Applications ordered newest to oldest.
S4.55(1) - Modification to correct a minor error
Construction of roads (kerb-to-kerb), sewer, stormwater and water supply infrastructure, remediation and subdivision. The works are associated with Stage 1 Concept Approval D/2023/724.
Concept Development Applicationl for building envelopes for a mixed-use development comprising nine individual development blocks ranging in height between one and 25 storeys; concept design for public domain works including new streets, public open spaces and trunk drainage; and indicative land uses including basement car parking, storage and services, ground floor retail, commercial uses and a centre-based childcare facility, and residential uses
Demolition of existing structures to accommodate future redevelopment.
D/2023/724 - Dedication of land and embellishment for new parks, roads, road widening, through site link and extension of Green Square Trunk Drainage system.
Planning Proposal - Dual reticulation in buildings for recycled water, a minimum 4% non-residential GFA, exceedance of BASIX targets for water and energy and provision for EV charging capable parking.
Erection of 3 signs including 2 x top of building signs and 1 x free standing directional sign. Relocation of existing top of building signs.
Advertising signage including 3 x illuminated top of building signs, 1 x free standing directional sign (non-illuminated) and 1 x illuminated pylon sign
Additional signs to existing pylon sign
Erection of temporary fencing and temporary signage along the Epsom Road and Link Road frontages. Display of signage is limited to 4 times per year and 6 days per display.
Placement of 20 portable advertising flags associated with the existing motor vehicle dealership during operating hours along the street frontage.
The erection of a new motor showroom and associated facilities. The building is single storey with a lower ground level undercover carpark.
Erection of a fascia below the apex line of the roof, and new illuminated signage to the building elevations. demolish the existing entry air lock on the western elevation and replace with new sliding doors.
Section 96(1a) application to delete condition 6 that requires use to cease after 10 years.
Modify original Development Consent, deletion of condition 7.