree removal.
PAN-87104 S4.55 (1) Modification of consent
PAN-51939 Fit out and change of use to a medical centre
PAN-21755 - Section 4.55(2) modification of consent for extension of current approval for temporary licensed events for a further 2 year period, comprising the following events; Block Party, up to one (1) event to be held between 2pm and 9pm; Other Internal Cannery Events, up to six (6) events to be held between 12 midday and 9pm; daytime markets, Saturday and Sunday weekly, up to 104 events to be held between 10am and 3pm; night time markets, Saturday and Sunday, up to six (6) events to be held between 4pm and 8pm.
Fit out and use of premises (Tenancy C2) as a medical and health consultancy and associated internal alterations and signage. Trading hours are 8.00am - 9.00pm, Monday to Sunday inclusive.
Section 4.55 modification seeking to continue previously approved trial trading hours under Condition 2 of the consent for: Distillery 7.00am-8.00am Mon-Sun, Pub 10.00pm-12.00 midnight Mon-Sun, and Access from Mentmore Ave Door 9.00pm - 12.00 midnight Mon-Sun, for a further 5 year trial period.
Section 4.55 (2) modification of consent to continue the trial trading hours of the recreational facility - indoor (yoga studio) and health services facility (health studio) from 6.00am - 8.00am Monday to Friday inclusive and 7.00am - 8.00am on Saturday. The approved hours are 8.00am - 9.00pm Monday to Friday inclusive and 8.00am - 7.00pm Saturday and Sunday.
Installation a new glazed automatic door to the south entry of the existing café known as ‘Three Blue Ducks’.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent for the licensed 'Three Blue Ducks' to modify the approved internal fitout relating to bar area, continue the trial trading hours of the premises and continue the trial approval for functions/pre-booked events. The premises is seeking trial trading hours from 10pm to 12midnight, Monday to Sunday (inclusive). The hours of 7am to 10pm, Monday to Sunday (inclusive) are already approved on a permanent basis. Approval for functions/pre-booked events is sought for a maximum of up to 4 events per calendar month to occur between the hours of 6pm and 12midnight, Tuesday to Saturday (inclusive).
Re-notification due to amended event timings of S4.55(2) - Extension of current approval for licensed events for a further 12 month period, comprising the following events; Block Party, up to one (1) event to be held between 2pm and 9pm; Other Internal Cannery Events, up to six (6) events to be held between 12 midday and 9pm; daytime markets, Saturday and Sunday weekly, up to 104 events to be held between 10am and 3pm; night time markets, Saturday and Sunday, up to six (6) events to be held between 4pm and 8pm.
Section 4.55(2) modification of consent to increase the capacity of the licensed 'Archie Rose' pub from 120 to 150 patrons and extend the trial hours of operation of 12 midday to 12 midnight for a further 5 year period. Extended hours of operation are proposed for the distillery use to commence operations from 6am instead of 8am. Other modifications proposed include; extended hours of access to the premises from Mentmore Avenue up 12 midnight instead of 9pm; allowing illumination of signage up until 12 midnight instead of 10pm; and, allowing waste collection and deliveries to commence from 7am instead of 7.30am.
S4.55 1(A) Removal of condition 13 of the notice of determination
Fit out and use of health and yoga studio with associated signage. Proposed hours are 6.00am to 9.00pm Monday to Friday, 7.00am to 7.00pm Saturday, and 8.00am to 7.00pm Sunday.
Use of the Cannery (61-71 Mentmore Avenue, Rosebery and 85 - 113 Dunning Avenue, Rosebery) for licensed events throughout the year for a 1 trial year period comprising: Block Party (once annually), Truck Stop (up to six times a year), weekly markets and the occasional weekend night market.
Changes to cafe in Tenancy 3 known as 'Three Blue Ducks' including enlargement and internal changes, increase patron capacity, increase number of pre-booked functions, change to trading hours.
S96 (2) modification of condition (2) Hours of Operation to allow permanent pub trading hours of the licensed premises "Archie Rose" from 12.00 midday to 12.00 midnight, Monday to Sunday; and to remove the extended hours for the associated distillery. Current approved hours for the pub are 12.00 midday - 10.00pm, Monday to Sunday. The premises has a capacity of 120 persons.
Alterations and additions to existing building including signage and change of use to office
Fitout and change of use to office premises
S96 (2) application to amend a condition of consent relating to the operating hours for the approved indoor recreation facility (gym). Proposed operating hours are from 5.00am to 10.00pm. Current operating hours are from 6.00am to 10.00pm on a 1 year trial basis.
New internal partition walls to first floor commercial tenancy ‘A11’ and continuation of use as an office
Extension of operating hours of licensed 'Da Mario' restaurant.
Construction and installation of building identification and way finding signage (14 signs) across two sites.
Section 96(2) modification to the distillery and licensed food
and drink premises (pub) known as 'Archie Rose' to amend condition 2B (No patrons to be admitted after 11pm) to amend the door closure time to 11.30pm.
Fitout and use of commercial premises as an indoor recreation facility
Section 96(2) of the distillery and licensed food and drink premises (pub) known as 'Archie Rose' to modify Condition 2 (Hours of Operation) to extend trading for the pub between 10:00pm and 12:00 midnight on a 12 month trial.
Use of part ground floor level of existing commercial building fronting Morley Avenue for a kitchen and furniture shop and installation of one business identification sign
Alterations to existing commercial building including external alterations to Morley Avenue facade, installation of internal walls to create an additional tenancy and installation of disabled access platform lift within building
Section 96(1A) modification to reconfigure internal layout of amenities core and a small increase in floor area. Application also proposes to modify bicycle parking requirements under Condition 21.
Fit out and use of premises as a distillery for whiskey and other spirits (producer/wholesaler licence) and food and drink premises (pub) for the sale and consumption of alcohol on site (Hotel Licence) for 120 patrons.
Section 96AB application to review Condition (1A) which seeks approval for installation of a redesigned awning attached to the northern facade of the existing two storey former industrial warehouse building, above the external seating area.
Use and fit-out of tenancy C1 for a bakery and cafe.
Section 96(1A) modification of conditions 1 and 26 to permit the construction of an external awning structure at the northern end of the tenancy, internal reconfiguration, the provision of a wood fired pizza oven and installation of a projecting illuminated sign.
Section 96 (2) Modification of condition 2 to extend the operating hours of the licensed cafe known as 'Kitchen by Mike' within tenancy 3.
Fitout and use of tenancies B1 and B2 as a warehouse and distribution centre with ancillary office space.
Use and fit out of tenancy A1 as a licensed restaurant plus the installation of an awning above the external seating area.
Use and fit out of tenancy B4 as a print workshop, furniture warehouse and assembly facility.
Use and fit out of tenancy A2 as an apparel design and sample manufacturing studio with ancillary warehouse, office and showroom plus associated signage.
Use and fit out of tenancy 2H as a photographic studio, gallery and booking agency with ancillary storage and office areas plus associated signage.
Use and fit out of suites B6, B7, and B8 as a fashion public relations and communications company including office, showroom, production room, and storage uses.
Sec 96(1a) Wheelchair lift deleted with an accessible ramp at north end of building. Replace existing swing doors to the northern deck of building A with bifolds
New waste collection area
Modification of condition 1
Section 96(2) application to seek the modification of condition 4 to increase the frequency of licensed functions on site, an increase in patron capacity and the continuation of trial operating hours.
Section 96 (2) application for minor modifications to Building A at the northern end of the site, including the reconfigaration of internal partitions, toilets and staircases, alterations to external windows and entries and a new rooftop platform for access to plant.
Section 96 (1A) application to permit the replacement of the approved high level window structure on the roof of Building B with six dormer windows (three on each roofslope).
Fitout and use of Tenancy C2 as a coffee bean and coffee equipment warehouse / showroom and business signage.
Use and fit out of tenancy C1 as a surplus stock and sample warehouse with ancillary retail plus two business identification signs.
Section 96(2) modification including internal reconfiguration and new roof to Building B, internal reconfiguration and deletion of first floor addition to Building C, plus new external awnings, loading dock and accessible ramp.
Use and fit out of tenancy 3 of existing industrial/warehouse building as a furniture showroom, photographic studio and cafe with associated office and workshop facilities together with signage (non illuminated).
S96(2) application to reduce the number of tenancies from 13 to 9, reduction in car parking from 41 to 36 (Condition 8), modification to the approved signage strategy (Condition 4); and modifications to building 'A' including internal reconfiguration, creation of an additional 165sqm of gross floor area (mezzanine level), modification to window and door opening arrangements along the western facade, and modification to accessible entry arrangements (street frontage to Morely Avenue, Dunning Avenue and Hayes Road).
Use and fitout of existing industrial/warehouse building as furniture warehouse/showroom. Works include internal reconfiguration, new window openings, glazing and entries to the building facade, landscaping and building identification signage.
External and internal alterations to existing buildings to accommodate light industrial, warehouse, showroom, office and retail tenancies.